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Old September 14th, 2004, 05:11 PM   #1
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Editing software question.

This is completely opinion based but I want to know, what software do you recommend for PC? I am seriously considering buying Vegas 5 but am looking for opinions from you guys on other programs.

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Old September 14th, 2004, 06:28 PM   #2
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Well of the 3 I've used - Premiere, Vegas and Avid Xpress I got Vegas. Here were my requirements

- Don't need to work with industry standards (Avid)
- Needs to be good bang for the buck (Vegas has good audio tools built in)
- Needs to be stable (Unlike my experience with Premiere)
- Realtime FX (I don't think Avid had that sussed when I looked at it)

That said, Vegas aint perfect. I'd like better media management for one thing. And better timeline scrubbing. They added a scrubbable timeline cursor, but it's pretty crap - nothing like Premiere and Avid.

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Old September 14th, 2004, 06:37 PM   #3
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Tried Premiere Pro and Vegas.

Premiere Pro 1: buggy. Premiere Pro 1.5 seems to be stable.

The Premiere Pro bundle looks sweet because you get Photoshop and After Effects, but if you don't need those or know how to use those programs then it's not much help.

As far as editing goes, Vegas is very different but once you figure out workflows for it you can cut fast on it. Vegas is very, very different from Final Cut, Premiere (and Avid presumably).

Vegas is really powerful. You get excellent audio tools (almost never have to leave the program), good compositing tools, and better color correction tools than Premiere Pro.

I like Vegas better. However, you might want to build a list of what features you are looking for and then pick your editing program. Or figure out what kind of stuff you will be editing... feature length stuff or short films may be one area where Premiere Pro is better (because you don't need all of Vegas' tools and Vegas' media management ain't that great).
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Old September 15th, 2004, 02:07 AM   #4
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Re: Editing software question.

<<<-- Originally posted by Mitch Buss : am looking for opinions from you guys on other programs. -->>>

I am wondering why you looking for this? As you already indicate
this is totally personal. Get your hands on demos of the major
NLE's and check them out yourself (by doing some ACTUAL editing
in them!) and go with what works for you and you can afford.

Rob Lohman, visuar@iname.com
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