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JVC GY-HD Series Camera Systems
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Old June 8th, 2006, 10:46 AM   #16
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Sydney Australia
Posts: 873
Originally Posted by Warren Ix
There is an SDI expresscard in the works:

I was hoping that the Blackmagic Multibridge would be adapted from PCIe to expresscard, but I believe the expresscard is 1x and will not handle the data rate of 4:4:4 uncompressed, which is why Multibridge uses a PCIe 4x lane.

We can only hope that Blackmagic Design will give us an option to use the Multibridge with a limited data rate to match the expresscard slot.
Warren the Multibridge HD Pro is only 4:2:2 - perhaps they might get that working, plus dual link is only an option on the Extreme...
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Old June 24th, 2006, 09:22 PM   #17
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Component signal to VGA

I posted concerning use of on-board LCD displays, but it may have interest to your problem; I have modified a box built for HD projectors and now drive a little on-board 7" LCD monitor with a signal that is modified from the box. The box takes in 480p/720p/1080p component analog and converts it to VGA- in fact it has two VGA outputs. It also has Component flow through out connectors which is convenient for my system to send a second signal to a directors monitor. The Box does not change the resolution of the signal, just makes it VGA, though you do have choices for the sync to be separate (SVGA) or on green. I have tried plugging it into a computer monitor with no good result as the monitor must have built in scaling. My LCD on-board happens to be built for car navagation systems and can scale the 1280X720 to it's native 800X480- but perhaps there is some way for you to use the VGA connector?- just thought I'd mention it and you might check out this company site for info on other component converters;
Keith Gruchala is offline   Reply

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