Quck Timline Opacity 2cam Editer program need? at DVinfo.net
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Old January 26th, 2012, 05:06 PM   #1
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Quick Timeline Opacity/Alpha 2cam Editer program need?

I had asked about this before, and I am still missing my "easy" 2 cam blending option I had in Premiere 6.
I will try and write more cleanly this time.

I had a very specific method of combining 2 Long running synced cameras together. It was simple fast, and manuel , and has little to do with 2 camera switching they provide in NLEs.

Just rubberband the opacity for the top video, when the rubber band was at the top, the top video is shown.
(opacity or alpha , or mix video rubberbanding of one video layer)

As you can see this was originally the most simple thing , with the most control, and the least ammount of MESS to weed through to re-adjust. Just grab the line and Pull.

The 2 cameras are recording a Theme ballet, there are only a few A-V sync points existing.

1) Without Breaking each of the videos , Must not break either videos timeline , because if it is off by a few frames Anywhere, or the sync between the 2 gets off, the whole thing gets ruined. It is also very very hard to determine sync.

2) Is not about "transistions" although I am trying to transistion between 2 videos, I Only need to change the Opacity of the top video. The last thing I need is 300 transitions on the timeline, not only is that a mess, but programs start getting unstable about then.

3) it is not ever Cuts, it is trying to put in slow and fast dissolves to go between cameras, the accuracy within a few frames sometimes, sometimes just loosly placed.

4) It is not Constant, it needs to be manually and easily changed and re-changed , every "switch" has a human feel about it not a number of seconds. It should not have bunch of complex broken and hard to change things.

5) it does not break the continuity of the long videos . One time i accidentally left 8 frames out of a video (8 frames) and they spotted it. So i am totally paranoid about having to find, re-do and redistribute hundreds of videos because of an unnessiary time split

I have finnaly updated premiere to the 5.0CS, to accomplish this specific edit type, and the Jerks now set it so i have to manually create each Keyframe. Before a keyframe could be added by just Grab the line and pull. 5.0 was not terrible, but adobee then crashed. The program has a lot of cute and complex, but it is still a buggy beech.

Tried Vegas, and it wont pull this off , although it could do a 2 cam switch (with Timed dissolve) the mess it leaves was imposslble, and it takes 3-4point adjustments to make minor changes, and one Slip and it gets ruined, The problem with the slips is they are impossible to spot.

Would Edios pull off such a thing? I have seen 20 videos on how amasing edios can work with clips, and clips of clips, and more clips, but nothing on working with whole unbroken video
Re-learning everything all over again, one more time.

Last edited by Marty Welk; January 26th, 2012 at 07:02 PM.
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Old January 26th, 2012, 05:17 PM   #2
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Re: Quck Timline Opacity 2cam Editer program need?

Video Specs: The videos were HD , but are converted to SD in DV resolutions using Huffy.
29.97 Fps , Huffy (low compressed) , 720 x480 , about 1 hour time each x2 .
Premiere was handling 2 streams of these videos ok.

Machine specs:
Xeon 3380 CPU , running 3.6g (similar to a 9650 Quad)
ATI/AMD 4890 video card
8gig memory
2 different raid 0 drive arrays , about 80MB/S speed even from-to (plus other disks)
Windows 7 64Bit , very clean stable and newer install
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Old January 27th, 2012, 12:37 AM   #3
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Re: Quck Timline Opacity 2cam Editer program need?

1. The links you provided don't work.

2. Put camera 1 on video track 1, put camera 2 on video track 2. Click on camera 2 clip. Go to effect window on camera 2, twirl down the one called "opacity". You can set keyframes on opacity by changing the value. You can move and adjust keyframes in the timeline on the left or in the timeline window itself on the upper clip. You can also use keyframe (pen) tool on the main timeline window. By right clicking on a keyframe you can adjust the easing and interpolation - linear is standard, but you can change it to be more curve-like, if you want to.

You will find more info about keyframing in Adobe help file under "keyframes".
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Old January 27th, 2012, 01:46 AM   #4
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Re: Quck Timline Opacity 2cam Editer program need?

The pics come and go, some server problem?

You know what i am doing which is great. is there ANY other program than premier that you have seen that will do this same thing? Even the most simple of the programs, I want a Virtual Dub of Camera mixing. Adobee is just up to its usual tricks of working for some time then crashing, I am assuming now it is because of the Huffy videos.

in adobee with the PEN tool I can hold the Ctrl key and create keyframes quick, but they then were ease keyframes? which works ok.
Re-learning everything all over again, one more time.

Last edited by Marty Welk; January 27th, 2012 at 07:35 PM.
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Old January 27th, 2012, 07:11 PM   #5
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Re: Quck Timline Opacity 2cam Editer program need?

I think I got Edius to do it. but it would not load in the huffy compressed video.
I am still working on figuring out the program, but the basics are the same,like this:

Drop 2 videos in, one on the AV line, one on the 2V line (or 2nd video)
Out of "Effect" drag and drop a "Keyer / PiP" onto both lines, in the "information" adjust the pip as desired.
On the left of the timeline expand the "mixer" do the dragging of the blue semi visable line around , to mark the points and set the "transistion" . (I leave it 50% visable till after i am done setting everything, then move them all later, that way i can always see both views) .
After the video is all marked up and the "transitions" are all in the right places. Select the Mixer line again, and in "Information" get rid of the pip, and of course finish the pull down of the mixer line to complete.

If this is a sad method, or anybody has any tips , i would be happy to hear them, I found other crasy methods in the program, but they are not on the visable simple timeline itself.

Edius did allow for instant keyframe creation again by touching, soo that is a lot faster too, Now if i could figure out if the Pay version with the whole kit would allow for loading of the huffy compressed, or logaryth or mabey some very low compressed mpeg of some sort or ??? i donno.
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Old March 26th, 2012, 04:54 PM   #6
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Re: Quck Timline Opacity 2cam Editer program need?

In Premiere CS3 (I'm a slow upgrader - if it ain't broke, don't fix it!) all I need to do is hold the ctrl key while clicking with the pointer tool, and it creates a new opacity keyframe. I'm not sure if this remains the same in CS5 (I did the trial but didn't like a few things about it) but it couldn't be much harder that hitting the "p" key to get the pen tool, then using the ctrl key.
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