How cheap the HD1? at
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(MPG4) Sanyo Xacti (all models)
A compact 720p MPEG4 digital media camera recording to SD Card.

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Old April 13th, 2006, 12:33 PM   #1
Inner Circle
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How cheap the HD1?

I read a review of the HD1 at a digital camera site the other day, where they reckoned it was too expensive. It struck me that, that was the problem, it is a reasonable still camera but not as reasonable video camera (though we can milk performance from it) and it was not worth $799 to me. Similar 5Mp cameras are a lot cheaper, but without HD. If, on the other hand, it was say, $200, I would have little problem buying it to carry around, and I could buy a higher quality camera for most work.

But, then again, it is the cheapest and smallest HD camera out there, and they used to pay a big premium for such models in the MiniDV days. I just can't help but think, if they had all the bugs worked out (focus, exposure, diagonal line problem, low latitude and low light problems (look at Cypress Smalcamera/Fill-factory sensor guys) and 25fps720p with H264 or 19mb/s, then it would be worth buying at that price now. We can only hope that they read this and do it for the HD2, the chorus of bad reviews should be enough proof that they should.

Let's, hope Ambarella H264 cameras come along strong and fast in the future.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 03:40 PM   #2
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Do not purchase anything from bestpricecameras, they are scammers:

same with TCS Cameras in everyprice:

and I guess other stores there too maybe be scammers...or bait and switch stores.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 06:33 PM   #3
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Generally the old words..."if it seems too good to be true........" generally are right on.

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Old April 14th, 2006, 01:10 AM   #4
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$600 is the normal going rate for the HD1 its how much I paid ($638 with overnight shipping which I thought VERY reasonable for overnight shipping)

If you hunt you can get 4gb cards for $105 or so $122 straight up from newegg

2gb are cheap dont pay more than $50 shipped

I saw mine on ebay where a phone number was included so I called it and ordered it over the phone. I will find the company name and # when I get home (at work right now)

$600 is what you should be paying for this camera. I have owned 3 Camcorders before this one TWO being DV Camera's and they all cost $500 and up and none come even CLOSE to the video quality of this unit.

the fact that it is EXTREMELY CHEAP for what it is was a major deciding factor in buying it.

I have been nothing but totally impressed with the video it has captured so far - now maybe I am just a lower end end user but thats why I bought it.

Comparing it to $2000 cameras and off course its not going to fair well.

Compare it to $600 camcorders from best buy and circuit city. Now it suddenly fairs quite well :-)

Oh and except for manually setting iso 50 in daytime and iso 400 at night and indoors I leave the camera on full auto (I also lock focus to infinity when shooting far stuff and will do that as well when I shoot rocket launches but I have to do that on all camcorders)

Chris Taylor
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Old April 19th, 2006, 05:13 PM   #5
Join Date: Apr 2006
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Hello Chris.
I've enjoyed reading your HD1 reports.
Recently you wrote: "$600 is the normal going rate for the HD1 its how much I paid ($638 with overnight shipping which I thought VERY reasonable for overnight shipping). I saw mine on ebay where a phone number was included so I called it and ordered it over the phone. I will find the company name and # when I get home (at work right now)."
I want to get a HD1 and I hoped that you could pass on that company name & phone number. Could you post it please? (or email me at
Mark C.
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Old April 19th, 2006, 05:20 PM   #6
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Time 2 Envy 888-477-1712

They are out of NY

Chris Taylor
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