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Old June 9th, 2006, 12:04 PM   #31
JVC America
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Originally Posted by Carl Martin
Hytron 50's
Does your battery have the digital "Fuel Gauge" on the side?
Carl Hicks
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Old June 9th, 2006, 12:15 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Carl Hicks
Does your battery have the digital "Fuel Gauge" on the side?
Yes it does.
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Old June 9th, 2006, 12:19 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Carl Martin
Yes it does.

OK. I think the digital info should be passed to the camera, but having not used that battery, I'm not sure. I know it works on the Dionic 90, which I have used. Why don't you call our Customer Care line and get some assistance. 1-800-582-5825, M-F, 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern.

Carl Hicks
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Old June 9th, 2006, 12:30 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Carl Hicks
OK. I think the digital info should be passed to the camera, but having not used that battery, I'm not sure. I know it works on the Dionic 90, which I have used. Why don't you call our Customer Care line and get some assistance. 1-800-582-5825, M-F, 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern.


Ok, thanks.

Last edited by Carl Martin; June 9th, 2006 at 03:37 PM.
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Old June 9th, 2006, 03:36 PM   #35
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I gave a call to the number you gave me, they did not know, so he gave me Matt Barrett's number, I spoke with him, and he did not know either. Matt asked the sales engineer, and he was not sure, and thought it should work as long as it has the LCD readout on the battery, and then Matt says he thinks the battery must have a chip in it in order to talk to the camera. So, the end result is I have to call AB on Monday to see if they know what is going on.

If it is true that the battery must have this chip, then maybe JVC should not be telling customers as long as it has an LCD it should work, and say, it is only available with those batteries with chips.

It looks to me that AB wants to sell their most expensive batteries, that do have this chip, like the Dionic series batteries.

When I get the info from AB, I'll post it.

Thanks for your help Carl.


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Old June 11th, 2006, 04:44 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Carl Martin

I gave a call to the number you gave me, they did not know, so he gave me Matt Barrett's number, I spoke with him, and he did not know either. Matt asked the sales engineer, and he was not sure, and thought it should work as long as it has the LCD readout on the battery, and then Matt says he thinks the battery must have a chip in it in order to talk to the camera. So, the end result is I have to call AB on Monday to see if they know what is going on.

If it is true that the battery must have this chip, then maybe JVC should not be telling customers as long as it has an LCD it should work, and say, it is only available with those batteries with chips.

It looks to me that AB wants to sell their most expensive batteries, that do have this chip, like the Dionic series batteries.

When I get the info from AB, I'll post it.

Thanks for your help Carl.


Yes, it's possible that not all AB batteries with the LCD display will work. I'm anxoius to hear what AB says about this.

Regards, Carl
Carl Hicks
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Old June 11th, 2006, 06:58 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Carl Hicks
Yes, it's possible that not all AB batteries with the LCD display will work. I'm anxoius to hear what AB says about this.

Regards, Carl

Any model/series of digital HyTRON and Dionic Anton Bauer batteries will show up on the HD100 as a time remaining display. Even the older HyTRON 50 with the bars only % display shows up as time remaining (I just tried one, it's a 2001 manufacture HyTron 50 battery w/bars only display). I don't have any digital TrimPacs or other digital Antons, or I would report on them also.

We use Dionic 90s on the HD100, but we also have a bunch of HyTRON 50s as well, and both battery types initiate the time remaining display in the VF.

But, for the RT Anton display to show, you need a HD100 upgraded "A" model (Carl M, you just received your upgrade, so yours is an "A" model now), and you have to select "time" as the option in the battery menu. If you are seeing neither time or voltage in the VF, then the master lock menu has the battery option set to off.

If you do not have the "time" option in the VF, but the VF is showing voltage, then part of the "A" upgrade did not happen.
Enzo Giobbé
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Old June 12th, 2006, 07:01 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Enzo Giobbé

Any model/series of digital HyTRON and Dionic Anton Bauer batteries will show up on the HD100 as a time remaining display. Even the older HyTRON 50 with the bars only % display shows up as time remaining (I just tried one, it's a 2001 manufacture HyTron 50 battery w/bars only display). I don't have any digital TrimPacs or other digital Antons, or I would report on them also.

We use Dionic 90s on the HD100, but we also have a bunch of HyTRON 50s as well, and both battery types initiate the time remaining display in the VF.

But, for the RT Anton display to show, you need a HD100 upgraded "A" model (Carl M, you just received your upgrade, so yours is an "A" model now), and you have to select "time" as the option in the battery menu. If you are seeing neither time or voltage in the VF, then the master lock menu has the battery option set to off.

If you do not have the "time" option in the VF, but the VF is showing voltage, then part of the "A" upgrade did not happen.
How do you enter the master lock section? All I see is voltage, even if I select time or capacity. So I have the options, they just don't seem to work. I will call AB later today to get the skinny on all of this. I just hope I don't have to send my camera in again, it is to costly and time consuming for a what might seem to be a minor fix, (I hope it would be minor).
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Old June 12th, 2006, 11:24 AM   #39
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Update AB digital batteries:

I spoke with Ken over at AB and says all digital AB batteries work with the (A) upgrade unless you purchased one of the origanal cameras with the older gold mount addapter. What needs to be done is that I have to send my gold mount into AB for a voltage motification. The gold mounts that are purchased now already have this modification.

This maybe useful for those of you using AB batteries.

There is also a sub back menu that allows you to set the near end and end voltage:

This menu is tricky to get to: With NO info displayed in LCD.
You have to press user 2 and 3 at same time, they have to be hit at exactly same time or you will not be allowed in. (Patience grass hopper) This is really a PITA to get in.

Once in scroll to VTR2 same manner as above.
Scroll to Anton Shut Down change to 11.5 volts
Scroll to Anton Alarm change to 12.5 volts ( this one as normal is up to end user more voltage more warning time)
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Old June 12th, 2006, 01:07 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Carl Martin
I spoke with Ken over at AB and says all digital AB batteries work with the (A) upgrade unless you purchased one of the origanal cameras with the older gold mount addapter. What needs to be done is that I have to send my gold mount into AB for a voltage motification. The gold mounts that are purchased now already have this modification.
I was under the impression that the first QR-JVC 7/14 either worked or didn't.

Our first batch of QR-JVC 7/14 units did not work at all (you had to jiggle the battery - not a good workaround :). These were in the under 0000100 serial number range. They were replaced with QR-JVC 7/14 units in the 0000275 to 0000325 range, and all of these worked (and show the time remaining correctly).

What is the serial number range of the unit you have Carl? It might be a good idea for us in this forum to post a serial number range of QR-JVC 7/14 units that work, and those that need to be sent back to AB for an upgrade. Such a list would have saved you a lot of time and fiddling around.

There is also a sub back menu that allows you to set the near end and end voltage:

This menu is tricky to get to: With NO info displayed in LCD.
You have to press user 2 and 3 at same time, they have to be hit at exactly same time or you will not be allowed in. (Patience grass hopper) This is really a PITA to get in.

Once in scroll to VTR2 same manner as above.
Scroll to Anton Shut Down change to 11.5 volts
Scroll to Anton Alarm change to 12.5 volts ( this one as normal is up to end user more voltage more warning time)
I don't believe this menu exists any longer on any production HD100 with the AB QR-JVC 7/14. The menu combination you listed was accessible on the pre-production HD100s with the pre-production QR-JVC 7/14 unit attached (at least ours were).

See my post here: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showpost....&postcount=132 for more info.

CS at AB is superb, and I have had many discussions with Sol and Mike over there. Nice people, and very knowledgeable, but they can only give out the information supplied to them.

The correct key sequence to get into the Anton battery voltage setting on upgraded "A" cams is STOP+MENU for about 5 seconds (just hold it down until the menu appears, or hold down that combo and power the camera on).

You cannot set the dead camera voltage lower that 12V (you could on the pre-production units accessed by the the old menu key). Be aware that unlike most pro video cameras, the "alarm" setting on the HD100 affects the dead cam kick-in. If you set this any higher than 12.1 or 12.2V, you will start to get the blink of death while you still have usable battery power left, and the cam will pretty much sign-off (cam is still on, but will not record).

Set at 12V alarm, the real time display is pretty much in sync with the RT display in the HD100 VF. Set at 12.5V, you will get a tally blink when there is at least 15 minutes or more of usable non-reserve power left in the battery, and if you are using a Ultralight 2, the VF will start to black out momentarily when the Dionic battery reaches the 1/4 power remaining mark. The HyTRON 50 will start to act that way when it goes below the half way point.

JVC needs to make the dead cam voltage adjustable to under the 12V minimum setting they have now (most cams are adjustable down to 11.2 - 11.5V) on a future firmware upgrade.
Enzo Giobbé
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Old June 12th, 2006, 03:52 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Enzo Giobbé
I was under the impression that the first QR-JVC 7/14 either worked or didn't.

Our first batch of QR-JVC 7/14 units did not work at all (you had to jiggle the battery - not a good workaround :). These were in the under 0000100 serial number range. They were replaced with QR-JVC 7/14 units in the 0000275 to 0000325 range, and all of these worked (and show the time remaining correctly).

What is the serial number range of the unit you have Carl? It might be a good idea for us in this forum to post a serial number range of QR-JVC 7/14 units that work, and those that need to be sent back to AB for an upgrade. Such a list would have saved you a lot of time and fiddling around.

I don't believe this menu exists any longer on any production HD100 with the AB QR-JVC 7/14. The menu combination you listed was accessible on the pre-production HD100s with the pre-production QR-JVC 7/14 unit attached (at least ours were).

See my post here: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showpost....&postcount=132 for more info.

CS at AB is superb, and I have had many discussions with Sol and Mike over there. Nice people, and very knowledgeable, but they can only give out the information supplied to them.

The correct key sequence to get into the Anton battery voltage setting on upgraded "A" cams is STOP+MENU for about 5 seconds (just hold it down until the menu appears, or hold down that combo and power the camera on).

You cannot set the dead camera voltage lower that 12V (you could on the pre-production units accessed by the the old menu key). Be aware that unlike most pro video cameras, the "alarm" setting on the HD100 affects the dead cam kick-in. If you set this any higher than 12.1 or 12.2V, you will start to get the blink of death while you still have usable battery power left, and the cam will pretty much sign-off (cam is still on, but will not record).

Set at 12V alarm, the real time display is pretty much in sync with the RT display in the HD100 VF. Set at 12.5V, you will get a tally blink when there is at least 15 minutes or more of usable non-reserve power left in the battery, and if you are using a Ultralight 2, the VF will start to black out momentarily when the Dionic battery reaches the 1/4 power remaining mark. The HyTRON 50 will start to act that way when it goes below the half way point.

JVC needs to make the dead cam voltage adjustable to under the 12V minimum setting they have now (most cams are adjustable down to 11.2 - 11.5V) on a future firmware upgrade.

This is all good info to have. Maybe once all of the serial numbers are listed, they could make this a sticky thread. serial number: 8375-0061
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Old June 13th, 2006, 03:07 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Carl Martin

This is all good info to have. Maybe once all of the serial numbers are listed, they could make this a sticky thread. serial number: 8375-0061
Carl, I think that's a stock number. Unless AB has changed the serial number series, all of ours are numbered "00000XXX" (not sure about the exact numbers of zeros at the beginning of the number, but there are a ton of them). Should be located on the left side of the adapter (white label).

BTW, when you get the unit back, you will love the RT display!
Enzo Giobbé
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Old June 13th, 2006, 07:25 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Enzo Giobbé
Carl, I think that's a stock number. Unless AB has changed the serial number series, all of ours are numbered "00000XXX" (not sure about the exact numbers of zeros at the beginning of the number, but there are a ton of them). Should be located on the left side of the adapter (white label).

BTW, when you get the unit back, you will love the RT display!
I have no label of any kind on the bracket. I was luck to find the baggie it came in, and this is the number written on the AB label. QR JVC 7/14 HDV 8375-0061.
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Old June 14th, 2006, 09:07 AM   #44
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I just spoke with AB, and they tell me that the earlier QR JVC 7/14 HDV brackets were not serialized. So if anyone has these brackets, they must get the upgrade in order to see time and capacity in the VF. This is also a free upgrade.

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Old June 14th, 2006, 10:55 AM   #45
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Has it ever become clear what the voltage readout should actually be in the viewfinder?

I had an upgraded unserialized mount that read 7.2V before the camera had the "A" upgrade. After the upgrade a fully charged Dionic 90 now says 16.4V.

I have a second mount (Serial # 000000000232) that also gives the 16.4V reading. At one time I thought I understood it should be converting to the 7 volt range.
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