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JVC GY-HD Series Camera Systems
GY-HD 100 & 200 series ProHD HDV camcorders & decks.

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Old October 18th, 2006, 12:44 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Ken Hodson
In regards to the "Super Encoder" that allows full 60p using the same 19.7mbps, does this super encode also work its magic on 24p and 30p? If they are able to double the frame rate with an apparent increase in quality, the older 24p and 30p modes should be just gorgeous! If they are left unchanged, then there is some sevear untapped potential there. Any chance they boosted the old 480p60 mode to 480p120?(that would be very cool, although unlikely)
The encoder's behavior on 24 and 30p material is unchanged, all that the new encoder adds is increased processing capabilities to handle the large amount of raw data that 720p60 presents.

480p120 won't happen because the chip scans at a constant 60Hz (except in 24p mode). Doubling the frame rate would require doubling the scanning rate of the chip, which would require a fundamental re-engineering of the chip and camera.
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Old October 18th, 2006, 06:00 AM   #32
JVC America
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Originally Posted by Ken Hodson
In regards to the "Super Encoder" that allows full 60p using the same 19.7mbps, does this super encode also work its magic on 24p and 30p? If they are able to double the frame rate with an apparent increase in quality, the older 24p and 30p modes should be just gorgeous! If they are left unchanged, then there is some sevear untapped potential there. Any chance they boosted the old 480p60 mode to 480p120?(that would be very cool, although unlikely)
Hi Ken,

I believe that there is only one encoder in the camera, so the increased quality of the encoder, as well as the new 14 bit A/D should give benefit to all recording modes of the new cameras.

No to the 480p/120 mode.

Regards, Carl
Carl Hicks
JVC Professional Products Company
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Old October 18th, 2006, 07:42 AM   #33
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Carl, when do you expect more information on the GY-HD200? The camera's where slated for a release in October. This is most likely not going to happen. So what's the current release frame? Are there updated details on the pricing for the models... with or without a stock lens? And what is the cost of the stocklens of the HD-110 when bought seperately?

I will be buying a camera between now and the end of december. So if the JVC's will arrive in that timeframe, they are a serious option for me. But without any new information, this is a bit difficult.
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Old October 18th, 2006, 09:28 PM   #34
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Hi Floris,

Sorry, I don't have any specific information yet on the GY-HD200 release, but we should probably know in a few weeks.

I believe that you will be able to buy it with a stock 16X lens, and without a lens. Final pricing has not been set yet. The April press release shows an estimated price of about $8,000 list price.

I understand your need, and I will forward your questions to product management.

Regards, Carl
Carl Hicks
JVC Professional Products Company
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Old October 18th, 2006, 11:37 PM   #35
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I also understand that your company has a different schedule then me! I just hope that the information will be there before I make my purchase.

I think you already told me that you don't know, but is the estimated release price of $8000 with or without a stocklens (I think you mentioned without).
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Old October 18th, 2006, 11:45 PM   #36
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I'm going to be conserative and say without lens. By comparison, the price on the GY-HD250U is $9995, without lens.

Regards, Carl
Carl Hicks
JVC Professional Products Company
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Old October 18th, 2006, 11:46 PM   #37
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What is the price of the lens that comes with the HD-110/111?
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Old October 18th, 2006, 11:54 PM   #38
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It's not available from sales as a separate item. But, it can be ordered thru the parts department, as follows:

Part #LW30610-001B LENS - FUJINON LENS $2,208.07
Carl Hicks
JVC Professional Products Company
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Old October 18th, 2006, 11:56 PM   #39
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But I understand that there will be a lenskit as well?
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Old October 19th, 2006, 06:58 AM   #40
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A good chance of that.
Carl Hicks
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Old October 19th, 2006, 03:42 PM   #41
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Press Release
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Old October 19th, 2006, 04:43 PM   #42
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I've got a question here... Will it be possible to operate the camera handheld when it's hooked up to multicore for CCU control?
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Old October 19th, 2006, 09:51 PM   #43
JVC America
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Originally Posted by Stephan Ahonen
I've got a question here... Will it be possible to operate the camera handheld when it's hooked up to multicore for CCU control?

Hi Stephen,

In order to connect the rack-mount CCU, RM-P210U, to the GY-HD250U, you have to use the KA-HD250U Studio Adaptor. This, of course, converts the camera into a full studio-type camera, designed to be tripod mounted. See our website and the brochure for details on the KA-HD250U.

However, there are two solutions that are in the works that will allow shoulder-mount operation, with CCU control. One is from Telecast Fiber, and one is from Camplex. Details on these solutions will be coming later.

Regards, Carl
Carl Hicks
JVC Professional Products Company
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Old October 20th, 2006, 12:02 AM   #44
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Reason I'm asking is I work at a cable station that's looking to go HD in a couple years, we cover high school sports. The HD250 looks like a great solution to go HD very inexpensively, especially since the cameras can be used for ENG as well. TBH I wasn't too keen on multicore in the first place, if it were possible to run an HD250 over fiber or triax I would be sold. Triax preferably, since state tournaments happen in arenas that are wired for triax.

Also, a friend of mine runs a video program for a school district and he's looking to update his nearly decade-old video system as well, if he could get some proper CCU-controllable cameras (HD no less) for $15k each he would be all over it.

But... the big issue is being able to work with these cameras effectively handheld, which means for example being able to take the camera all the way up and down a football sideline.
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Old October 22nd, 2006, 02:28 AM   #45
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Carl, what is the current status of the two camera's? I see different releasedates at each different site. Some say the HD-251E will be released early 2007 and the HD-201E will be released in october. But from what you have said, I understand that this is not the case?

Also, has your company already decided if the 200 will have IDX or AB? I am almost convinced to buy into the JVC system. Another question I have is if both camera's work easily with Adobe Production Studio (Premiere) as that is the NLE system I am using and am comfortable with.
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