possible MAJOR audio problem..... at DVinfo.net
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Old September 12th, 2006, 11:47 AM   #1
Major Player
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possible MAJOR audio problem.....

I just got back some tapes from a shoot last weekend.

They are interviews.

2 tapes are barely audible and don't register at all on the vu meter.
I have to crank it way up through a mixer to be able to tell what the guy is saying. both were shot in different locations.

one of the tapes is perfectly fine (interviewing a woman in a different location)

all the tapes have bars and tone at the head, and the tone sounds perfectly fine.

Now what does not make any sense, is that the audio guy and the camera shooter are all veterans with decades of experience in film and video production.

They were monitoring EVERYTHING through the JVC camera. and it all sounded perfect when they were shooting.

Has anyone else run into this? Is it possible for the HD100-U to monitor the audio perfectly but record something barely audible to tape?

The sound guy didn't know if the VU meter was on the viewfinder or not.
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Old September 12th, 2006, 12:09 PM   #2
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uh oh

Actually, that happened to me... the first part of the tape was ok, but by the end, on the beggining of a new take, as well as on all of the subsequent ones, it was just as you described it... I thought I might have put down the volume myself, so, ever since the I've been using auto volume for my event coverage...
Maybe it's the camera?!
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Old September 12th, 2006, 01:10 PM   #3
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You had the super low volume that has to have major boost just to hear and you hear interference as well?


I was just listening to the bars and tone on the head of tape #1

The first 10 seconds have the hiss and no tone, then it becomes tone
that is at -20 as it should.

I'm thinking the sound circuitry on my jvc is hosed.

Admittedly we have not done a whole lot of stuff with sound on it.
We did shoot something last week in HD-30P and the audio was perfect.

This was shot with DV 60i.

Somebody is renting/shooting today in HD-30P.

is it possible its only having the problem in DV 60i?
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Old September 13th, 2006, 03:03 AM   #4
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I was shooting 720p25, and yes, apparently there was no sound, until I messed with some audio filters that could pull it up, but what I could hear the most is a lot of interferences - noise and some weird 'beeps' (maybe the camera's operating noise).

That was the first, and I hope, the last time it happened.

Of course, it could have been me putting down the volume, but, in the first place, it's no so easy to do by accident, and then, I supposed I would have noticed the audio meter.

I don't know...
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