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Old May 4th, 2006, 09:56 PM   #16
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Well, here's where the pickle barrel come in. You all have been the greatest helping me out but while I'd love to join you there, I simply can't. In this business, it's a very small business circle where your word is your bond. I was on the sound stage you're talking about holding the meeting in when my friend Jonathan was having the problems with the owner there. After that, I read the viscious attacks on him on the board by the owner of that place and then smiled to myself as no less that a half dozen people who know Jonathan really well came to his defense and basically told the guy to shove it. After that, the owner decided that discretion was the better part of valor and edited his attack on my friend to take out the threat of attorneys but it was way too late. In my opinion, and I was there when the owner was dragging equipment across the stage when we were in the middle of a shoot and his fax machine was going off, instead of apologizing, all he could say was his fax ment money to him and Jonathan would have to "live with it". Then he drags some contract out and says it's noty a sound stage but a prep stage whatevwer that is. That's no way to treat a person much less a customer. Again, in my opinion, the sound guy Johnathan used and paid was top notch as were the other people from Hollywood Sound Stage or whatever it's called but the owner stepped way way over the line. Everybody in this businessn has to align themselves with partners and, as long as I've know Johnathan, he's beeen a very straight up, caring, giving guy who has given his eye teeth to people he doesn't even know when they're in a bind not to mention thousands of dollars in equipment for free. His wife who I love and shares my name is the salt of the earth and he's given me more help selflessly without expecting anything in return than I could never begin to pay him back for and for that reason I just can't support Hollywood Studio Rentals no natter what.

Maybe that's the reason you're not getting a response. I know alot, and I mean alot of people in this business who feel the same way and I've been in the industry for more than a decade. Guys who work for the place, GREATguys. The guy who owns it and publicallty attacks a great guy... not so great. So, I don't want to get political or anything but my advice is to change the venue and you'll have me, my three partners and I'd guess a whole lotta other people running to attend. Stay at Hollywood Stage Rentals or whatever it's called and no way. Remember, it's Johnathan's help, honesty and posts that have sold alot of JVC cameras over the past few months. Again, no slight on you, dude. Your posts are the bomb but we all have to choose sides and I know alot of people who Hollywood Rental's public attack on a totally cool dude left a really bad taste in their mouth and I'm one of them. So change the venue and we're there. Don't and I'd rather keep reading boks by people who really know what's going on like Spotted Eagle.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 10:19 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Greg Boston
Well Joyce, we really do have all the best folks here at DVINFO. Douglas Spotted Eagle is one of our forum moderators. He primarily posts in the 'Now Hear This' forum because of his extensive background with audio and recording. After you read the book, you can post questions to DSE and I'm sure he'll be happy to answer.

As to the book, it hasn't arrived yet but I did get a copy of Understanding Digital Cinema by Charlesd Swartz. You all, especially Chris Hurd, probably already know the boiok cover to cover but I started reading it today and, to quote a friend, "That's what I'm talkin' about!" . Someone here recommended it to someone else, I can't remember who, but it's fantastic!!! and Nate was right. After I get through this, I'll have a number of questions for you all. I've taken the time to download his and other's video clip posts and am starting to see visually what CA and split screen are really all about. Those postings mean all the difference. And to Chris Hurd, you're right. Dvxuser was a cool place to hang out but this place is THE place to go for a little fun, alot of family and a whole heap of really useful information. Thanks Chris. You rock.
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Old May 5th, 2006, 09:16 AM   #18
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Boulder, CO
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go to - graeme nattress is a frequent poster here at dvinfo, and a member of the RED team, based on his expertise in the technical aspects of 24p, pulldowns, etc. he manufactures plug-ins for FCP, so if you're not using FCP you might not have heard of him. but he is marvelous at answering questions, and his site used to be full of answers to the questions you seem to be asking (it's been recently overhauled, and i'm not sure what is now in and what is now out on it anymore). his manual for using 24p plug-ins has a very thorough and understandable answer to how the manufacturers flag tape.
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