Edition 5 Pro vs Premiere 6.5 Reasons at DVinfo.net
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Old June 27th, 2003, 12:12 PM   #1
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Edition 5 Pro vs Premiere 6.5 Reasons

Search did not turn up concise plus/minus comparison from people experienced in using both Premiere 6.5 and Edition 5 Pro. I use P6.0 and trying to decide whether to upgrade to P6.5 or just go with Edition 5 Pro. Based only on what I read in Pinnacle literature, Videoguys Review and comments from local reseller (and I am just repeating what I think I read/heard and need expert advice) here is why I am thinking of switching to Edition 5 Pro and would like comments: (1) Edition uses both CPU and GPU on AGP bus, does better job utilizing dual CPU or Hyperthreading so is much faster in rendering; (2) Edition background rendering better than Premiere because you can keep on editing while rendering goes on in background; (3) can actually do voiceover in Edition 5 while watching video play out in timeline--much easier to sync voice over to video this way; (4) sub-pixel processing in Edition 5 gives better quality video; (5) frame based slow mo gives better slow mo than Premiere. P6.5 provides real time preview to TV so I see no benefit to Edition 5 there. I don't do DVD output yet, but I have read posts saying P6.5 DVD output is better quality than Edition 5. I have seen no real negatives yet to Edition 5 Pro beyond having to get extra video card to allow use of dual monitors plus real time preview output to TV. I guess another negative for me would be re-learning a new NLE system (I have read the article on using the two systems that was referenced in one forum).
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Old June 28th, 2003, 01:44 PM   #2
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I have not used Edition 5 but do use Premiere 6.5 and have had a play with Liquid Purple 4.5 which I believe is about the same layout as Edition 5.

Purple is a completely different layout than Premiere so you would need to relearn how to do everything. Including simple tasks as moving a clip in the timeline and leaning what all the symbols mean. I believe it’s the same for Edition.

With Premiere you can use the rest of Adobes video/ Graphic products in a kind of seamless environment. Where as with Pinnacle products it will not be as easy.

The support for Pinnacle at the moment is less than desired, according to a review I read in Computer Video magazine.

I strongly suggest you get a demonstration of Edition 5 before you go ahead and buy.

Good Luck in your choices.

Ed Smith
Hampshire, UK

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Old June 28th, 2003, 03:08 PM   #3
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I've recently migrated from Premiere 6.0 to Edition 5 (via version 4.5) so can't really comment on how Edition 5 compares to Premiere 6.5.

However to comment on your last point... “I guess another negative for me would be re-learning a new NLE system.”

One of the things that originally impressed me about Edition was how quickly I learned how to use it. I was editing with confidence less than a day after installing, although to be honest the first hour or so was a bit scary. (If at all possible try to get hold of the training disk that came bundled with version 4.5 of Edition, its far from perfect but will have you up and running in no time at all.)

The Edition interface is completely different to Premiere (and most other typical windows apps) but all the elements of Edition (2d, 3d effects editors, wipe editors etc.) are very similar and work in a uniform way. They are so similar in fact that is probably safe to say that once you have mastered one of Edition editors you've more or less mastered them all. Even the version of Hollywood FX that comes with Edition 5 has been tweaked so that it looks and feels very similar to the rest of the Edition package.

Like Ed I would strongly advise you to try Edition 5 before you buy it, but if your anything like me after a few hours playing you won't be going back to Premiere.

John Wilcox
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Old June 28th, 2003, 04:32 PM   #4
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E5 compared to P6.5

Ed and John, thank you for thoughtful comments. There is a reseller in the area that sounds knowledgeable if a bit biased to Edition (maybe get more commission on Edition) so I will bundle comments up and go have a look--helps when you know a few things to look for.
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Old June 29th, 2003, 01:17 AM   #5
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It doesn't look like it's important to you - but I thought the DVD authoring direct from the timeline sounded like a great feature. I'm using Vegas right now, but that one feature had me turning green with envy.
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Old June 29th, 2003, 01:40 AM   #6
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another thing is that pinnacle have recently bought out steinberg (creators or cubase and a myriad of other audio apps) so you can expect pinnacle to come out with some new audio features real soon, such as 5.1 and VST audio plugin effects....

In my opinion, Premiere would be dead in the water if it wasnt for 3rd party plugins, HW support and alternate app integration such as photoshop...

Seriously, Premiere on its own is a little too overwieght for what it can do, when there are apps out there which are more efficient.

Premiere is good, Pinnacle is also good... but in the end, it depends on the kind of editing you choose to do and teh kind of app you choose to use...
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Old June 29th, 2003, 07:28 PM   #7
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DVD Authoring and Audio Comments

Michael and Peter, good to have insights like these for features I will probably use in future. Agree each person needs to look at what he uses NLE for and see how the pluses and minuses of the various systems line up with that use pattern.
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Old June 30th, 2003, 03:28 AM   #8
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Pinnacle support


do take care before committing to any Pinnacle product. As a company they have always had lousy support in Europe (their US business seems more organised). And they always release new products and new versions of products before they are market ready.

I would try a demo, and if you really want Edition then hold fire until at least a couple of V5 bugfix releases have appeared before buying (V5.1 has already been released).

I talk from years of frustrating experience of Pinnacle bugs and their high-handed attitude about them.

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Old June 30th, 2003, 04:12 PM   #9
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Julian, Thank you for suggestion and advice. Bugs seem endemic with new releases and I can even recall pages of forum notes about problems with Premiere 6.5 when it first came out. When I was trying to get my old DV300 up and running a few years back Pinnacle support was about like you describe it and from your comments guess it has not improved much. This time IF I do opt for Edition 5 I plan to have a local Pinnacle reseller build a system and certify it works--hopefully this way I can avoid the "problem is not with my part of the system , call another number" situation.
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