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Non-Linear Editing on the PC
Discussing the editing of all formats with Matrox, Pinnacle and more.

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Old April 1st, 2005, 06:33 PM   #16
Inner Circle
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Mark wrote

"Judging by the lack of response can I assume it is not very popular among the Pro's. If so, why?"

Define "pro".
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Old April 1st, 2005, 07:04 PM   #17
Skyonic New York
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i think the overall theme here has been test drive test drive test drive...but your right there is more to great software then code...canopus forums has some of the most helpfull folks on the web, especially the edius forum...

for example one edius board member created a custom website that lets other users list wishlists for future updates, and one for bugs, thats pretty cool, and even better canopus has responded to a number of those things

i have been avid user for some time now...and really always hated the premiere hardware shackles of dv storm...but that was then

today i use edius almost exclusively, it has been the only software that gives me the rt power to work in motels and air port lobbies all over the country, i use a pentium 3ghz with ht on and edius just flys, when i get back to my studio i upload my files and use storm to do my deck output...but on occasion you just can't do that, its nice to have that kind of real time power on laptop, give me a firewire connection and out to tape i go

if you ever saw those mac ads with the hd video playing on a power book, well it sort of like that, except that i really can play hd with cc in rt with no frame drops

it was not an easy road, i have been using edius since version one, and boy did that app suck, today version 3.2 (with a new version that will be shown at nab) has everything "I" need to get the job done...

edius's roots are in the news cutting field, it was not designed to cut movies or do special effects, it is a fast cutter, and all that comes fron the real time power..in japan and china edius is a house hold name in broadcasting...

edius is coming out with new features on what seems like a 6 month cycle, every 6 month an update appears with some minor updates in between, that is a very rapid develop cycle which we all like

main reasons to get edius:
fast, supa stable
real time full resolution output with no hardware, no drop frames
tied in with procoder my favorite encoder
canopus community
rt dvcpro and dvcpro hd codec support for panays new cam, 30p 24p ready

main things edius lacks:
it has no keyframing engine for filters
it has a lack of audio tools, (it does have vst plugin support, that is hit or miss with some plugins i tried)
no layer matte, or garbage mask tools

whats ahead, there is a new muliti cam editing tool that will be on display at NAB and a host of other updates...

by the way i also use vegas now, it is very cost effect, and has the best audio tools of any nle i have ever used, vegas can do some amazing things, but i can't use it on a daily production basis, just to slow..

and i have totaly dumped avid except for few clients i work with, to me avid just doesn't get it anymore...

also let me end by saying that fcp deserves a look, i love fcp and will have my own suite here soon...

good luck and test drive
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Old April 1st, 2005, 07:05 PM   #18
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Hey Rich,

Looking forward to your response. I have learned a lot from you on this site.

Pro, as in what a typical wedding videogragher might use or someone converting older analog video to digital DVD with excellent authoring capabilities. But as I stated in my first post. I will have to teach myself so I would prefer an NLE that produces an excellent quality video image, but has an easier interface when compared to other NLEs. I would be willing to sacrafice some of the bells and whistles. I have been using Studio 9 for
about a year and have really good understanding of it, so I thought I might be ready for something a little Prosumer oriented.

Also, what about stand alone encoders from Canopus, will they improve the video image a great deal?


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Old April 1st, 2005, 07:18 PM   #19
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Thanks for taking a great deal of time with your answers. Tech suport is always one of the major factors in my decision making no matter what I am buying. Canopus really impressed me in that department.

You mentioned the lack of Audio controls. I have to say that even Pinnacle S9 has an excellent plug in for removing hiss on old VHS tapes called Clear Spot. Could I assume that the Canopus NLE's have this type of basic audio correction tools?


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Old April 1st, 2005, 07:46 PM   #20
Skyonic New York
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you need to get

if you plan on doing any noise reduction within edius, which is $599 on its own...see what i mean, for noise reduction and sound compression i use sound forge...

edius has ways to go in the sound department, although there are a lot of free vst plugins that are worth checking out...
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Old April 1st, 2005, 09:46 PM   #21
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<<<-- Originally posted by Bill Zens : Pinnacle Liquid Edition is not Studio... -->>>

Don't think I said it was. Original poster said he was using Studio.
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Old April 2nd, 2005, 08:13 AM   #22
Inner Circle
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Keep in mind that Pinnacle was just acquired by avid. For whatever that might mean to the future of the different brands that currrently exist under the Pinnacle name.
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Old April 4th, 2005, 11:31 AM   #23
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i think that what editor to get should be influenced by the type of work that you'll be doing with it.

i tried to make le6 work before the le6.1 rev came out, and it was buggy as heck... some of the problems may have been fixed by the update, but in light of the aforementioned pinnacle purchase by avid, i wouldn't want to invest the learning curve on le6 at this point... le6 only has single-pass mpeg2 encoding for dvd... you cannot use procoder with le6, but vegas will frameserve to procoder.

title deko is better than the vegas titler, because it allows you to actually save the title outside of the project, vegas will only allow it's titles to be saved as presets... really lame, do you have a need to re-use your titles on different projects? forget vegas, you'll need to pay for a seperate titling app.

i went ahead and got vegas, despite the complete lack of support for editing hardware cards... it's a rather weird timeline-based app, that has no provisions for basic things like the premiere magnet function, only one video preview window, etc... vegas 6 is on the horizon for nab, hopefully they have fixed some of these major shortcomings... i do give it major props for stability, tho, it's never crashed on me... the rendering is *very* slow on my 3ghz p4.
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