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Old February 28th, 2015, 01:38 PM   #1
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video footage to usb

OK so i am on the band wagon of giving USB out this year for wedding movies and being so used to DVD what is the best way of doing this as my day at having a look has seen me throw things at my computer.
8gb USB, 40 minute film, formatted fat 32 in the USB, in Encore downloaded file to folder on hard drive as HD 1080 x 1920 mp4, Tried to find folder and its in a cache system on hard drive? Finally found file, dragged and dropped to the USB, USB to TV, folder there on TV, but says no folder when trying to play?
OK start again, back in encore download as 720 x 1280 hd high quality, folder found in drive in cache system again?, drag and drop into USB, same again no folder found but you can see it in a folder on screen..
F............go back to DVD,....
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Old March 1st, 2015, 01:03 PM   #2
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Re: video footage to usb

If it's like my TV, it only recognizes certain file formats. My (Samsung) will respond to mpeg and wmv files, iirc, and ignores .mov and .avi files completely. (I think I have that right, anyway the principle is that if it's not set up to recognize your format, it doesn't.)
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Old March 1st, 2015, 03:04 PM   #3
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Re: video footage to usb

Cheers Battle, i have battled all day with this simple ridiculous problem, i am now sticking to Discs... Thanks Steve
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Old March 1st, 2015, 03:57 PM   #4
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Re: video footage to usb

Can you not just export a mp4 directly from premiere? If you format your usb stick as fat32 and assure your exported file does fit on it due to the fat32 size limit it should play on every tv.
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Old March 2nd, 2015, 05:38 AM   #5
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Re: video footage to usb

Cheers Noa but the trouble is if i have bit-rate at 6 and max 10 for some reason its still asking me that the file is still to large by say 1gb, the quality is already lowered.. I will stick to Bluray and DVD till the TV companies and USB companies sort it out. I dont know what Clive and Tacky are doing but i cannot get it to play on TV.
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Old March 2nd, 2015, 06:27 AM   #6
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Re: video footage to usb

You could do the way I do, I do deliver a usb file formatted as exfat with their weddingfilm in a high bitrate and let them figure out how they are going to play them. For me the usb stick is just a data carrier formatted to open on Mac or Pc and with no filesize limitation.

I never promise a client they can just plug and play with the usb sticks I deliver, there are just too many variables to consider and I don't want to supply a low bitrate file just so I can fit it on a fat32 formatted stick as that should give the best playback compatibility. Instead I deliver them a high quality file but I leave it up to the client to see how they are going to view that on a laptop, tablet or tv, it's a mp4 file so that has to be possible to playback on every device possible, if they are using the right hardware, if their tv doesn't support exfat, they should get a mediastreamer that does and connect that to their tv or they should copy teh file to a ntfs formatted stick and plug directly into their tv. I only see tv's as a problem, my usb sticks will play on latops and tablets.
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Old March 2nd, 2015, 08:25 AM   #7
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Re: video footage to usb

If your main problem is the size of the files and/or restricted bit rate, have you not tried breaking the video into smaller files? For instance rendering a new file at the same place that you would create a chapter point on a dvd. Perhaps preps, guest arrivals, ceremony, photo shoot, reception etc. Both of my tvs will play mp4 files on a fat 32 USB drive in a consecutive sequence, providing they are no bigger than 4Gb each.

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Old March 2nd, 2015, 09:00 AM   #8
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Re: video footage to usb

Originally Posted by Noa Put View Post
Can you not just export a mp4 directly from premiere? If you format your usb stick as fat32 and assure your exported file does fit on it due to the fat32 size limit it should play on every tv.
That's what I thought too.
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Old March 2nd, 2015, 09:09 AM   #9
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Re: video footage to usb

Hi Steve,

Can you please clarify this statement - "in Encore downloaded file to folder on hard drive as HD 1080 x 1920 mp4". Encore should not be involved in the process, simply use Adobe Media Encoder and create an .mp4 file. And as others mentioned, mind the file size limit or change format of stick to accommodate larger files.

Why don't TVs recognize .mov and .avi files? Simply, those are meant for use on computers. They are CONTAINERS and can contain video encoded in an endless variety of "codecs", and the codec must be installed on the system or the player doesn't know how to play the file. Computers can't arbitrarily play an .mov or .avi file, you must have the codec installed or it will fail.

So, for TVs just use .mp4 as that is pretty much the universally accepted format. In fact, .mp4 is usually a safe bet to be playable on Mac, PC, tablet, or TV.

Jeff Pulera
Safe Harbor Computers
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Old March 2nd, 2015, 12:22 PM   #10
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Re: video footage to usb

Thanks guys, sorry i am using adobe media encoder not encore! but when i download the folder to hard drive from media encoder and transfer to fat 32 USB its saying file to large and i checked and the bit-rate was Tackys recommendations in 12 not more than 15 bit-rate. I am now trying 720p instead of 1080 with bit-rate at 6 max 10 see what happens. Other than that i think Noa right just give them the file at ex fat and let them sort it?
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Old March 3rd, 2015, 02:03 AM   #11
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Re: video footage to usb

Got the 4 GB USB to play a 45 minute feature film on TV and all laptops and various TV.
Settings! media encoder 1280 x 720, target bit-rate 6 max 12, the file came in at 2.60 GB so plenty more space , going back to full hd and same bit-rate and should be good to go under the 4 GB limit for fat 32 to play in everything. Quality was very good no stuttering all good.
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Old March 4th, 2015, 03:55 AM   #12
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Re: video footage to usb

OK, so for the record if it helps others, i went through encoder again with a full HD setting 1080 x 1920, 25 frames, progressive VBR 2, target bit-rate 6, max 12, the file size came out at 3. 40 GB, played in the TV and all laptops but found that it stuttered slightly only slightly so i tried the 1280 x 720 HD setting again but 8 target bit-rate and 12 max and it played better on the TV.
So in the future i will use that setting, that way all my clients will get the DVD plus the USB with the 1280 x 720 HD setting so i am sure it will play in all TV. I have tried the USB in all 5 different TV and all work superbly. Steve
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