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Old January 28th, 2009, 02:51 PM   #1
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Dual Monitor Setup (NLE and other apps at the same time)

I posted this on the Premiere forum and no dice. How can I run Adobe Premiere CS3 on one monitor and have another program running on the other one. When I was using Premiere Pro I was able to do this on the machine I'm currently using. For example, I'd like to be able to check email or surf the net while Premiere is capturing or playing out the firewire.

Is there a windows setting for this? Thanks
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Old January 28th, 2009, 05:15 PM   #2
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I don't understand. What's stopping you from putting Premiere just on one window? Does it cover both and give you no choice? You can't resize it?

Try opening the graphics settings and select that you are using independent resolutions for each screen, as opposed to treating the two screens as one big one. ATI and NVidia card have different names for this, and it varies with driver versions, so I can't tell you exactly where to fine this.

For example, though, on my NVidia card, I have to select the Advanced button, then the NVidia GeForce tab to get there.

This should give you more control.
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Old January 28th, 2009, 09:57 PM   #3
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I've got Premiere on the left side monitor all by itself and I guess that it is also the primary monitor. I've been to the advanced settings for the display card and I don't see anything that sticks out as obvious. I'll work on it some more tomorrow when I get back to the office.

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Old January 30th, 2009, 06:32 AM   #4
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- Are you running ATI or Nvidia ? -

I ask because each one of those OEMs has a display properties interface that should allow you to set up exactly what you're asking. I have cards from both of these OEMs in each of my systems.
Basically it works like this:
1. You'll need to enable the feature that will remember windows placement. I'm not at my own PC at the moment so I can't list what that exact function is.
2. Once step 1 is done open the desired program/application.
3. Click on the restore button [the button between the minimize and close buttons in the upper right corner]. This will of course shrink the window but not close it completely.
4. Drag this window over to the desired monitor and then maximize the window again.
5. Close the program/application
6. Now if every goes as it should the next time you open the program/application it will open up on that monitor.

Basically the display properties interfaces will learn the windows placement based on how you use the progams overall. An example would be that I have Outlook open on my left monitor and then when I reply to an email - the reply message will open up on the right monitor.
I don't believe the Windows display properties interface will allow you to do this but I maybe wrong. You can follow steps 2 - 6 from above to see if it works for you. I'm at work right now and only have single monitor so I can't test this to see.

Last edited by Laurence Scott; January 30th, 2009 at 06:34 AM. Reason: typo
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Old January 30th, 2009, 07:06 AM   #5
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Laurence's post reminds me that there is trick to force Windows to remember window position.

If you manually place and adjust window size and placement, then close the application by clicking on the 'x' at top right WHILE holding down 'shift', it should retain that placement the next time you open the program.
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Old February 2nd, 2009, 09:54 AM   #6
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It's not that the programs do not remember their window placement, it's that Premiere will stop doing what its doing when I click on the other screen. For example, if i'm capturing or playing back, I'll click on the other screen and it will stop.

I guess what I'm asking is, is there a windows setting that will allow me to use Premiere and say disassociate it from what is going on with the other monitor, which in turn, would enable me to capture and playback while I'm working on something else ?
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Old February 2nd, 2009, 10:15 AM   #7
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No, and there shouldn't be. These are the hardest tasks for your PC to do and anything you might try to do during these processes could results in dropped frames or aborted renders. Capture and render, go get a cup of coffee (or take a nap). During playback, um, why wouldn't you be *watching* the playback?
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Old February 2nd, 2009, 12:41 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Adam Gold View Post
No, and there shouldn't be. These are the hardest tasks for your PC to do and anything you might try to do during these processes could results in dropped frames or aborted renders. Capture and render, go get a cup of coffee (or take a nap). During playback, um, why wouldn't you be *watching* the playback?
When I was running Premiere Pro 2.0 I had no problem doing this. As to why I'd like to be doing other things during playback, sometime I have to archive several large chunks of video to an archive tape. Sometime 30 min to 1 hour long clips. I'd rather be able to work on other programs, check email or surf the net rather than having my computer tied up for that long..
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Old February 2nd, 2009, 01:13 PM   #9
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I'd rather cook flapjacks while I'm driving, but that doesn't mean I should be allowed to or that it's a good idea.
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Old February 2nd, 2009, 01:29 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Adam Gold View Post
I'd rather cook flapjacks while I'm driving, but that doesn't mean I should be allowed to or that it's a good idea.
Expalin to me why this is not a good idea.
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Old February 2nd, 2009, 01:44 PM   #11
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You mean the flapjacks part? The video part I explained above.

You should not even have any other apps on your editing PC. If you can't afford a separate PC, you need to turn off anything that's even running in the BG while you're editing. Surfing the web? You shouldn't even be connected to the Internet.

Premiere is like a girlfriend. It needs all your attention, all the time. And also because it will do almost anything if you know how to ask. But sometimes it goes off on you for no reason and won't tell you why.
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Old February 2nd, 2009, 02:12 PM   #12
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I don't see a problem with the flapjacks, just keep both hands on the wheel.

As far as my machine goes, it's a dual dual core with hyperthreading turned on so essentially the computer thinks it has 8 processors with 8 gb of ram. Like I said, when I was using Premiere Pro 2 on this machine it was possible, now with Cs3 it's not. What gives?

I used to be able to playback video out the firewire to a dvcam deck and used Photoshop at the same time with no problems..
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 10:13 PM   #13
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with CS3 & 4, if you switch to another app PP stops whatever its doing. that is by design of the application and there is nothing you can do to change that.

while NLE's can be taxing, machines have gotten fast enough for this to not be nearly the problem it used to be. there's no good reason you shouldn't be able do email while loading or dumping out to tape on fast hardware..... except a design decision made to the contrary.
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