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Micro / POV Camera Systems
Covering the GoPro HERO and other small Point-Of-View video cameras.

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Old February 13th, 2014, 07:12 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Shorewood, IL
Posts: 3
Automotive use and applications.

Hello, I'm new here.

I have been looking around for an automotive video system for a while and all I can find are these multi-thousand dollar systems that are way out of my price range.

All I need are 4 cameras, one monitor, (I believe I read I'd need a multiplexer to view all 4 at once?) and a simple digital hard drive system of recording so that it will not record over previous footage.

If it were an engine, I would be all set with where to get decent parts cheap and how to properly assemble them.

Hard wiring should not be an issue, but getting a digital hard drive to record all 4 cameras and where to order decent parts at a good price I have no clue about.

It was my hope I could get some guidance from this forum.

This was prompted by what we firmly believe to be an unmarked police car that blatantly cut off my wife and put her into the center divide K rail totaling our van and luckily my wife was not seriously injured.

It was closely following/escorting a clearly marked black and white unit way out of its area (22 miles out of it's area) headed in the direction of the county court house and did not stop.

That PD said there were no units in that area, marked or unmarked.

We need video installed once we get our new vehicle.
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Old February 13th, 2014, 08:11 PM   #2
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Re: Automotive use and applications.

Michael Garafalo...I'm not sure if I can help and hopefully, there will be someone who is more knowledgeable in the 'surveillance world' of video. This is a very specific sub-genre of video capture.

I say this as a 'friend'. Clandestinely gathering footage of your local PD, LEO, or for that matter, anyone else, and using it for legal purposes is going to be problematic without a court order. JMHO, YMMV.

I'm not a Lawyer, so please don't take anything I've said as the 'Gospel'.

I hope this helps.

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Old February 13th, 2014, 09:07 PM   #3
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Shorewood, IL
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Re: Automotive use and applications.

We recently started a home based delivery business and will be videotaping at all times when we are driving.

It is not intended to "Clandestinely gathering footage of your local PD, LEO" but intended to be evidence if needed.

We have often had people who drive aggressively, then call our number to complain when we don't get out of their way fast enough.

I would like to say if, (but as bad as people drive out here it is more likely a when) we ever get into another
accident because someone was driving reckless, we want video proof for the insurance company, and god forbid we are seriously injured, the following lawsuit.

We have lost count of how many times both of us have been cut off, but the one time it was serious, there were no witnesses or video evidence, just our say so, but it was our insurance that got the hit as well as our pocketbook.
Michael Garafalo is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 14th, 2014, 09:43 AM   #4
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Re: Automotive use and applications.

Michael: I believe the new gopros have a "loop" feature where they will record over and over in a pre-defined length of time.

This might work for what you want. Monitoring all four is a bit more problematic. Just off the top of my head, you might be able to adapt a home security screen, if it will take the input from the camera. Of course, if you are cabling to the screen, then you either have to drill a hole in the GoPro casing or use a skeleton housing...either of which makes the camera much less weather proof, if they are going to be mounted outside at all.

Interesting technical challenge. Pity you've discovered the need to do so.
Bill Ward is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 14th, 2014, 11:03 AM   #5
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Shorewood, IL
Posts: 3
Re: Automotive use and applications.

The main issue is to get the recording.

Viewing all 4 on one screen at one time would be a nice luxury to have, but can be looked into later if need be.

I know I can wire up and mount 4 of the 12 Volt cameras, but where is a good source for reasonably priced units?

Also, as far as recording I thought a small (AKA reasonably inexpensive) Solid State Drive should work for a decent volume if data, but how do they hook up and what (open source I hope) programs do I need to get it running?

My laptop uses Ubuntu that I installed so I am not completely in the dark, but it is “Friggen dark in here” for me right now.

First step I need help with is where to order all the right parts with cost in mind.
Michael Garafalo is offline   Reply

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