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MCE QuickStream DV
Specifically for the QuickStream DV Portable Hard Disk Recorder.

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Old March 11th, 2004, 01:55 PM   #16
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Okay... so then you're saying that the suggestion wont be put into and "MCE comment box"?

The whole idea of solid state recording is to be better than taped recording. I'm only suggesting that this would be an even better addition to an already excellent product. Using tape as a backup would simply be to keep me in a comfort level until I'm sure that it's no longer necessary.

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Old March 11th, 2004, 02:14 PM   #17
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Long format recording

Of coarse we will take your suggestion. It can only improve product if it helps the videographer in the field.
Jason Opat
Rule Producitons LLC
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Old March 11th, 2004, 02:21 PM   #18
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So are there every and updates to the mini-os or whatever it is that rund the recording functionality on the device?

I'm asking because I'm simply wondering if future updates to the product can eventually be added to one that I buy now?

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Old March 11th, 2004, 03:08 PM   #19
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"... I am not sure of your reasoning as you have to compensate for the tape change now in your current shooting environment."

That's true, I do compensate for that by having a 2nd record deck, but the whole idea was to simplify my life with better products. Your mentioning being able to do overlap recording, when the situation you describe doesn't.

"A CEO or any speaker for that matter does not speak to a group for more than an hour at a time without some sort of a break."

You haven't been to alot of those, have you? :> I have had sessions where the presentations don't break for over 3 huors! Of course the client assumes that the audience will come and go, yet the CEOs are all still on the stage taking turns impressing each other. ;>

"...Different sounding audio is still better than missing it all together."

I always use a feed from the house audio person, (usually working with me anyway,) and have a back-up wireless receiver to each camera set to the same transmitter frequency and that way I don't have a change in my audio.

"Especially for long format recording the time savings is not having to log and capture all that footage."

I agree whole-heartedly. That's why I like the idea of have a chioce to have the disk follow the camera, or not. That's my whole point.

Hope I haven't ruffled too many feathers with my thoughts and my humor! :>
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Old March 11th, 2004, 06:20 PM   #20
New Boot
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Its Cool

Another example I have actually used the QuickStream DV on was a 4 camera shoot with a switcher and separate audio mixer. I switched the video in analogue on a MX50 and took a mixed feed from the house sound as well as wireless micorophones and mixed them down. This was all Recorded to my Panasonic DV deck using 184 minute DV tapes in the deck and simultaneously to the QuickStream DV Granted via the FireWire port out. Granted it was analogue video mixed down to DV but it was effective for a live shoot.

I then brought back the premixed show connected it to my system and imported the files directly to Final Cut Pro. Created titles, edited more of the video and then exported directly to Compressor. Imported the MPEG2 file into DVD Studio Pro and authored the DVD.

This show in the past was shot on BetaCam SP and then in later years on DV took weeks to produce. Using the QuickStream DV eliminated the long log and capture process and it also kept from actually taking up additional drive space on my system. In this instance my final product was on DVD and the edited footage was dumped back out via FireWire to my DV Deck on DV Tape for safe keeping. This process took only an afternoon to complete the program. Huge time savings using the QuickStream DV to capture to and work from.
Jason Opat
Rule Producitons LLC
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Old March 11th, 2004, 09:08 PM   #21
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So are there every and updates to the mini-os or whatever it is that runs the recording functionality on the device?

I'm asking because I'm simply wondering if future updates to the product can eventually be added to one that I buy now?

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Old March 12th, 2004, 03:53 AM   #22
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Hi Kevin,

I don’t really want to but in.

But I think that it may be a bit unfair to expect a product like the Quickstream to be OS updateable. My XL 1 isn’t updateable, and it cost more than 4x what the Quickstream costs. The cost of the Quicksream would definitely be much higher if it has/ or had an interface for software updates. I would personally rather have a Quickstream that is non-updateable and costs $200 less.

If you are looking for a capture system that has an updateable OS, then take a look at the Focus Firestore. It has a few more features, than the Quickstream, but costs a lot more.

Just my 2 cents.
Daniel Kohl

Frankenstein meets XL1
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Old March 12th, 2004, 07:21 AM   #23
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I understand you argument but don't agree. I hope I'm not stepping out of line by simply asking if it's a possibility. The gentleman seemed to be very helpful in answering all of my other questions.

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Old March 12th, 2004, 02:14 PM   #24
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My post wasn’t meant as a criticism, sorry if it sounded like that. You should definitely ask, and Jason should give you a strait answer. I just wanted to give my take, on the subject.

I was thinking about the issue of updating, after I wrote the above post anyway, and it occurred to me, that the Quickstream doesn’t accommodate all NLE formats, most noticeably, that of AVID.

-Jason, will it be possible to add DV wrappers to a Quickstream purchased now, in the future as they become available? Is MCE planning to increase the number of DV wrappers for the Quickstream in the future?
Daniel Kohl

Frankenstein meets XL1
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Old March 15th, 2004, 09:14 PM   #25
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So... Jason...

<<<-- Originally posted by Kevin Kimmell : So are there every and updates to the mini-os or whatever it is that runs the recording functionality on the device?

I'm asking because I'm simply wondering if future updates to the product can eventually be added to one that I buy now? -->>>

Is there an answer to this question?
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Old May 19th, 2004, 06:12 AM   #26
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XL1: No tape / No Quickstream or D2D recording

I sort of don't get it.
Apart from saving A LOT of time in post, why should one use it?
The argument of no tear and wear of the tape mechanism is not standing. My XL1 goes in "stand by-sleep mode" pretty soon after a period of non activity of the tape mechanism. So in order to record direct to disk I HAVE to start and stop the camera with a tape inserted. The Sony PD150 seems to stay active for hours, so I can see a possibility of recording direct to disk without the tape running. Is there a solution to make the XL1 stay alive for a long time?
Valeriu Campan
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Old May 19th, 2004, 08:48 AM   #27
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<<<-- Originally posted by Daniel Kohl : Hi Kevin,

I don’t really want to but in.

But I think that it may be a bit unfair to expect a product like the Quickstream to be OS updateable. My XL 1 isn’t updateable, and it cost more than 4x what the Quickstream costs. The cost of the Quicksream would definitely be much higher if it has/ or had an interface for software updates. I would personally rather have a Quickstream that is non-updateable and costs $200 less.

If you are looking for a capture system that has an updateable OS, then take a look at the Focus Firestore. It has a few more features, than the Quickstream, but costs a lot more.

Just my 2 cents. -->>>

um, I have a £100 wirless mp3 player that is firmware upgradable, so there is no real excuse for not making this the same.


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Old May 19th, 2004, 04:10 PM   #28
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The XL1 is indeed not a very good match with such technology
if you want to record without tape. But the XL1S does not have
the same problem.

Wear and tear is a factor since not everybody has a DV deck
and thus you at least spare a capture run out. And if you don't
record to disk (although I would want to do that for backup /
storage anyway if I can) that is another save.

The main reasons to go with such a device in my opinion:

1) no capture time wasted

2) ability to record longer then 1 hour at one time (handy for event shooting)

3) availability to preview footage on set without worrying of overwriting the tape (if you have a recording device with analog out)

I just noticed that the shutdown issue has been answered
with a solution in your other thread

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