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Old September 2nd, 2003, 07:06 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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miroDV2AVI question

okies, this is wierd...

i went to use the demo version of AlamDV to see what i can actually do with it. Then it tells me that my codec is unsupported or incorrect...

anyways, i go to check the file and the codec used for the file is Pinnacle miroDV2avi. Now this avi wont load into alam, and this codec also doesnt allow me to export to tape.

Now this codec is being used when i'm rendering from Vegas with the Mainconcept plugin but i'm selecting AVI for windows.

BUT when i render to AVI from Pinnacle studio7 it shows that its the Indeo Video 5 codec.

so these different apps are using different codecs which i can understand, but why wont Vegas use its default codec?
Why won't Pinnacle default to IT'S own codec ?

this is baffling, and the only way around it is to render using different codecs...

At the moment, i don't have a need to print to tape, but i'd like to know that if i ever did i won't have any hassles...

Any thoughts on this?
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Old September 3rd, 2003, 03:40 AM   #2
Major Player
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In Pinnacle Studio 7, choose the DV codec when rendering to AVI.

Best regards,
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Old September 3rd, 2003, 03:43 AM   #3
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I played around with AlamDV around 6 months ago and ran into something like that.

I remember a lot of information on that exact subject on the AlamDV homepage and/or in the AlamDV readme file. I cannot remember the details, but look at the above 2 sources, and you should find it in 2 minutes.

Hans Henrik
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Old September 3rd, 2003, 08:56 AM   #4
Inner Circle
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thanks for the replies guys, but i don't think that's the issue...
i don't have a problem with Pinnacle codec or getting Pinnacle rendered files into Alam, it's the Miro codec being used in vegas.... which is also stopping me from printing to tape....

any other thoughts??
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Old September 10th, 2003, 10:26 AM   #5
RED Code Chef
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Let's get a few things out of the way first. What do you mean with
the applications default codecs? The default codec for Vegas is
their own Sonic Foundry DV Codec.

If you go in Vegas to Options -> Preferences -> General preferences.
Do you have "Ignore third party DV codecs" and "Use Microsoft
DV Codec" on or off?

Keep in mind that AVI is simply a container format. It doesn't
understand any encoding format except uncompressed. What
I also don't understand is where this Miro codec is coming from.
Do you have a Miro board with drivers installed? If so, then
Alam is probably reporting it wrongly as a Miro codec when it is
infact just plain DV.

We have two types of codecs on a Windows system. The Video
for Windows (VfW) "old" ones and the new Directshow ones.
Microsoft's DV codec is only available as a Directshow version
(which is why older versions of Premiere didn't want to read
DV files).

I think AlamDV is only supporting Directshow codecs and not
the older VfW ones anymore. This is why it won't open the

One way to find out what codec the file has been written in is
to open it in a FourCC changer/viewer. Do the following:

1. goto www.doom9.org

2. click on download

3. go down to AVI Editing tools

4. click on show all AVI editing tools

5. download the FourCC changer

6. run the program and open your problem file

Report back what FourCC code the file is using. Microsoft DV
uses 'dvsd' and this is the FourCC code Vegas is outputting by
default as well (as does Premiere by default).

If the file does have 'dvsd' you have a new DV codec on your
system that is causing these problems.

Rob Lohman, visuar@iname.com
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