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Old November 10th, 2010, 12:19 PM   #16
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Malvern UK
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I've been using 1080 25p. I have tried the 720 50p option too and may use it more in the future because it will allow selection of bits that can be made slow motion. I wish though that they would bump up the bitrate since the codec falls apart with high motion subjects.

Here's one I made (I've only just taken up kayaking so my skills suck, sorry) in 1080 25p mode with some experimental grading to bring up the shadows. looks a bit milky but I was just testing. Main reason I made this piece was to play around with sound. But that damn low bitrate is really frustrating, especially given how well the GoPro copes with difficult lighting.

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Old November 10th, 2010, 03:12 PM   #17
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Location: Oxford UK
Posts: 19
So far I've been tending towards the 720p as 1080 has turned some things into complete jelly... Also been getting some very variable battery life and can't quite work out why.

A couple of more successful shots in here:

Not the best video but captures a the essence of the trip for those who were there (cut together pretty quickly and handing the microphone to someone who pointed it in all the wrong directions didn't entirely work out well). Personally I'm not a fan of too many shots that have the paddler full frame - I keep wanting to look past them.

I've got a pile of gopro footage from some much harder rivers last weekend which I will have a play with once I get time. Pretty sure some of that is quite foggy though due to mid river battery changes and damp hands.
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