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Old October 26th, 2006, 05:50 PM   #1
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Need Help With A Recipe

I'm shooting at an event tomorrow. It's in Florida in the evening about 6:30 till..... It's an outdoor car show and concert being held in the infield of a speedway. I'm shooting it for stock footage and for possible placement on the web. I'm shooting it for a church that uses video on the web.

Any suggestions for settings or tips?

Thank you
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Old October 26th, 2006, 07:26 PM   #2
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If it's just for the can and don't have a look in mind for the final project, I would shoot with Paolo's TC3, then you can push it around in post later. Especially with a car show... Mmmmmm all the pretty colors. ;)

However, a lot of guys around her prefer to get the look in camera, theres no right or wrong, do whats comfortable for you.

If you can, you might consider using 24P (if your NLE can work with it) since it's less frames than 30P to stream when delivery is web based. Just something to consider.
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Daniel Patton is offline   Reply With Quote
Old October 26th, 2006, 07:31 PM   #3
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Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the reply. I'm working on putting together a demo reel and this HD100 is still new to me. I may be making it harder than it is. I want to get just the right look but so many settings are possible with this camera that it is a bit overwhelming. I know what I like when I'm looking through the camera but I need to learn more about this camera and its possible scene "looks."

Appreciate your input.

Best Regards,
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Old October 26th, 2006, 08:32 PM   #4
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Oh I understand, it's an onging process and just takes time. be patient and shoot at every chance you get, that helped me the most.

Have you view these posts? I think they might help.

Scene files enough to keep busy awhile.

And this one is great and shows the scene files "looks".
Our eyes allow us to see the world - The lens allows others to see the world through our eyes.
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Old October 27th, 2006, 07:13 AM   #5
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Hi Daniel,

Do you have any frame rate/shutter suggestions? Also, the HDV playback output, does this need to be set prior to recording or can it be adjusted at anytime during playback?

Any ideas are appreciated. I want to learn as much as possible on this camera. Planning to work today with the scene file you suggested and see what kind of look I get.

Been checking into the upgrade for editing in HD. Hope to get this done real soon. For today I can only shoot and view it in SD. I'll be glad when the upgrade is done.

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Old October 27th, 2006, 12:50 PM   #6
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I 2nd that

Use the TC3 settings, as a total newbe to shooting video, let alone HD video I have used the TC3 settings for everything. I really like the color even if it's a bit more saturated then real life color. Also I have found that under exposing just a hair looks better, imho. Also check out other posts for the sweet spot of the lens your using and your footage will look great, SD or HD. This camera makes wonderful pictures....
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Old October 28th, 2006, 09:03 PM   #7
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Hi Jon,

I too think this camera is amazing. I don't yet have an HD TV to view the footage but do have a new LCD TV. The colors really are amazing.

I experimented with the TC3 the other day and was really happy with the settings.

Thanks for the reply.
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Old October 29th, 2006, 12:24 AM   #8
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HDV playback output, does not need to be set prior to recording, this just tell the system it's a DV or HDV stream/device. But if I remember right it should be done before powering on the camera.

Nothing ground breaking for frame rate/shutter suggestions, 1/60 is typical for 30P and 1/48 when shooting 24P. A lot of debates take place regarding this choice of shooting either 24P or 30P but when you boil it down, it's all personal preference and opinion in the end. As mentioned earlier, I like 24P for delivery over the web, it just makes sense as lower frames rates are a little easier to stream. It also takes less space on a drive in regard to capture, less time for render final projects, with less overhead for the system to work with. Does this mean that working in 30P is a bad idea or less desirable for web delivery, nope not at all. Shoot a little of both and see what works for you. Just don't shoot 24P & 30P on the same tape, or your likely to get the ever anoying "mode changing" during capture - it switches back and forth from the two formats. Label two tapes respectively and stick with that format for each tape. Not reqiured, just a good idea and will avoids some headaches.

I personally like to shoot 30P and at higher shutter when it's fast moving action (motocross, sports, etc) so the frames stay clear with less blur and the action looks crisp. This look can also be overdone if used too much as some say it's edgy, (I still like it anyway).

Good luck with the new setup and working towards an HD workflow, it's real tough to go back to SD once you do make the switch... and I mean painful. ;)
Our eyes allow us to see the world - The lens allows others to see the world through our eyes.
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Old October 29th, 2006, 08:17 AM   #9
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Hi Daniel,

Thanks so much for the input. I've been mainly using the 30P with 1/60 shutter. I have seen alot of debate in the forum as to which settings people like the best. But like you say, it is personal preference when it comes down to it.

The forum is full of great information but when new to this camera it can sometimes seem a bit overwhelming.

I'm working on getting the editing system upgrade done. I've been checking into the computer requirements etc and seems I have what I need. For now, I'm just going to go with the Pinnacle upgrade. And, next time to the Liquid!

Main projects right now are to shoot some stock footage that I need so I can complete a preview reel for a company. I also have a true story project. Too costly to do the full scripted version so looking at shooting it as a short doc for the web and then maybe some way I can drum up some interest for the bigger picture. I think for these particular projects the Pinnacle version for HD will work out nicely until I do more high end projects.

Once again, thank you for the help!
Lisa Bennett is offline   Reply With Quote
Old October 30th, 2006, 03:42 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Daniel Patton
[b]Just don't shoot 24P & 30P on the same tape, or your likely to get the ever anoying "mode changing" during capture - it switches back and forth from the two formats.
Good tip. Not had this problem, but then again I shoot mostly 24p... Good luck.

John Vincent is offline   Reply

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