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Old February 10th, 2004, 11:34 AM   #1
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Adobe Illustrator font issue

I don't know if anyone has expeirenced this but here it goes....

My wife is a graphic design major at the art institute. At school, she uses many programs, one in particular is Illustrator 10. We have two computers and they both have the same software installed on Win 2K pro, service pack 4. Recently she brougt a project home to work on and the illustator on her computer just stopped working. When she would open her project, the startup would not go past the point of "reading fonts". I suggested that she try it on my computer, after a few successful uses, my computer soon suffered the same fate. I tried to unistall, reinstall, even take every adobe product off, and then reinstall and no go. Also trying to do a custom istall of the individual packages on illustrator and at one point it would tell me that a file was "locked". The last thing I can think to do is wipe the HD's and do a fresh install all together. Has anyone expeienced this issue? Since I do video work and she does graphic design, our worlds a getting closer, (titles, gaphics, vectors; ect..) Would dumping Illustrator 10 and purchasing Illustratol CS quash this issue? Any advice would be a big help.
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Old February 10th, 2004, 01:59 PM   #2
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corrupt fonts?
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