upconverting 720p to 1920x1080
I am working on a music video that was shot 95% on 35mm and transferred to D5 (1920x1080), but we had to pick up a day and for budget reasons we shot on the JVC. So now I want to get this 720p video upconverted cleanly to 1080p.
I have imported this into FCP with HDVxDV at the 720p AIC codec. Where would I perform the upconvert (FCP quicktime, HDVxDV, or something else). The problem is that I will be onlining to D5 and I need a way of bringing this footage to the online session.
The wrinkle here is that the camera had a dead pixel so I have to clean it up the the DH- reincarnation filter at home instead of wasting time (money) in the online room. I am thinking it may be best to bring it in already corrected on a hard drive as I have no way of exporting to an HD deck at my home.
Has anyone else had to do this?
Thanks in advance for your help.