Bunch of different things HD1 related at DVinfo.net
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(MPG4) Sanyo Xacti (all models)
A compact 720p MPEG4 digital media camera recording to SD Card.

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Old May 18th, 2011, 09:02 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2006
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Bunch of different things HD1 related

I have 3 Sanyo HD1's (1 1A)

I use them a lot they are my babies. I glue "hot shoe" mounts to them so I can "mount" them to my still camera and shoot pictures and video at the same time (I shoot rockets so I am always in "portrait" position. This also eliminates the LCD lag issue when tracking fast objects since now I just use the SLR's optical finder and don't even look at the sanyo's screen. (I have them "aligned")

First. has anyone found a larger battery that will fit these? MY CORE problem is lack of power and the pain of a proprietary connection. I understand I would need the leave the cover off thats ok just need a larger batt that will "fit"

anyone found an editing solution for vdub yet? (where it will leave the first frame in place) ??

sometimes for some reason the camera will not permit me to in camera edit. it "freezes" up on me no idea why.

WANTED. I am looking for those little "plugs" that came with the cam's to allow you to plug in external power. I lost all 4 of mine Grrrr

If the price is right I will buy as many as I can get my hands on. I found a source for them but over my dead body am I paying $30 a pop for them. $5 maybe but not $30 :-)

These cams are antiques but they still KILL any modern "cheap" hd cam in quality of video especially in MOTION. once you lock the stinking focus that is :-)

the NP 100 from my Casio F1 is a drop in fit but the terminal are reversed. I am going to try and make an adaptor plate to put the terms in the "right place" so I can drop in the NP100. 2400mah is 3 times stock power so that should REALLY give me some batter life. does NOT ad much girth to the cam either.
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