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Old May 13th, 2005, 02:20 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 3
Cheap minidv cameras for decks

I just bought a DVX100a and I would rather not use it to capture and I don't have $900 to pay for a dv deck, so I was thinking of buying a cheap minidv camera to act as a deck. So I was just wondering if the quality will suffer when using a cheap camera as opposed to my dvx100a or a high quality deck? Anybody have any experiences using cheap cameras to capture?

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Old May 13th, 2005, 02:45 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Will quality suffer? No.

Lots of people here use cheap cameras to capture. I'd probably get something like an Optura 20 or Panasonic GS70/120/150. Top loading, analog-digital passthrough (if I remember correctly), great bang for the buck in terms of image quality if you need a second camera.
There are some new Optura 20s on eBay for around $400 (although eBay can be sketchy sometimes; know what you're doing).

2- AN old Samsung camera I had (SCD55 I think) was fairly unresponsive to deck control (the computer program controlling the camera). It was a pain. I'd avoid Samsung anyways, because their cameras aren't all that great. Presumably their new cameras will have decent deck control?
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Old May 13th, 2005, 03:05 PM   #3
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DVC80 user


I shoot with a DVC80 and use my old PV-DV100 as a capture/export deck. No problems at all, but a dedicated deck will rewind and fast-forward more quickly then a camcorder. Also, you can't scrub on a camcorder, but that's not a day-to-day need I have anyway. Find a broken camcorder with dead optics on eBay for $100, and your DVX can rest in its case when not shooting.
Tim Borek is offline   Reply

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