Can you Convert to 24P in Software on the PC? at
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Old September 16th, 2004, 09:27 PM   #1
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Can you Convert to 24P in Software on the PC?

I just got a Panasonic DVC30 and it does not do 24P. If I want to do this, can this be converted via some software on the PC?

I don't have any software, yet, for my computer (don't know how all that works, yet).

Does Adobe Premier do this? Are there any others that do?

Also, I want to put video on DVDs. Will these software packages do that?

With a Firewire cable, do I connect it to a video capture card? Why doesn't the Firewire port on the computer work?

Thanks for any help,
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Old September 16th, 2004, 11:10 PM   #2
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Adobe Premiere as of 6.0 (creak, creak) comes with an AE plug-in called Posterize Time, which allows you to lock a 60fps clip at 24fps. I'm trying it out right now to see if I like the look. Obviously this isn't exactly 24p.

You may also want to read the article on creating a film look from dvi's own library:

..which goes into some detail on how to get a "film look."

Michael Bernstein, actor & film maker.
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Old September 17th, 2004, 02:09 AM   #3
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Yes, most NLE's do this. The question however is why you would
want to do this. I can't imagine this will look good or give you that
film 24p look, otherwise everybody would be doing this.

The only reason I can see to do this is if you are going out to film
(in which case the transfer house will probably do a better job)
or need to mix it with 24p footage (which probably looked better
through a 2:3 pulldown to match with the 30p footage than the
other way around).

Rob Lohman,
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Old September 19th, 2004, 08:28 PM   #4
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Regarding the 24fps conversion, read up on motionperfect (by dynapel), twixtor, Algolith, dvfilm, magic bullet, even an in NLE way of accomplishing this in Vegas (see threads by Edward Troxel or DSE), etc. Some of these are stand alone and some are plug-ins. There are others of course and some require a mask while others (ie motionperfect) does not. Motionperfect and twixtor are I believe the most reasonably priced.
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