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(MPG4) Sanyo Xacti (all models)
A compact 720p MPEG4 digital media camera recording to SD Card.

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Old May 13th, 2006, 10:42 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Erick Hanoteau
What you are saying here, I don't understand. Would you be so kind to clarify your view?

Btw, I've shown your footage to some colleagues at my work. Sanyo will get a new client very soon...maybe two...(smile).

Your film looks terrific for this camera. What kind of tripod would you recommend?

I think he meant to say that he wants to put a lens with manual focus on it. but I dont know if the 35mm is the focal lenght of the lens or the thread he would like the camera to have.
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Old May 16th, 2006, 06:00 AM   #17
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Erick, two new users...good, more people to investigate:)
I´m using an old Sony little tripod (VCT-350) (25 cm. folded/40 cm extended). I think a tripod must be robust and smooth when rotating. For this kind of camera, the logical choice is a light and small one, that you can carry everywhere (according to the camera size). My tripod:

The 35mm adapter question.
It consist in an adapter attached to your camera lenses that projects the images from a 35mm photography lenses into a ground glass. The camera captures the image projected in the ground glass in a very short distance. There are some methods to do it. You have a lot of information on the web, have a look in this forun, in "Alternative Imaging Methods" section,
There are a lot of forums with this topic on the web.
It´s an easy concept, you can go to to get an idea of how it works.
There are some 35mm adapters in the market ( Mini35, MPIC, Guerrilla35, Micro35, Letus35, Brevis35, G35...) in some price ranges.

Carlos Serrano
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Old May 16th, 2006, 06:35 AM   #18
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I've made the media chance 35mm like a champ, and it's easy to make as well.
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Old May 16th, 2006, 06:56 AM   #19
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Thank you for your comments related to the tripod. I am getting more and more excited when thinking about my future one week holidays at the Côte d'Azur. This trip will be partly dedicated to HD1 footage. (big smile).
I really hope that I will be able to manage the cam as good as you did so far.
Concerning the 35mm adapter, I have learned something this time and I will closely study this matter. It seems like very interesting and not so difficult to make.
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Old May 16th, 2006, 08:20 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Carlos Serrano
Thanks Bo.

The 124 shots file:
I've tried tons of times, I can't get this footage to come down...most recently I tried from work where we have a wide open DS3 at our disposal, and it would come down then either. I gave it overnight at home on a 5Mbps Cable internet pipe. It hadn't made progress. I'd love to see this as the shorter piece is fantabulous!
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Old May 16th, 2006, 11:46 AM   #21
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Hi Cole, I´m sharing it with emule. Try this elink:

ed2k://|file|HD1Footage_124Shots_by_cralos.avi|672249856|E7C087FAE4239B0B030D8BB696932970|h=S7T5QAH22EU7YNP WDGELTL5VX7WLILHX|/|sources,|/

Erick, enjoy your holidays, I hope to see beautiful shots from your HD1.

Carlos Serrano
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Old May 16th, 2006, 01:48 PM   #22
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I'll have to try that at home, we don't allow any P2P clients at work. Too much administrative overhead and liability potential.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 08:08 PM   #23
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Start a new post when you start on / finish 35mm adaptor for HD1. I'd be greatly interested how it works for HD1.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 10:42 PM   #24
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I would like to see it too.

Have you sent your firmware upgrade request it? I would like to see how this works with the compressor, focus and exposure bugs fixed up, and better binning options for low light sensitivity and extended latitude (all firmwarable) and upto 19Mb/s HD and 9-19Mb/s SD (in light of the new 18mb/s h264 AVCHD camera format). 19mb/s would fit fine on the new double layer DVDs.
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Old May 18th, 2006, 04:56 AM   #25
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How to make a DVD from MP4 avi file?

I would like to make a DVD from your avi file in order to view it through a 50" plasma display.
What is the best recommended way to convert your file in a DVD format. May I expect a quality loss?
Can I use Ulead DVD MovieFactory 4.0 SE included in HD1 package?
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Old May 18th, 2006, 05:39 AM   #26
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About simple edit

Hi! Carlos
Could you tell me what program you use to do simple edit?
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Old May 18th, 2006, 01:11 PM   #27
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Euisung, sure, I´ll do it.

Wayne, I e-mailed Sanyo Spain about the diagonal question. They sent my mail to Sanyo Japan and we are waiting for their answer. If the answer is that a firmware is in progress, I´ll suggest them other questions like 25 FPS (29,97 FPS is a little problem for Europeans; 25 FPS is close to 24 FPS cinema look, and better quality at the same data rate), higher data rates (I think 15 Mb/s would be a great update, 19 Mb/s superb!), video out while recording (focussing in HD with this small lowres screen is simply impossible, and with video out would be possible to capture the uncompressed footage with an external recorder),...

We could do a user wishlist for future updates and send it to Sanyo.

Erick, I´ve recoded the same file to a 720x400 29,97 FPS AVI and looks great.
The downscaling reduces the noise and corrects the diagonal bug.
The original footage was converted from MP4 to AVI in MP4Cam2AVI_v2.29. This software does not recompress, mantains quality and makes a MP4 AVI that most edition softwares can read. I´ve used VirtualDub to edit, It´s free, it´s easy, and works well. It has a "direct stream copy" mode wich joins the data without recompressing, so there is no quality loss. Once you have the edited AVI, you can resize the video. There are some methods for rescaling, I recommend you the Lanczos3 algorithm. My VirtualDub does not compress MPEG2, so you will have to convert it to an uncompressed AVI or a very high data rate file (Xvid at 16 Mb/sec works well) to minimize quality loss. Then go to the MPEG2 encoder (Tmpeg, Mainconcept for Premiere, Nero Vision or Recode...) and select the best quality for DVD (8Mb/sec max. for home DVDs compatibility).

Victor, for SIMPLE edit, VirtualDub, in "Direct Stream Copy" mode, but you´ll have to convert your MP4s to AVIs with MP4Cam2AVI_v2.29 before.

Carlos Serrano
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Old May 18th, 2006, 01:36 PM   #28
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got it, looks very impressive for a < $1000 camera. There's a little bit of fluttering around contrast edges, could that be edge enhancement gone awry or is that just how it gets captured?
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Old May 18th, 2006, 08:34 PM   #29
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The short file (37 Shots) in DVD format:

Resized in VirtualDub and encoded in TMPGEnc.

Carlos Serrano
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Old May 18th, 2006, 10:15 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Carlos Serrano

Euisung, sure, I´ll do it.

Wayne, I e-mailed Sanyo Spain about the diagonal question. They sent my mail to Sanyo Japan and we are waiting for their answer. If the answer is that a firmware is in progress, I´ll suggest them other questions like 25 FPS (29,97 FPS is a little problem for Europeans; 25 FPS is close to 24 FPS cinema look, and better quality at the same data rate), higher data rates (I think 15 Mb/s would be a great update, 19 Mb/s superb!)
That is why I am suggesting it ;). Really, we want as much extra as they can give us at whatever increased bit rate, format, or increased pixel depth they can give us

I just remembered, there was an adapter for the DS that hooked a hard drive to the memory card slot.

We could do a user wishlist for future updates and send it to Sanyo.
If they are receptive, you could, look for my previous post last month or so, that listed lots of possible improvements. Pity it is not re-programmable for non Mpeg4 formats, I wouldn't mind doing a nifty codec for it.

here is a news thread I posted on new HD Disk formats, some come in DVD players:
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