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Non-Linear Editing on the PC
Discussing the editing of all formats with Matrox, Pinnacle and more.

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Old April 26th, 2004, 03:10 AM   #1
Regular Crew
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Location: Calgary, AB, CANADA
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pc or mac?

hi, so what should i buy? pc or mac, and if pc then which software should i get. i'll be editing a feature, and this is all new/greek to me. are they all basically the same?

any help is appreciated.
Joe Ryan is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 26th, 2004, 09:20 AM   #2
Major Player
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I use PC at work and Mac at home and I can tell you, they both get the job done. So the real question with both hardware and software is which systems match your work flow. In an ideal world you'd borrow/download/etc all the different possibilities and try them to see which one you like best. But without a computer at all that's a little more challenging. Have you got any friends in the area that can help you out?

Good luck.

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Old April 26th, 2004, 04:51 PM   #3
Inner Circle
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Usually you're best off getting the program that suits you the best and THEN you get a mac/PC. As far as programs and platforms go, your best choices IMO are:
(Mac/FCPro isn't really necessary)
PC/Vegas (Vegas isn't that great for longform stuff though)
PC/Premiere Pro

If you qualify for academic discounts then they don't cost much. At the lower level there's also:
Mac/iMovie (iMovie is very bad for longform, although I don't have experience with the newest incarnation)
PC/Pinnacle Studio
and others. I don't really pay attention to the many low-budget editors out there. All the programs basically do the same thing though... so you don't gain too much by getting a more powerful and more expensive program. You should post more details so you'll get more focused advice. Things I'd give more detail on:
Do you only need to add cuts and dissolves or more?
What your output format is (Some NLEs come bundled with DVD authoring programs)
Do you need really fancy titles?
How long your projects are (some NLEs are better at handling lots of fotoage compared to others)
Basically. what you want to do.

Other considerations:
What gear you already have: computer, camera, lighting, sound gear, tripod (your money may be better spent on sound gear than on a bleeding-edge computer and pro software)
Your budget
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Old April 27th, 2004, 03:07 PM   #4
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Calgary, AB, CANADA
Posts: 36
thanks for the advice, guys.
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