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Old November 15th, 2016, 04:47 PM   #1
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New Computer system for Editing

Wow its almost 2017!

With the rise of 4K video, and my old system I am thinking about upgrading my CPU and motherboard.
I still use Adobe Suite 5.5 on a home built PC which is perfect for my needs. Usually full HD 1080p from a Canon 5D is a bit lagging, even when processed through Mpeg stream Clip, and 4k is really jerky playing.

My task manager tells me that during rendering and such, there is plenty of (8gigs) memory available surprisingly, but the CPU is at like 99% of use the whole time. I currently have a dual AMD 64 bit 3 gig speed CPU. I suspect that the CPU could be updated. (I think I ve had it for about 7 years or maybe more.

---->>>>EDIT-->>>>> I have a Intel Core Duo e8400 3 Gighz.<<<<--
Video card is the Nvidia Quadro 2000

1. Does upgrading the CPU / Motherboard make sense for faster rending and for future 4k editing?
2. Any suggestions on CPU / Motherboards that are good for editing / PC / Adobe Premiere Pro?
3. Do you have clients you are thinking about 4K or wanting it? (I have none so far, but want to upgrade to accommodate the next 5 years or so.


Last edited by Silas Barker; November 16th, 2016 at 01:24 PM. Reason: wrong information
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Old November 15th, 2016, 09:24 PM   #2
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Re: New Computer system for Editing

I think the traditional school of thought in that situation is upgrade the video card. I can't say for sure, I'm a Mac guy and we don't have that option.
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Old November 16th, 2016, 12:38 AM   #3
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Re: New Computer system for Editing

To be honest. I would be thinking of a new computer with I7, affordable good GPU and SSD then transfer any HDisks you have. Look for gaming computers.
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Old November 16th, 2016, 03:51 AM   #4
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Re: New Computer system for Editing

These are the system building guides you need ...

DIY Recipes and System Recommendations for Video Editing Videoguys Blog

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Old November 16th, 2016, 04:17 AM   #5
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Re: New Computer system for Editing

Hi Silas,

A couple of months back I updated my system as I was having bad stuttering with 4K footage and anything more than 4 streams of HD video.

My old system was Win7 64bit based running Magix mediaProX7 with an AMD Phenon 2 XM965 3.4 Ghz quad core CPU. Ram was 8Gb DDR3 and an AMD Radeon HD6670 graphics card.

For the new system, I reluctantly decided on Win10 64bit after some discussion, still running the same Magix NLE which I love. CPU is Intel I7 6700 3.4Ghz 8 core, ram 16Gb DDR4 and graphics card is Nvidea GT740.

The performance is streets ahead of the old system, with no stuttering at all, even on 3 streams of 4K footage. All rendering is also many times faster, with final rendering to MP4 taking 20-25% of the time depending on effects used. The problem with your old system will be due to many different factors, including the speed of the CPU, the smalle amount of Ram and the fact it is older slower ram, graphics card etc. 8 gigs of Ram. particularly older ram is nowhere near enough for video editing using higher bit rates I almost went to 32Gb ram for my new system but decided to see how it performed with 16Gb, which is fine.

My new system, using my existing monitors and external gear was less than £1000.

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Old November 16th, 2016, 12:55 PM   #6
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Re: New Computer system for Editing

AMD processors are not recommended for Premiere, some instruction set is missing or something like that, which gives the Intel i7 a huge performance advantage.

A good *base* system would be the Z170-based motherboard with the Core i7-6700 that Roger mentioned. 16GB min. RAM, but prices are pretty low right now so just go for 32GB if you can - nice when you have multiple Adobe apps open at once, or doing any After Effects work. For graphics, the GTX 1060 or 1070 would be great. SSD boot drive, and internal or external RAID array for video storage.

Jeff Pulera
Safe Harbor Computers
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Old November 16th, 2016, 01:26 PM   #7
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Re: New Computer system for Editing

Thanks for the replies, guys!

I actually was mixed up, I have the following OLD CPU and video card:

CPU Intel Core Duo e8400 3 Gighz
Video card is the Nvidia Quadro 2000

Sounds like people are recommending the I7 CPU - what about a motherboard? Any other recommendations? Is a QUAD CORE enough or is the 8 CORE way better? Looks like the prices are quite a bit higher for 8 core.

Thanks so much for the feedback!
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Old November 16th, 2016, 01:41 PM   #8
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Re: New Computer system for Editing

Are there any good charts out there showing the difference between rending with Dual core, Quad core, and 8 Core CPUs? (Ideally, for HD1080p and for 4k)

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Old November 16th, 2016, 02:50 PM   #9
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Re: New Computer system for Editing

Not sure about charts although you could google. I think that dual core processors are just not up to current processing requirements and I would try to go the extra cost to an 8 core with as much ram as you can afford, especially if you are contemplating working in 4K.

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Old November 16th, 2016, 06:47 PM   #10
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Re: New Computer system for Editing

Here is what I am thinking so far for CPU and MB:

Its a QUAD core processor with MB. I think this will be a step up from dual core?!
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Old November 16th, 2016, 06:53 PM   #11
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Re: New Computer system for Editing

Originally Posted by Roger Gunkel View Post
Hi Silas,

A couple of months back I updated my system as I was having bad stuttering with 4K footage and anything more than 4 streams of HD video.

My old system was Win7 64bit based running Magix mediaProX7 with an AMD Phenon 2 XM965 3.4 Ghz quad core CPU. Ram was 8Gb DDR3 and an AMD Radeon HD6670 graphics card.

For the new system, I reluctantly decided on Win10 64bit after some discussion, still running the same Magix NLE which I love. CPU is Intel I7 6700 3.4Ghz 8 core, ram 16Gb DDR4 and graphics card is Nvidea GT740.

The performance is streets ahead of the old system, with no stuttering at all, even on 3 streams of 4K footage. All rendering is also many times faster, with final rendering to MP4 taking 20-25% of the time depending on effects used. The problem with your old system will be due to many different factors, including the speed of the CPU, the smalle amount of Ram and the fact it is older slower ram, graphics card etc. 8 gigs of Ram. particularly older ram is nowhere near enough for video editing using higher bit rates I almost went to 32Gb ram for my new system but decided to see how it performed with 16Gb, which is fine.

My new system, using my existing monitors and external gear was less than £1000.


Do you have a link to that processor? Having trouble finding 8 core of that model, Thanks!
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Old November 16th, 2016, 07:33 PM   #12
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Re: New Computer system for Editing

Also found this article, I am liking either the Power User or Professional Editing Combination (specifically the CPU/ Mother board and Graphics drives)
Building the Best PC for Video Editing

Allthough I am unclear if those GPU's work adobe's software:
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Old November 17th, 2016, 05:12 AM   #13
Inner Circle
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Re: New Computer system for Editing

Hi Silas,

I just googled my processor and found it listed as a quad core, which is interesting as the device manager clearly shows it as 8 cores of 3.40Ghz.

So I just rang my system builder who explained that the i7-6700 is a quad core 8 string processor. Apparently this is a development that is described as 4 extra 'virtual cores', which the system sees as 8 cores enabling 8 processes to be run simultaneously. This would help with video editing particularly when rendering clips that have several effects such as stabilisation, colour balancing, leveling etc all at the same time.

So apologies for describing it as a eight core when in fact it is 4 cores and 8 strings, all very confusing to me with limited system building experience. I tend to give the work to my local trusted builder now as it works out no more expensive than doing it myself. It might be worth checking to see if the CPU you linked to is an 8 string one.

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Old November 17th, 2016, 09:00 AM   #14
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Re: New Computer system for Editing

I love the little nuances of language - "a quad core 8 string processor."

In the states, it's "8 threads" ;-)


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Old November 18th, 2016, 11:01 AM   #15
Inner Circle
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Re: New Computer system for Editing

LOL I've seen it as both over this side of the pond. Having been married to a Texas girl in the dim and distant past, I have always been amused by the subtle variations in wording and spellings.

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