Novice problem capturing HDV footage from HD100 at
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Old July 14th, 2006, 07:21 AM   #1
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Novice problem capturing HDV footage from HD100

I hired a videographer to shoot an event for me with his GY-HD100 camera. He brought the camera over to my office and I copied the HDV footage to hard drive using Premiere Pro 2. But the audio has big problems inside of the PPro timeline. It repeats and is out of sync. As far as I know, I have no other software to test the audio to see if it simply a PPro playback problem or if the file is really corrupted. Since I will have to rent time to capture the footage again, I need to make sure that I am doing it correctly the next time. Is there a setting that you must make on the camera when you capture in HDV? I know that the tape was HDV-30p since it said this in the display on camera during the capture process.

I captured 2 HDV tapes made on the JVC 100 HDV camera inside of PPro. The audio is messed up on both files. On one file, I get the same 13 minute audio repeating itself every 13 minutes for the length of the video. On the other file, I also get repeating audio, but its about 30 seconds worth of audio that repeats and it does not appear to be from the video segment at the beginning of the tape like the 13 minute repeat is. And the 13 minute repeated audio is about 2 seconds late even during the first 13 minutes when it does "match".

So what the heck is going on here? I've got stunning looking video captured with basically worthless audio. Was it some setting that I had wrong during capture? I used the project preset provided by adobe for JVC ProHD 30p HDV for the capture project.

I do not own the camera. So I have to rent it in order to recapture my footage. So before I do, I was hoping that someone might have some insight into what I need to do to capture this correctly.

When I captured, the only way that I could get PP to capture was to use the capture window "play" button and then hit the record button. There was not scan-capture available and no scene detect like I have with DV25 projects. Is this normal for HDV? I know that there are people that are capturing in PPro from the JVC camera. I hope that someone can shed some light on my issue.
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Old July 14th, 2006, 07:32 AM   #2
Capt. Quirk
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I don't have an answer for you, but you aren't alone. I shot a tape in 60P/30P, and for the most part, the audio came out fine. However, there is one segment of African dancers, where the audio sounds like it is playing about 2-3 seconds of audio, then looping over and over. Is this like what you are experiencing?
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Old July 14th, 2006, 10:42 AM   #3
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Yes, it is like that in that it repeats, but it does this for both 60 minute files. Were you using PPro to capture? Do you use the cineform or something else?
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Old July 14th, 2006, 11:06 AM   #4
Capt. Quirk
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I just did several captures through PP2, capturing in HDV via firewire. In one clip, I have a solid screen of red that lasts 9 frames, and the one clip with the audio looping. The rest is fine.
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Old July 14th, 2006, 12:41 PM   #5
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Hey Keith, were you able to do any scene detect of your HDV in PP2? I could not, so I captured the entire tape as one clip. Maybe this is part of my problem? How did you capture your scenes?

I just noticed that you are from Palm Bay. I went to school at Florida Tech and lived in Palm Bay for a summer back in 1984. I bet it has changed significantly since then...

Is there anyone else out there who has captured in PP2? If not, is there a 3rd party app that is solid for capture that I can import into Adobe?
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Old July 14th, 2006, 01:12 PM   #6
Capt. Quirk
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I didn't do the scene detect, instead I set the the marker, and recorded each clip manually.
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Old July 14th, 2006, 01:22 PM   #7
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Try deleting the render files and allow premiere to re-index/re-conform files. Don't mess with the files (view, edit) when they are being conformed, or you'll risk the same corruption again.

If it does not work, try recapturing the tapes. It might be that something was not captured correctly, it happens to me from time to time. To avoid this risk, do not do anything on the computer while performing capture.

Audio out of sync for a couple of frames unfortunately happens sometimes but I don't know what's the reason.

BTW, I capture with HDLink from Aspect HD, but I think it would be the same in Premiere itself.
Bart Walczak is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 14th, 2006, 06:47 PM   #8
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If you end up having to recapture here are a few things that might help:

1) If you are using the firewire port make sure the small, almost hidden switch on the side of the camera to select firewire output is set to HDV ( and not DV )
2) Confirm that the tape is actually shot in HDV 720 30p. Must say so on the LCD during Playback. Set up your project accordingly. Try using both the standard PP2 HDV 720 30p template as well as the JVC HD 100 presets, to see which works better for you.
3) monitor both video and audio coming out of the analog outputs on the camera during capture.
4) capture and check a few short clips first.

BTW my PP2 and HD 100 working perfectly together.

Hope this is helfull
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Old July 14th, 2006, 07:31 PM   #9
Capt. Quirk
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Jay- Shooting in 60P/30P shouldn't make any difference, since the 60P is only available through live capture with componant, right?
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Old July 14th, 2006, 11:55 PM   #10
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Do a lot of hd100 users have this audio problem?
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Old July 15th, 2006, 09:41 AM   #11
Capt. Quirk
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So far, me and Mikey are the only ones who have mentioned this. I'd love to find out if it is a common thing, or if we're just blessed.
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Old July 15th, 2006, 11:00 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Jonathan Nelson
Do a lot of hd100 users have this audio problem?
My workflow to capture is with AspectHD, and then import the files into PPro 2.0. Never had audio problems so far.
Did you use the new presets which are available on the Adobe website?
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Old July 15th, 2006, 11:21 AM   #13
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Just a FWIW - Main Concept has just released their new Mpeg Pro plugin that will work with PPro 2.

MPEG Pro™ HD 2.0

From the info page:
While Premiere Pro offers native HDV editing, it is a cumbersome and time-consuming process where every frame of your footage is re-rendered regardless of whether or not any editing has been done. MainConcept, the MPEG experts, have streamlined the process for efficient, frame-accurate rendering with extraordinary quality. MPEG Pro HD's Smart Rendering only re-renders frames that have been changed, saving you valuable time and preserving the quality of the original MPEG or HDV movie.
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Old July 15th, 2006, 11:54 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Dave Wallin
Just a FWIW - Main Concept has just released their new Mpeg Pro plugin that will work with PPro 2.

MPEG Pro™ HD 2.0

From the info page:
While Premiere Pro offers native HDV editing, it is a cumbersome and time-consuming process where every frame of your footage is re-rendered regardless of whether or not any editing has been done. MainConcept, the MPEG experts, have streamlined the process for efficient, frame-accurate rendering with extraordinary quality. MPEG Pro HD's Smart Rendering only re-renders frames that have been changed, saving you valuable time and preserving the quality of the original MPEG or HDV movie.
Can someone help me understand what I need.

At one location I am switching to Premiere Pro 2 on a new Dual-Dual Core Xeon workstation, PCIe 16x graphics, 15k hard drives, etc.

We will be editing HD100 footage as well as Z1U footage. After editing, many times the video will be downconverted.

For the smoothest editing workflow and to maintain quality, what is the best add-on for Premiere Pro 2?
--The new MainConcept Plugin ($400)
--AspectHD (? not clear what it does)
--Connect HD from Cineform (? not clear what it does)
--Some other add on program
--A combination

Thank you!
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Old July 15th, 2006, 12:10 PM   #15
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Ouch... HD100 = 720p and Z1U = 1080i, and it will be pain to do without loosing quality. Certainly you cannot fit both in the timeline without rendering when editing in native HDV mode in Premiere Pro 2.

I would recommend getting Aspect HD from Cineform, which will allow you to resize your Z1U or HD100 footage during capture/convert plus it will speed up your editing in Premiere. Aspect HD is an intermediary codec which is less computing power consuming and allows for faster/better editing in PPro 2. Connect HD is the same but for Sony Vegas, you won't be needing that. Main Concept plug-in is for encoding for DVD/Blue Ray and its SD version is already included in PPro.

So you would only need Aspect HD for editing.

BTW, your machine would be an overkill for HDV editing unless you would do some serious AE work.
Bart Walczak is offline   Reply

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