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Old June 24th, 2009, 03:55 PM   #1
Major Player
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memory purging?

This might be more of a straight computer question, but what is it that "fills up" the longer I edit? When using After Effects, it has a "purge" command - but what can I do to clear out whatever it is that slows everything down?

I've found I can shut the computer off and restart - and it runs faster. But there must be an easier way.

Robert Bobson is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 24th, 2009, 06:55 PM   #2
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I think what you're talking about is referred to as a "memory leak". Operating systems and applications take memory they need when they need it, but they should be good citizens and give it back when they're done. All software tries to do it, but some are less successful at it than others. That results in small areas of memory being allocated but not used. Over time, the taking and giving of memory results in larger and larger chunks of your RAM being allocated but not being used by any program. Basically, they become a dead zone that cannot be accessed until you restart a program, which is somewhat useful. However, a reboot will eradicate all the "dead zones" in memory and you start the cycle over again. A system will become progressively slower as it has to swap more and more data in and out of smaller and smaller bits of available memory.

I know that Premier Pro suffers from memory leaks, and when working in the software business, we had to code around memory leaks in Windows, but that was years ago. Leaks are quite common but become very annoying when using memory intensive applications like video editing and compositing software tends to be.

I wouldn't expect that to change in the foreseeable future. That's why maxing out a system's memory is often a good idea.
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Old June 25th, 2009, 03:28 PM   #3
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I've just accepted that when using Premiere, an hourly reboot is a good idea. Gives me a chance to get up and stretch my legs anyway.

I also do this whenever I complete a complicated task in Premiere that I don't want to have to do again. And for further protection, Auto-Save is set to five minutes.
Adam Gold is offline   Reply

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