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GY-HD 100 & 200 series ProHD HDV camcorders & decks.

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Old May 2nd, 2006, 07:56 PM   #1
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No Longer a Newbie but...

Thanks to all of you here, especially Tim and Jonathan and yes everyone but it seems those two especially, I'm getting fantastric results from the kids; my pair of HD 100s. But I need more of an education and I think if I keep bothering Jonathan he's going over the edge. And I've exhausted the articles I've found here by Barry Green, Tim and others. Sooooo, can anyone point me the direction of the best books available to understand, in preferably laywomans terms, the basis of 3:2:2:3 and the others, how you get 24p from 60p, 24, 25, 30 60 p, i etc., flagging, extracting and the world of DV and HDV. I think if I understand the principles of the medium, I'll be better able to get the results I want on disk and tape. Your help is invaluable and I just need pointing in the right direction. I start my first real production (with alot of help from my partners and people I know in the industry) and I'm getting better but the faster I don't feel like the misfit in this crowd, the better. Thanks!!!
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Old May 2nd, 2006, 08:21 PM   #2
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good post

I think i'd like to learn more about the 4:4:4 etc.. stuff too.

Joyce what kind of production are you in?

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Old May 2nd, 2006, 10:08 PM   #3
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OK, this is where it gets dicey. My last day at the studio is Friday and the shoot is Saturday so technically I'm not in violation but, well, I'll answer the questuion as best I can. I'll be more open after I "retire". For now, I'll get as close as I can. It's a car commercial for a specialty firm that converts automobiles for the disabled in conjunction with a major manufacturer. More and more, specialty shiops are setting up shop on the lot so to speak at dealers to modify cars before they hit the street so the dealer can get the action that usually goes to specialty shops after the car leaves the lot.

They approached the Producer on the main shoot and he immediately came to me because I have a disabled friend who I did a video for that turned out pretty well. So it'll be a joint effort with them handling the 1st Unit and us taking on what they're calling the 2nd Unit but really it's a 1st Unit Specialty shoot assignment. Now, why do you ask and what does that have to do with my question of education???
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Old May 2nd, 2006, 11:05 PM   #4
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Joyce, the subject of 24P shooting modes and pulldown is huge, and would be very difficult to explain well in one post. I suggest making evening reading out of the following page:'s a good long section in the middle about 24p)

...and then returning here with specific questions. The DVX-100 (which is the only camera referenced on Adam's page) is a good "primer" if you will on the subject. What you learn about that camera applies to the DV modes on the HD100, and then as a base of knowledge for the HDV modes and how they handle 24P on the HD100.
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Old May 2nd, 2006, 11:13 PM   #5
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just curious

I'm in the LA area and I do a lot of videos with people from my church. Just wanted to know what other people were doing with their cameras.
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Old May 3rd, 2006, 09:50 AM   #6
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As you might have guessed, we're in LA too. Somebody should get an LA group together so we can all meet and exchange notes. I attended once an FCP LA group meeting that was alot of fun but a little lacking on the business side I think. I don't use FCP so I was a little out of place but people made me feel at home so an HD 100 group would be good.

Anyway, Nate, thanks. I read the paper last night and it was very helpful. I think it's funny that 114 people as of this morning have read my request and only you have posted help. Maybe I'm posting a technical question in a camera area. But anywaym Nate, thanks.
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Old May 3rd, 2006, 10:54 AM   #7
Capt. Quirk
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I could have responded, but I'm as lost as you. You really didn't want the blind leading the blind, did ya? I'm just in this thread to see who has what answers :)
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Old May 3rd, 2006, 11:15 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Joyce Mahoney
Anyway, Nate, thanks. I read the paper last night and it was very helpful. I think it's funny that 114 people as of this morning have read my request and only you have posted help.
It's just a huge subject. I'd have to type an hour or two to give it the attention it deserves.

The only other resource I know of for the camera is Steve Mullen's book.
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Old May 3rd, 2006, 07:24 PM   #9
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It seams that Joyce might do well with a good hour of phone Q&A. Can no one take an hour of time and let her pick your brain dry? You can cover a LOT more ground by phone than you can typing, etc..

I would do it but I'm betting your questions might get deeper than my experience.
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Old May 3rd, 2006, 07:31 PM   #10
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So, Nate, I don't rate a couple of hours of your time ?!?!?! ;-) Just kiding! I appreciate all the help you've provided...and the honesty Keith! I'm just so stoked on camera work and have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. I never took the easy way up in this business having learned everything I know from reading and bugging the pros around me who were all too happy to help a damsel in distress...or more times thatn not, a damsel in dat dress! Hey, if ya got it... Anyway, thanks. Jonathan's sending me a copy of a book written by somebody named Spotted Eagle. He says for his money, it's a must-have for beginners and really anyone wanting an in-depth view of the subject matter called "HDV; What you Need to Know". Do you all know this book or this person and if so, what do you all think of it?

And Daniel, I love your quote: Our eyes allow us to see the world - The lens allows others to see the world through our eyes.
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Old May 3rd, 2006, 07:51 PM   #11
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I have met DSE (Douglas Spotted Eagle) through many of his Vegas seminars.
He is an excellent person, very informed and sincere.
I just bought my camera a month ago and learning everything I can to master this babe. I also edit on Vegas 4 and it is a awesome program.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 12:59 AM   #12
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user group


i'd be seriously interested in a jvc hd-100 users group. i too have two jvc-hd100's. I also edit on fcp. I hope once fcp gets all the kinks worked I can actually edit on fcp with my jvc.

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Old May 4th, 2006, 02:14 AM   #13
Hollywood Studio Rentals
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Los Angeles ProHD Users Group

I started a group with the support of JVC. I had a meeting scheduled for next week, but there were not enough interested users YET, so I postponed it. I have JVC Regional Manager Marion Cilberto and JVC Engineer Doug Mullin waiting to come to our first meeting and give us a recap of all the new stuff that was shown at NAB

So ALL Intrested in the Los Angeles area interested in ProHD please visit the LAProHD Users group site: and register..... once we get enough registered we can hold the first meeting and start exchanging information among other LA ProHD Locals.

Sean Dinwoodie

BTW: I am flying to Tims neck of the wood Toronto tommorrow to shoot 4 music videos back to back on my HD100 in less than a week....wish me luck!

SOME QUICK INFO on me if you need it: I am HD100 owner. I am freelance DP and Video Engineer for Hollywood Studio Rentals. I have a long relationship with JVC and HDV. I have taught for JVC at the HDV roadshow back several years ago.other HDV-ProHD workshops include serveral for the Televsion Academy and HDV Camps. I have been interviewed for more thae 10 magazines regarding HDV in the past few years. I have shot many productions ProHD, and have consulted many production companies on HDV workflows (EX. recently provided workflow consultation for "Daimen Wayan"s Underground") ....I was involved with JVC while the HD100 was in development. Japanese engineers met with me on several occasion going over specs.... I even released the first specs of the HD100 to this point is not to toot my horn, but to allow those of you whom I do not know to get a look at my qualifications for what I bring to the Group.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 07:06 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Joyce Mahoney
Anyway, thanks. Jonathan's sending me a copy of a book written by somebody named Spotted Eagle. He says for his money, it's a must-have for beginners and really anyone wanting an in-depth view of the subject matter called "HDV; What you Need to Know". Do you all know this book or this person and if so, what do you all think of it?

Well Joyce, we really do have all the best folks here at DVINFO. Douglas Spotted Eagle is one of our forum moderators. He primarily posts in the 'Now Hear This' forum because of his extensive background with audio and recording. After you read the book, you can post questions to DSE and I'm sure he'll be happy to answer.

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Old May 4th, 2006, 08:46 PM   #15
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Well, here's where the pickle barrel come in. You all have been the greatest helping me but while I'd love to join you there, I simply can't. In this business, it's a very small business circle where your word is your bond. I was on the sound stage you're talking about holding the meeting in when my friend Jonathan was having the problems with the owner there. After that, I read the viscious attacks on him on the board by the owner of that place and the smiled as no less that a half dozen people who know Jonathan well came to his defense. After that, then owner decided that discretion was the better part of valor and edited his attack on my friend to take out the threat of attorneys. In my opinion, and I was there when the owner was dragging equipmwent across the stage when we were in the middle of takes and his fax machine was going off and instead of apologizing, all he could say was his fax ment money to him and Jonathan would have to live with it. That's no way to treat a person. Again, in my opinion, the sound guy Jonathat used and paidn was top notch as were the other people from Hollywood sound Stage or whastever it';s called but the owner steopoped way way iover the line. AAEverybiody in this businessn has to alignn themselves with partners and, as long as I've know Jonathan, he's beeen a loving, caring, giving guy who has given his eye teeth to pweople he doesn't even know when thy're in a bind. His wife who I love and sghares my name is the salt of the earth and he';s given me more kelp selfelwessly withiout expectingh annything inn return i could never begin to pay him backl that I just can't support Hollywood
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