Originally Posted by Brian Luce
Which one of Paolo's scene files would be the best match for a Sony Beta Cam d50 if the HD100 were used a B camera? Do the scene files indicate which record mode? HDV-SD 60p for example?
Brian. My scene files are not frame-rate specific, they are meant to improve your color matrix and gamma/latitude. I'm not familiar with the Sony Beta Cam but I would suggest to load TC V3, frame a DSC chart, or other color accurate chart, with both cameras and try to bring the color matrix of the HD100 at the same level of the Sony's. You should have two VScope monitors for this or take snapshot of one Vscope, print it and use it as a reference for the adjustment.
Of course this doesn't take in consideration other factors typical of each camera. As I said, I don't know the Sony camera so I don't even know if such adjustment is even possible.
Hope this helps.