Exposure with ContourHD 1080p
I use two ContourHD 1080p cameras on my bike and I'm trying to get better quality from them at 720p60. The video typically contains bright sky and medium/dark shadows on the road where the vignette is occurring.
The camera allows setting the quality, exposure, contrast, metering and sharpness. I've experimented with many settings and found the best settings are the defaults; High quality, contrast 51%, sharpness 3, metering centered and exposure -1. But the results are so-so and clearly should be better.
My main concern is the crushed shadows and blown out highlights visually. Although, looking at a clip with a waveform monitor in PP, I see that the shadows are around 10% and highlights are around 80%. Maybe I'm reading it wrong but it doesn't really show crushing on either side.
Does anyone have suggestions on some settings, filters, techniques, etc. that will allow better post-production results?