Editing Sanyo MP4 files at DVinfo.net
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(MPG4) Sanyo Xacti (all models)
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Old December 21st, 2008, 09:10 PM   #1
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Editing Sanyo MP4 files

Just thought some might be interested in my experiences in trying to edit the Sanyo MP4 files (I have the HD1010).

I have tried many editors, including Premier Pro CS4 and Sony Vegas Pro, neither of which can handle the Sanyo files properly. Premier keeps crashing every few minutes and Vegas wants to generate 700 GB (yes gigabytes) renders of a 60 minute video.

I then tried the Womble MPEG Video Wizard, and much to my surprise it handled the Sanyo files flawlessly. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of PP or Vegas, but it does work and generates acceptabley sized final output.

So for those of you trying to figure out how to edit your Sanyo MP4 files, might I suggest you give the Womble MPEG Video Wizard a look.
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Old December 22nd, 2008, 12:08 AM   #2
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Thank goodness for GOOGLE

Thanks for the information, checking it out now, and for the rest of you........

MPEG editor and DVD editor - Womble Multimedia, Inc.
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Old December 30th, 2008, 07:32 AM   #3
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I can not get past loading a small file and trying to play it ?????

Just crashes the program and close after this error message.........
Attached Thumbnails
Editing Sanyo MP4 files-30-12-2008-4-19-13-pm.png  
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Old December 31st, 2008, 08:19 PM   #4
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Getting video to work properly on your PC seems to be one of those things that works when the gods of video are smiling on you, or has nothing but problems when they aren't.

I have multiple PC's and none of them are the same when it comes to video. But for editing video, I have a dedicated machine. The ONLY software loaded is for video editing. Nothing else.

In your case, it may be something as simple as a corrupt download, so it may be worth redownloading the software to see if a new download solves your problem.

Otherwise, you might want to look at what else is running on your computer and shut everything down and then try the program again.

I know of at least one instance where a program developer is telling users to make sure none of the 'codec packs' floating around are on the machine as they will create problems.

If all else fails, then you could wipe the hard drive and reload windows from scratch.

More than likely your problem is windows related. You are using XP right, not that bloated POS vista?
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Old January 14th, 2009, 11:10 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by John Hedgecoe View Post
Just thought some might be interested in my experiences in trying to edit the Sanyo MP4 files (I have the HD1010).

I have tried many editors, including Premier Pro CS4 and Sony Vegas Pro, neither of which can handle the Sanyo files properly. Premier keeps crashing every few minutes and Vegas wants to generate 700 GB (yes gigabytes) renders of a 60 minute video.

I then tried the Womble MPEG Video Wizard, and much to my surprise it handled the Sanyo files flawlessly. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of PP or Vegas, but it does work and generates acceptabley sized final output.

So for those of you trying to figure out how to edit your Sanyo MP4 files, might I suggest you give the Womble MPEG Video Wizard a look.

yeah i was struggling with this aswell when i started to edit my videos from japan last summer. first i tried vegas and it crashed a lot, then premiere but it was slow and didnt interpret the files correctly.
the way i got around it was making low res proxies which i would edit in premiere, and before exporting i would swap out the files for the full res clips.
all scripted and automated ofcourse.
im planning to make a tutorial one of these days and give away the scripts if anyone would be interested in this workflow..
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Old January 17th, 2009, 04:06 PM   #6
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DVD Wizard by Womble

I have had a similar problem, editing Sanyo MPG4 files. I got The Womble program to work fine, until I realized the files were first exported out of the Uleed program which I tried and was not happy with it. When I tried to download the files direct out of the camera or the memory card direct it would not work and kept crashing. How do you download the files into the Womble program? Fred
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Old January 17th, 2009, 08:28 PM   #7
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I use a card reader. Then using windows explorer I 'Copy' from the SDHC card and 'Paste' to a directory on my hard drive to transfer the files from the SDHC to my computer.

Then I use Womble to import the files. If you need specifics for Womble, I will have to post that later as I am currently having a problem with my graphics board.
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Old January 19th, 2009, 05:29 PM   #8
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Editing Sanyo MP4 Files

I have tried what John suggested with the card reader, but it does not work on my set up, has anybody else got any suggestions? I know that a Mac Book laptop will handle the files and edit them, however the price is a bit steep. Fred
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Old January 23rd, 2009, 03:31 PM   #9
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MPG4 Files

I have been trying for several days to load MP4 files direct into Womble, it does not work! The only way to get files into Womble is to convert them to MPG2 files through another program such as Uleed or Nero, so it looks as if I have to purchase a Mac Book which handles the MP4 files without problem in it's internal video editing program.
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Old January 23rd, 2009, 08:22 PM   #10
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Just curious, but what version of the Womble MPEG Video Wizard are you using?
Mine is v4.0.4.111 (Dec 9, 2008)
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Old January 24th, 2009, 01:07 AM   #11
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Yes, mine is same

John, that is the same date and number on my evaluation copy. I have tried just using only that program as you suggested but no luck - and yes, running Vista Ultimate on a Dell 1720.
Have not been able to do anything with it lately, so not too worried about it right now, as very busy with work! thanks, John
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Old January 24th, 2009, 07:41 AM   #12
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I'm running XP Pro SP3, so it may well be a vista XP thing.

Personally I won't touch vista with a ten foot pole.
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Old January 26th, 2009, 04:12 AM   #13
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MPG4 Editing

Originally Posted by John Hedgecoe View Post
Just curious, but what version of the Womble MPEG Video Wizard are you using?
Mine is v4.0.4.111 (Dec 9, 2008)
I have the Version of Womble MPEG Video Wizard. Fred
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Old January 26th, 2009, 04:44 AM   #14
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Something just occured to me. Are you using an evaluation copy or a fully licensed/purchased copy? It's possible that the MP4 support is not activated in the evaluation copy.

Can anyone shed any light on this? I know in Premier Pro, the MPEG support is not activated in the evaluation copy. You have to have a fully licensed copy to gain MPEG support. Possibly Womble is the same.
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Old January 27th, 2009, 05:56 PM   #15
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To John Hedgecoe

Yes I am using a trial copy, and I have had some support from the womble team,they are checking out one of the files I was trying to download, haven't had a reply yet. Thanks John!
Fred Becker is offline  

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