Editing footage from Sanyo HD1 - Page 4 at DVinfo.net
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(MPG4) Sanyo Xacti (all models)
A compact 720p MPEG4 digital media camera recording to SD Card.

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Old March 2nd, 2006, 06:43 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Joseph Aurili
I put the baby and child MP4 videos on the camera. The camera did not recognize either of the videos at all.
well, if you try the Mp4UI software i cited above, and open the clip with it, i'm pretty sure you will only see 2 tracks, 1 video and 1 audio (i don't have the clip here). But if you open a clip direct from the camera you'll see actually 4 tracks, 1 video/1 audio, plus 2 more tracks called OD and BIFS. They are system tracks with some informations inside (i need to investigate for more details ;)) and you probably lose it if you process the mp4 file outside the camera. That's why the clip doesn't work when you try to put it back in the camera (and that also why MP4Cam2AVI doesn't work, it doesn't know how to deal with those extra 2 tracks)

heh, after playing a bit with mp4UI and Yamb, i noticed that mp4UI add the BIFS/OD track itself (while yamb doesn't)... So try remuxing the child video with it, perhaps the camera will accept it ?
Steven Mingam is offline  
Old March 3rd, 2006, 03:50 PM   #47
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In summary - good things about cutting Sanyo HD1 footage in Vegas 6:

1. Accepts MPEG4 files directly.

2. Allows you to immediately make a 'HDV Intermediate' of your material so that you are not actually cutting with MPEG4 and going really slow. When it comes to render you can have Vegas automatically source the original MPEG4 footage!

3. Improved frame rate conversion capabilities in latest Vegas update I believe. I got a great 25p output, from the Sanyo HD1's 30p...

(I know Sanyo HD1 is not HDV, but it's a perfect template to work in, within Vegas)
Graham Jones is offline  
Old March 3rd, 2006, 03:53 PM   #48
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How do you tell Vegas to use an Intermediate? Does it make SD clips for you to edit with?
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Old March 3rd, 2006, 05:36 PM   #49
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Joseph, this is from the 'Working with HDV' section in Vegas Help - I tested it not with HDV but with your MP4 clips and it worked fine:

"If you've captured HDV clips, converting to an intermediate, lower-resolution format will streamline the editing process and allow you to preview your project.

Start a new project.

Add your captured HDV clips (MPEG-2 transport streams) to the timeline.

Render your clips to an appropriate intermediate format."

(Just render all the footage you want to play around with as 'HDV Intermediate' I think it's called..)

"If you're planning to render to a format that supports high-definition video, replace your HDV intermediate file with the original transport stream after you're finished editing and before you render.

If your intermediate files were rendered using the CineForm HD codec, you won't need to replace the intermediate files with the transport streams.

Right-click the HDV intermediate file in the Project Media window.

Choose Replace from the shortcut menu.

Browse to the MPEG-2 transport stream that corresponds to the intermediate file, and then click Open."

Good, huh?

Considering the way Vegas accepts MP4 straight up, converts it to an easier to use format if wished, conforms the original MP4 for the final render and can do high quality frame rate conversions from 30p to 25p, for me it really is very suitabe for the Sanyo HD1 after all.
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Old March 3rd, 2006, 10:15 PM   #50
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Thanks Graham, I have got to try that out. Previewing with the raw MP4 is very jumpy.
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Old March 4th, 2006, 01:26 AM   #51
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Last edited by Marc Louis; March 4th, 2006 at 02:03 PM.
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Old March 4th, 2006, 04:06 AM   #52
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I am sorry you had a problem, but please don't publicly blame me. At least ask first if anyone else has had any problem. I was just the messenger typing text in a post here to "help" people with the original question of how we can edit with the mp4 files. I have been at that Sony site many times without any problem. That is where we all get our updates and trials. I have used Vegas for almost six years. I am not infected and I have not heard of anyone else with an infection on mnay different Vegas forums. Your pic shows that it was a Vegas exe file, not the link text I posted.

If I were you, I would also consider other possibilities for the infection since a few days have passed. I assure you I had no knowledge of a virus. If you are sure you got it from Sony, then please contact them immediately.


Last edited by Gary Gowman; March 4th, 2006 at 05:22 AM.
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Old March 4th, 2006, 06:37 AM   #53
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Sony is for nothing in this case, you are infected by a virus but it didn't come from the vegas file, it infected that file... Don't jump to conclusion too fast !
Steven Mingam is offline  
Old March 4th, 2006, 01:57 PM   #54
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ok so accept my apologizes, i really thought it was coming from that that link as i don't remember trying to dowload Vegas by another way

Peace :)

Edit : to be honnest i remember now having tried to download the vegas application with limewire...so that's another exemple that those P2P stuff are really of high danger !!!
Marc Louis is offline  

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