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Non-Linear Editing on the PC
Discussing the editing of all formats with Matrox, Pinnacle and more.

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Old February 24th, 2004, 04:21 PM   #1
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Does one do it all?

I've given up on buying a top end editing software until I have the money to buy it. My projects are simple anyway so the less expensive ones should be just fine.
I have been reading reviews and everything I can to compare the affordable ones. What I want to know is there just ONE that has all or most of the good features? I think the wide screeen and surround sound is a nice feature on the Pinnacle studio 9 but have read about a lot of problems with it.
I like the Sony Screenblast but do not like the VERY long rendering time and the walk through help is just plain old bad.
The new Roxio has some really nice features, like camera to disc burning with no rendering, the blue screen special effect and a couple other things. However the credit/text is weak.
I have heard of but not found anything on one called Ulead? At least nothing positive.
So can anyone help me out? Thanks.
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Old February 24th, 2004, 04:54 PM   #2
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I use AVID Xpress 3.5.4, and I love it. It supports realtime effects, so if you have enough RAM you don't have to wait to render to see them. The way it manages captured video is also a big plus. But I do use other programs in addition to Xpress. And on the negative side, it can be very particular and buggy, especially if you don't have a fast system. It's also a bit pricy ($1000) I think. It does quite a lot of things, but certainly not everything.

I've heard a lot of good things about Vegas, and I have it installed as well, but I haven't used it too much. I quit on Premiere after version 6.5 repeatedly crashed on my old computer.
John Lee
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Old February 24th, 2004, 08:15 PM   #3
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Screenblast is a great option, with possibilities to upgrade to Vegas without re-learning anything. Also get Douglas Spotted Eagle's book on Vegas 4. You can learn quite a bit from reading through the Vegas Tips, Tricks and Scripts newsletters:
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Old February 25th, 2004, 09:18 PM   #4
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Check out the new kid on the block: Edius 2 from Canopus.... Download the demo and see for yourself. I try it myself and couldn't believe the way it handles video files like a heavyweight champion. I have been a Premiere user for the last two years, Ive tried also Vegas, Pinnacle and other PC softwares wich I don't like nothing at all (the feel and look are like Fisher Price toys) In the MAC side I tried Final Cut Pro and Avid Xpress Pro were in my opinion Avid + MOJO is the Champ.
If you have 3,000.00 go fro Avid + Mojo, If not go with Edius.
Just my two cents ,

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