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JVC GY-HD Series Camera Systems
GY-HD 100 & 200 series ProHD HDV camcorders & decks.

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Old February 23rd, 2007, 04:33 PM   #16
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Negative, Will Robinson!

Originally Posted by Justin Ferar
I was under the impression that it would still record an M2T file at 720p60.
Well, I'm under the impression that there's no point in getting one if you're recording 60p as a part of your regular workflow...I asked specifically about recording 60p on the camera and 30p on the disk - the answer was Negative - they had to match.

Oooo. Software update just popped a Final Cut Update into my screen...

So, anyway, there's only one unit, that 100, that will record 720/60p - but it's not compatible with JVC HDV...
Jeff Butler
Butler Films

Last edited by Jeffrey Butler; February 23rd, 2007 at 08:28 PM.
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Old February 23rd, 2007, 08:21 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Jeffrey Butler
I'm looking for improvements, deletions, additions...etc. The DR-HD100 does NOT record 720/60p (bummer), but I suspect it will be valuable nonetheless.
Hi Jeffery,

The DRHD100 DOES record 720/60p, in the .m2t mode. I've done it several times.

But, support for 60p HDD files over firewire for NLE's is very limited so far. As in the past, the NLE companies will have to catch up. For now, you could play the files back through the camera, and come out the component HD connector, and go to a capture card like BlackMagic or AJA

Carl Hicks
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Old February 23rd, 2007, 08:29 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Jaadgy Akanni
Also remember that the DR-HD100 has no 24/25P QT support for the HD200 yet. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Correct for now. New firmware to enable 24p Quicktime from the HD 200 or HD 250 cameras is due from Focus in mid March.
Carl Hicks
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Old February 23rd, 2007, 09:09 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Carl Hicks
The DRHD100 DOES record 720/60p, in the .m2t mode. I've done it several times.
And these are the files that will wind up and play on the JVC DVD player, then? That's a good thing...closer than we were to happiness on this thread. But Phil at Focus Enchancements says no....but you've done it, so I'm more inclined to believe you.

Originally Posted by Carl Hicks
For now, you could play the files back through the camera, and come out the component HD connector, and go to a capture card like BlackMagic or AJA
Well, if I've got to play the stuff back anyway, then capturing it to the DRHD100 seems a marginal benefit - except that I can burn the files immediately to DVD and archive/review the footage....

Is there currently an Apple Compressor way for conversion of the footage? I can see using the HDD, copying the stuff to DVD then converting the footage to whatever glossy HD variant that matches - including Apple Intermediate Codec...
Jeff Butler
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Old February 23rd, 2007, 09:36 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Jeffrey Butler
I can burn the files immediately to DVD and archive/review the footage....

Is there currently an Apple Compressor way for conversion of the footage? I can see using the HDD, copying the stuff to DVD then converting the footage to whatever glossy HD variant that matches - including Apple Intermediate Codec...
If you record in m2t then yes, instant m2t dailies burned to DVD will play in the JVC SR-DVD100 player.
You can use Mpegstreamclip to convert m2t into any quicktime codec. Cinema Tools will then allow you to slow the 60P (59.94fps) material to 24P (23.98fps) for "overcranked" slow motion.
Tim Dashwood
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Old February 23rd, 2007, 09:50 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Tim Dashwood
If you record in m2t then yes, instant m2t dailies burned to DVD will play in the JVC SR-DVD100 player.
Now we're back to the reason for having both the DVD and the HDD Recorder in the shopping cart...and this all happening at 720p 60...
Jeff Butler
Butler Films
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Old February 26th, 2007, 03:29 PM   #22
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AC Charger comes w/ GY HD200u?

Does this camera come with an AC charger? I've got this item in my cart:
Originally Posted by In my cart
Anton Bauer
TITAN-70 On-Camera AC Adapter and Single Position Battery Charger
But I'm not sure about it now that I re-read the specs, as I'm purchasing 2 x DIONIC 90 Lithium-Ion Battery with 14.4V/90 WH for it and the AC charger below says this:
Originally Posted by B&H spec
As with all Anton Bauer chargers, charging with the TITAN 70 is fully automatic. Mount any Logic Series battery to the TITAN 70 and it will automatically determine the appropriate charge routine and execute it.
The TITAN 70 will charge any Anton Bauer Logic Series Gold Mount battery including:

ProPac 13/14
Digital ProPac 13/14
TrimPac 13/14
Digital TrimPac 13/14
HyTRON 50/100
I don't see the DIONIC listed in the specs?

Are these the batteries of choice for this camera? Does one come with it? What's the skinny w/ recharging them (or the stock)?

Thanks - getting close, here...
Jeff Butler
Butler Films
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Old February 26th, 2007, 03:37 PM   #23
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720p/60 workflow

Originally Posted by Tim Dashwood
Cinema Tools will then allow you to slow the 60P (59.94fps) material to 24P (23.98fps) for "overcranked" slow motion.
Let's say I just want to shoot and work in 60p, then worry about the output format when it's time to, well, output. I haven't found a good thread yet talking about it (so if you can direct me to one, I'll take it!).

But like the piece you posted from Sundance, did you use CT to "just change the frame rate" and then work in a regular 29.97 fps timeline (or in your case 23.98?)?

All the pieces are in my head, I just haven't put them together yet. I want to shoot 60, work 60, and output, most likely for the next 8 mos., 30 (29.97) 16x9 SD DVD. I've never hated 30 fps, and it makes sense to use it if you're coming down from 60...especially if I'm just knocking it back up to 29.97 for NTSC output anyway...isn't that one less conversion? (not going to 24 then to 30) (I'm using 24 to equal 23.98 and 30 to equal 29.97, all NTSC speak).
Jeff Butler
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Old February 26th, 2007, 04:31 PM   #24
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I can only address the battery issue as a long time AB user using Dionic 90s.
The charger in the package WILL charge the Dionic 90s but it will only POWER the camera IF it is attached to the AB battery mount and then you can put a battery on the outside mount of the charger. That way you can run the camera off of AC and pull the plug from the charger, work off the battery and go mobile.
The dionic 90s will give you about 4 hours of run time as the camera pulls 23W in record mode. Of course if you have other attachment such as a reciever or a light pulling off the battery the run times derese accordingly. For example an AB Ultralight with a 20W bulb running off the Dionic 90 battery when recording pulls 8W of power so now you're pulling 31W of power total. Divide that into 90W and you'll see how much time you get.
When I shot a JVC5000 that pulled 20W with a light and receiver (although recievers pull very small amounts of power) I could not do a job with only 2 batteries. I have 4 and they go with in the bag no matter what the job is. Hate to run out of power in the mifddle of a job.
I would say the Dionic 90s would be the battery of choice for a couple of reasons. 1) They have 90 watts 2) they weigh in at less than 2 pounds each and 3) later on should you move to another camera the batteries will work-just get the adaptor plate. The reputation og Anton Bauer in my opinion is immpecable with excellant customer service.
I understand there might be an issue with funds but if at all possible try to get 4 batteries (well 3 at least) and possibly later on get the 2704 intellicharger. It's not cheap but it will condition your batteries and allow you to charge 4 at a time. I would keep the Titan 70 to run the camera off AC as a backup.
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Old February 26th, 2007, 04:52 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Don Bloom
The charger in the package WILL charge the Dionic 90s but it will only POWER the camera IF it is attached to the AB battery mount and then you can put a battery on the outside mount of the charger. That way you can run the camera off of AC and pull the plug from the charger, work off the battery and go mobile....snip...I would keep the Titan 70 to run the camera off AC as a backup.
Don - great feedback, thanks. That's the exact scenario I was trying to consider. The Titan 70 will do what I was wondering, good.

My other question, though, to others, still stands - what's the AC solution out of the box for the HD200u? Do I even need the Titan 70? Or since I'm getting AB batteries, do I need something other than the camera to charge them - can I charge those DIONIC w/ the out-of-the-box stuff (even it's stuck doing it on the camera)...
Jeff Butler
Butler Films
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Old February 26th, 2007, 05:27 PM   #26
Inner Circle
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I do not believe that you can charge the batteries or power the camera with AC right out of the box with the AB charger. Even assuming there were a 4pin tap for a power cord with some sort of AC/DC adaptor and AC cord you wouldn't be able to run the camera and the batteries certainly cannot be charged without the AB charger. I also don't think you can charge the battery while running the camera off of AC with the charger. Even with my 2704 intellicharger I can't do both at once. Theres a switch on the charger (the 2704) that goes to either charge or power. The Titan70 is not an intellicharger so I think it would be highly questionable that it could do both at once.
Sorry to be a downer on this but the professional batteries such as AB, IDX will only charge on their chargers an the fact that the charger can power the camera even though while not charging is still a plus in many cases.
Like I said, I'm biased towards AB but in my opinion thye're the best and they have so many types and sizes of batteries you can find one to power anything BUT you can only charge them on the AB charger.

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Old February 28th, 2007, 11:20 AM   #27
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AC power supply

Getting a stand alone AC power supply for the cameras 4-pin XLR input is a reasonably cheap and compact unit if you need that capability to charge while shooting on AC. I just happened to have a vintage one around that is fine.
Don't fry your camera by using the wrong power, but the power requirements are standard for pro equipment for years now.
Sean Adair - NYC -
JVC GY-HM-700 with 17x5 lens, MacPro 3.2ghz 8-core, 18gb. (JVC HD200 4 sale soon)
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