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(MPG4) Sanyo Xacti (all models)
A compact 720p MPEG4 digital media camera recording to SD Card.

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Old February 17th, 2006, 02:33 PM   #196
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David, you are right, when I do a direct compare on screen between the Sanyo and the JVC charts, the Sanyo clip has a purplish tint.
Joseph Aurili is offline  
Old February 17th, 2006, 02:48 PM   #197
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BTW, it was a real nice over cast day here today. I was out for lunch. A day made for pictures. I pulled the Sanyo out of my pocket. Opened up the LCD. Pressed the power button. The camera says (it talks if you don't know) "please insert a memory card". I left the SD card in my computer. Don't let this happen to you... ;)
Joseph Aurili is offline  
Old February 17th, 2006, 02:53 PM   #198
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I also got my i-glasses Video Pro 3D HMD today. It will be fun to try it with this camera.
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Old February 17th, 2006, 02:59 PM   #199
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When I watch the HD1 clips on my computer screen they seem on par with the HC1 clips, but when I look at my HDTV the Sanyo camera is way more noisier and has lots of artifacts, mainly on skin tones.

However some shots of Dennis post look great - namely the red rose and the small water fall.

I have my HDTV connected to my computer using DVI.
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Old February 17th, 2006, 03:54 PM   #200
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Originally Posted by Joseph Aurili
Justin, if the card can do a MB a second it should work. I don't have a low speed card to test on. My ultraII does 9-10MB a second.
I believe the Sandisk cards are supposed to be 33x, which translates to 5MB/s, which in theory should be much more than enough, but you never know what that means in the real world.

Interestingly, on Rob Galbraith's site, he reports that the standard Sandisk SD card is actually slightly faster than an Ultra II in a card to computer transfer test.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have any write performance data.
Justin Liu is offline  
Old February 17th, 2006, 05:23 PM   #201
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The i-glasses look great when watching a DVD with the default settings. They have 800x600 resolution. When I hook them up to the Sanyo the live image looks dull and muddy, with very little color. Pretty unusable. The cameras LCD looks much better. Also I get no live sound for some reason, but I can hear the camera talk.
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Old February 17th, 2006, 08:52 PM   #202
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Originally Posted by Joseph Aurili
Tom, so on your 50 incher did the picture look better then what you would get from a good SD camcorder? Or a SD TV broadcast?
Let me reserve opinion until I see the other clips. I downloaded them. I'll view them when I get home, still at work...
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Old February 18th, 2006, 12:58 AM   #203
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Greenscreen sample please

Request for Joseph or anyone else testing an HD1.
I persist with indie hopes for this HD1, I can go with
lights and a tripod, and I am wondering if the combo of
higher resolution than DV with progressive scan is going to make
greenscreen compositing work out better than in DV.

Could someone please shoot and post a short (~ 5 sec)
greenscreen test. This could be a person in front of a
green sheet in overcast light to give even brightness on
the background. Or a toy doll or soft toy in
front of a piece of coloured card or paper (or a sheet).
Please setup with distance between the object/person
and the background.
John Calder is offline  
Old February 18th, 2006, 01:04 AM   #204
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The links are down -- don't work!
Old February 18th, 2006, 04:51 AM   #205
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Clips quality

Joseph, considering that your last clips (low light) are - for me - better than the first set and also because the child and baby clips are far better, I suppose you need to fix the aperture, the shutter speed, or ISO setting to have a good result (after trying to find the critical parameter or best combinations). But because you did not seem to try it (?), I have just a question about the manual video exposure : for me it is not obvious - reading the manual- that you are allowed to choose your aperture or your shutter speed for VIDEO mode. Is this only allowed for still photo mode ?

PS : looking at the baby and kid rapid movements (step by step), I suppose the shutter speed is low. The other difference is that main subjects, (humans with low contrast) are closeups and on the center of the field.

PS2: I just watched the japonese clip. The duck is quite incredible, and we have a lot of light ! On first plans, far background is not as good, at the opposite of the baby's clip. The baby's clip shows smooth (blurred) fast movements and sharp far background : for me the shutter speed is slow but the aperture is 11 or more. May be the auto expo (used with your clips ?) leave the aperture around 3,5 and only adjust the shutter speed (the doc says it can go down to 1/10000 !). Lenses at max aperture are not at their best, and may be compression is difficult in a quite stroboscopic succession of pictures ?

We have to thanks you for all Joseph, it's a pleasure to have all this stuff to examine.

Dennis, the baby and child files have exactly the same tags than Joseph and japan clips : "SANYO DIGITAL CAMERA HD1" MPEG-4 ODSM,MPEG-4 ODSM, etc...

To conclude, for me, this camcorder is able to deliver the best, but not in every situation, and you have to find the optimal range for each parameter.

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Old February 18th, 2006, 07:07 AM   #206
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Originally Posted by Steve Mullen
Downloaded several MP4 clips and they can be edited in FCP. Except performance is very slow and the audio remains embedded in the video clip.
Steve, what computer/speed are you running it on? Whats your impression of the clips, are we looking at the next HD10?

Originally Posted by Dennis Hingsberg
I REALLY REALLY can't wait to snowboard down a mountain with the camera mounted to my snowboard... or clutched tightly in my hand.
Dennis, when you take it snowboarding, could you post a link here?

I remember that watchimpress sight from before, I think it is a good one to bookmark for when the Sanyo's competitors start getting reviewed in a month or so.

Last edited by Wayne Morellini; February 18th, 2006 at 08:17 AM.
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Old February 18th, 2006, 08:16 AM   #207
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Attention I

Attention Indies

Here's some of Josephs footage edited together, down rezzed to SD then have some post coloring applied.
right click and save target as - file is 33MB

I used After Effects to down rez but don't know if there isn't a better workflow for this. I recompressed it as MOV.

Let me know what you guys think ; )
Dennis Hingsberg is offline  
Old February 18th, 2006, 08:23 AM   #208
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Leuname, Fixed lowlamp clips.

John, Sorry, I don't have a green screen. I will try a solid background if I have a chance.

Luc-Henri , I can adjust both the f stop and the shuter speed in M mode in video and use the neutral density filter. I am not that good with manual controls. You are right that the aperture stays low and the shutter speed is adjusted in auto.

Last edited by Joseph Aurili; February 18th, 2006 at 09:37 AM.
Joseph Aurili is offline  
Old February 18th, 2006, 08:50 AM   #209
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Dennis, thanks for putting that together. For SD, the detail looks good. And the music brings it to life ;)
Joseph Aurili is offline  
Old February 18th, 2006, 09:01 AM   #210
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Here is a picture and a very short clip with the lens cap on to test no light color of the camera:

And a high contrast still picture of a cat that I think came out quite well:
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