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MCE QuickStream DV
Specifically for the QuickStream DV Portable Hard Disk Recorder.

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Old March 6th, 2004, 02:06 AM   #31
New Boot
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Location: Wichita, KS
Posts: 24
DV control

We are talking about 2 functions. DV Control and the function I am referring to on the Canon Cameras. It is a specialized signal that no other camera has. It is a control signal similar to what you are discussing but it is function that controls a second device in VTR mode to do things such as editing from camera to camera. This function is not really that popular as non linear editing is obviously the dominent way to edit.

All DV cameras in camera mode do send the DV control signal (1394AV) to external devices such as our QuickStream DV. I am referring to the ability to control an external device in VTR mode. I am just curios as to the DVX100's ability to perform this same function. I will download the manual and check it out.
Jason Opat
Rule Producitons LLC
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Old March 6th, 2004, 02:15 AM   #32
DVX User
Join Date: May 2003
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Posts: 281
no idea... would most likely never use it. The entire DV control component on the DVX is along the lines of more pro cameras, for instance like you are talking about, you wont be able to match time codes on your edits. The Canon XL1 and GL2 cannot replicate timecode from one camera to another... but neither can the prosumer sonys. Only the DVX's can do it, and of course pro cameras.

The feature you are refering to sounds nice, but as you mentioned is more of a gimic than an actual usefull option.

Hey anyways, have you guys or Shining addressed the small garbled data in the AVI when you record 24pA with the DVX?

And when is your windows Quickstream Manager available?
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