gopro workflow AGAIN! Vegas (preferably) or premiere or Avid... at
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 07:28 AM   #1
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gopro workflow AGAIN! Vegas (preferably) or premiere or Avid...

Looking for the optimal workflow for posting to 1080p youtube for gopro hd2. Platform agnostic, have Vegas Pro and CS6, Sorensen squeeze, access to Avid,

So far dropping gopro files (no protune files yet) straight into Vegas timeline seems to work ok, rendering out as MXF. However, as soon as I try and drop the bitrate, whether via Vegas, or Squeeze to 6-10 mbps VBR, terrible macroblocking occurs. As I have larger 'draft' files (typically around 2.0 GB or 20 minutes of gopro footage), trying to find a decent codec and compromise is becoming a headache. Terrible macroblocking almost regardless of what I do. As I'll be maxing my uploads (have longer than 15 min, but 2 GB limit seems to be in place, and takes forever), I need to find a more efficient way of conforming files (both size and quality).

Vegas doesn't seem to like Gopro codec...

Have used gopro software to conform to cineform, but vegas and vlc don't support that codec as far as I can tell, not to mention file sizes are inflated by 10x...

Any suggestions? Pretty sure I'm not the only one struggling. Bit pressed for time otherwise would do more thorough search of's sample vid (rough draft)

regards...cookie...nb these vids are mostly just for me and family, but still want to retain quality...
Arne Pursell is offline   Reply With Quote
Old November 2nd, 2012, 08:43 AM   #2
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Re: gopro workflow AGAIN! Vegas (preferably) or premiere or Avid...

Arne: I use AVID, so YMMV.

I didn't find much difference in video quality between using the mpeg4 clips right out of the camera, or doing the Cineform conversion to AVI to edit with.

I also had some significant macroblocking when trying to export a 1280 x 720 5000-bit rate QT mpeg4 movie to conform to youtube specs. What ended up working for me was to instead export out an H.264 clip to the same size specs, but do it VBR, multipass at the highest quality.

But that creates a clip file at about a gig per minute, so it gets pretty big pretty quick.
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 04:25 PM   #3
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Re: gopro workflow AGAIN! Vegas (preferably) or premiere or Avid...

Ok thanks for the heads-up! Sorensen is the recommended way to go for final cut users according to bloggers, but as a windows user have had trouble still with the macroblocking...pain in the rear, as well as banding of blue skies etc..was hoping the gopro way (files to cineform to squeeze) would have helped. but no longer sure. Only thing I noticed is that rendering in Vegas Pro, quality seems to be better via CPU as opposed to GPU..just barely. Will have to learn PPro and Avid, but getting older and tired of learning new GUI's everytime (have had to learn 3dsMax, Maya, Lightwave, Nuke, Fusion, C4D, etc etc. gets a bit old after a while!),

Thanks for reply!
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 04:50 PM   #4
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Re: gopro workflow AGAIN! Vegas (preferably) or premiere or Avid...

Ditto, that's pretty much what I figured, and why I left the cineform files alone (also because although I use a lot of Adobe CS stuff, wow Vegas is so much more straightforward! for video...don't get me started on GUI and usability! ...must learn..after effects and premiere...nukex...max, maya, lightwave, modo etc...

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Old November 2nd, 2012, 10:43 PM   #5
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Re: gopro workflow AGAIN! Vegas (preferably) or premiere or Avid...

Not sure what might be different between us but I can drag and drop the raw mp4 files directly on the Vegas timeline and playback is fine, as is playback in VLC. I just double checked this here on my laptop which is at best half as powerful as my primary PC. Not sure if maybe installing GoPro CineForm Studio might have something to do with it but can only say that there's no issues here.

- Ray
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 04:34 AM   #6
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Re: gopro workflow AGAIN! Vegas (preferably) or premiere or Avid...

If you have Vegas 10 or above, try rendering an XDCAM EX MP4 and using Handbrake to encode the MPEG-2 MP4 to H.264 in 2-pass. You'll get much better results than the AVC encoders on Sorensen and Sony AVC.
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Old November 6th, 2012, 03:46 PM   #7
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Re: gopro workflow AGAIN! Vegas (preferably) or premiere or Avid...

Thanks for the help guys! Will try it...frustrating to say the least, especially macorblocking and banding. Although for family/friends, not to cool with massive drop in quality in re-encoding/transcoding.
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Old November 6th, 2012, 03:57 PM   #8
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Re: gopro workflow AGAIN! Vegas (preferably) or premiere or Avid...

Originally Posted by Jack Zhang View Post
If you have Vegas 10 or above, try rendering an XDCAM EX MP4 and using Handbrake to encode the MPEG-2 MP4 to H.264 in 2-pass. You'll get much better results than the AVC encoders on Sorensen and Sony AVC.
Thanks I'll try it..I guess my other issue is stabilizing 60 mimutes plus of samsung galaxy note footage..slow as molasses still! Not going to happen with warp stabilizer, will try vegas, and mercalli...but warp stabilizer and mercalli and vegas still don't max out cpu (quad-core i7) forever to wait...will become another thread..thanks for help!
cookie on election night!
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