GY-HD100E Capture trouble at
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Old January 29th, 2007, 09:34 AM   #1
New Boot
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Location: Italy Milan
Posts: 23
GY-HD100E Capture trouble

Hello Friends,
I'm Roberto from Milan Italy,
I am an happy user of the gy100E but I have a problem that is frustrating.
When I capture using NLE as Vegas or others it happens that the capture begins and stops 2-3 times before continuing faultless.
this thing goes ON-OFF-ON-OFF for 3-4 seconds than the capture continue without problems.
During this sequence the camera displays shows a message "change mode" or "mode change",anyway nothing that is reported on Jvc manuals...
I'm capturing HDV 24 and 25p with the switch set on HDV...
The second problem happens at the end. When I press [Stop] on the capture utility the camera stops but the nle still feel it as playing.... Infact if I try to quit, the software tells me: "capture in progress, are you sure to quit?" pressing YES nothing happen...
then I need task manager to shut down it....
I tried to restore all the factory presets but nothing changes...
The same trouble happens in others NLE, edius avid etc...
I'm loosing too much time on this issue, please help me!

Thanks a lot and my apologiez for my bloody English,

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Old January 30th, 2007, 01:45 AM   #2
New Boot
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Location: Italy Milan
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Noone? :(

Yesterday I've tried to capture in real time direct to disk by dvrack HD2...
It Works!!! so it seems that the problem happens only from a tape..

Help :D
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Old January 30th, 2007, 03:34 AM   #3
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It looks to me you need the 'A'-upgrade.
Your local JVC rep. should be able to help you with that.
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Old January 30th, 2007, 05:42 AM   #4
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hmm, no, I have the latest firmware and that still happens in Vegas. Just always use the header-record or start capturing in advance. Also, this happens when you have mixed materials on your tape (SD HDV 50p and HD HDV 720 25p e.g.). Starting to play from a tape 'sets' the camera in the right characteristics, but that seems to take a few seconds...

Originally Posted by Roberto Longo
The second problem happens at the end. When I press [Stop] on the capture utility the camera stops but the nle still feel it as playing.... Infact if I try to quit, the software tells me: "capture in progress, are you sure to quit?" pressing YES nothing happen...
then I need task manager to shut down it....
This problem occurs with vegas sometimes, but has nothing to do with the camcorder. I have to say I don't have a consistent problem with that...
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Old January 31st, 2007, 02:30 AM   #5
New Boot
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How do you mean header-record? my English is poor :(

So, considering that troubles in Vegas exist only during capture and not later in editing.. how can I solve it?
Is there any free HDV capture utility that support 720 24/25p?
if there is, i would be happy to use it to capture and then editing on Vegas...
as example, I had a GR-HD1/PD1 and it was supplied with an MPEG CAPTURE UTILITY from Pixela. It was perfect.. but it doesn't work with HD100 seriers..:(
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Old February 1st, 2007, 01:56 AM   #6
New Boot
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Little update...
Yesterday night I've tried with Cineform HdConnect.. Same thing, "start" then "mode changing" on camera... after 2-3 seconds video output become stable and capture is available..
the only difference, using cineform the end of capture is perfect..
Hel guys :(
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Old February 1st, 2007, 07:46 AM   #7
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You can let the camera record some bars and blacks at the beginning of the tape. That's handy, because it isn't bad if you loose some frames of bars or black. There is just one thing that solves the problem. Press the play button and wait about 10 seconds before the camera is fully running and decoding. Just then you can press the capture button. This way it works fine, but you see you need some 'room' on the tape beforehand (and that 'room' NEEDS to be in the same encoding e.g. HDV 720 25p - otherwise it won't work). That's why I suggest you try the HEADER-RECORD, that is a function of your camcorder, and it provides the necessary 'room' at the beginning of each tape...
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Old February 1st, 2007, 09:59 AM   #8
New Boot
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I got it!

I will try in few hours...
Keep in touch

Thanks a lot, Rob
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