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Old March 16th, 2006, 10:27 AM   #31
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Spoke briefly with my dealer regarding the so-called upgrade today. He stated that it would make no sense to add the "A" unless there was some sort of harware difference. He speculates that at the very least, the new "A" cameras will be accurately calibrated before they hit the market, and the firmware updates will be recent, and JVC is crossing their fingers, that there these updates will no longer be necessary. Additionally, he is looking in to find out whether the lens will be upgraded to breath less, and be more light friendly. Even though they will never truly eliminate the SSE, the lens allowing more light in will decrease the risk of reoccurence. If JVC has indeed got their stuff together once and for all, it may be high time y'all started asking for exchanges for the "A" units, and for those who have not purchased the camera-now could be the time. Lastly, my dealer warned me to beware of what corporations in this boat say and do. They will not necessairily allow the left hand know what the right hand is doing. He suspects they will claim that there is no hardware improvments to the camera, in order to keep present owners at bay. He acknowledges that JVC has taken a lot of slack, and paid out a lot of money in shipping charges for camera's to be recalibrated, and updated. He's looking into seeing if I would be eligible for an exchange/upgrade given my unit has been plagued with issues from day 1. I hope this works out for all of us.
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Old March 16th, 2006, 04:49 PM   #32
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I know someone who wants to send it back, hes got all the invoice, and receipt, but hes missing the box, what does he do?
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Old March 16th, 2006, 04:57 PM   #33
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I talked to someone from JVC customer support on the phone today. The upgrades are apparently being done at the Cypress California facility. I'm driving from Santa Rosa to the east coast tomorrow to start a couple of months of production work and I'm going to stop in Cypress and see if they can upgrade the firmware for me while I wait. The guy I spoke to said he thought it would be OK. Hopefully it will work out.
Robert Jackson is offline  
Old March 16th, 2006, 07:04 PM   #34
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take your receipt and camera box, and swap for a new 100a unit if they have em. I hope it works out for you.
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Old March 16th, 2006, 08:15 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Albert Henson
take your receipt and camera box, and swap for a new 100a unit if they have em. I hope it works out for you.
I can take the receipt, but the camera box is pretty much gonna have to stay here. I'm on my way across the country in a VW Beetle. I barely have room for the production gear as it is. ;-)
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Old March 16th, 2006, 10:49 PM   #36
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Man I hope you make it in that Beetle bro :)
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Old March 17th, 2006, 12:45 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by Steven Thomas
Man I hope you make it in that Beetle bro :)

Thanks, man. Last October/November I drove 7000 miles in it over the span of a little over two weeks. I picked up quite a bit of the footage I need to finish the project on that trip, but by the time I got home I was a zombie. Heh...not getting any younger, I guess. On the upside, it's a 2002 TDi and that little diesel engine got amazing mileage on the highway from California to Montreal and a lot of points in-between. ;-)
Robert Jackson is offline  
Old March 17th, 2006, 04:28 PM   #38
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HD-100 "A" Version

ADMIN NOTE: This was a new thread that I merged into this one. Tim

Hey all,

This may already be out on a thread somewhere....but I was sent an email from the NYC JVC rep. And they are going to announce next week some time details on sending out in the HD-100's (newly purchased I guess) to be upgraded to the "A" version. Below is a portion of the email sent me.

"I believe you are probably wondering about upgrading your GYHD100 camera to an “A” version? Correct?

The unit you received can be sent into JVC for a free upgrade to the current enhanced software and firmware. I will have shipping detail on Monday and I will tell you how to get this taken care of as soon as possible. We in the field have been told that it will be a 72 hour turn around time on these cameras."
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Old March 18th, 2006, 01:17 AM   #39
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Frustrating day today. Thursday I called JVC customer service and told them I needed to see about getting the 100A update done. The guy on the phone claimed that they just had to update the firmware and said if I'd send the camera in they could do it and get it right back to me. I told him I was hitting the road today and asked if I could take the camera into the service center before I left California. He said that would work fine, so I drove 400 miles out of my way and through L.A. rainy gridlock today and when I got to the service center the guy said he could have the camera back to me in 3-5 days. I said, "To flash the firmware?" He claimed that the upgrade involves "significant modifications to the hardware" and said there was a huge line of people waiting to be serviced before they could get to me, so I took my camera and left. He was unable to tell me if my camera will work with the DRHD 100 when it starts shipping, but said his guess was that everything would be fine. I think I developed an ulcer today. I just pulled in for the night in Flagstaff and I'm about as tired and frustrated as I can remember having been in 2006 so far. ;-)
Robert Jackson is offline  
Old March 18th, 2006, 03:52 PM   #40
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Robert, I am sorry to hear your story. However this seems so typical of how JVC has been treating so many of their customers. There is an internal breakdown of communication that doesn't permit for efficient or clear answers to customer queries. I notice that a couple of people on the forum seem to get better treatment, I'm not sure what the protocol is but I'd like to be on that "A" customer list, where things are taken care of the way they should be. Do I have to be in JVC's back pocket and tout the hd100 despite it's numerous defects? It turns out that customer concerns and the cameras shortcoming are indeed not slanderous rumors. They are legitimate and widespread. And the release of the "100A" model supports this. Anyone who gets one of the new "A" units please keep us informed if there are upgrades to the lens. I have heard rumblings that the lens will be improved, but jvc does not wish to have thousands of cameras returned expecting an exchange or lens upgrade. In turn the new and improved lens will only be available to the second generation of "hd100A" customers, along with the much improved hardware upgrades and latest firmware. Previous customers I hope will still be entitled to the firmware upgrades, and hardware upgrades. Why bother with hardware upgrades? Why can't people just exchange their cameras? What a gong show? Sorry to vent but this is very frsutrating indeed. We deserve better.
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Old March 18th, 2006, 04:04 PM   #41
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JVC Reps, please respond.

Since there seem to be a number of rumors and speculations, as well as some confirmed information in regards to the "A" upgrade, it would be a very good idea for JVC to respond via some higher level manager.

The three main questions in my opinion are:

1. What exact software/firmware update is this and what issues are addressed?
2. What kind of hardware update or changes are performed during this update?
3. Does the new HD100A camera have any new/improved/different components? (i.e. lens, VF, etc.)

I don't believe that this request is unreasonable... let's think of it in terms of a software update, which usually lists changes and improvements and explains reasons for it. At least on the Mac side it does.
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Old March 18th, 2006, 04:15 PM   #42
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From everything I've heard, there will be an announcement on Monday.
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Old March 18th, 2006, 05:28 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Albert Henson
I notice that a couple of people on the forum seem to get better treatment, I'm not sure what the protocol is but I'd like to be on that "A" customer list, where things are taken care of the way they should be. Do I have to be in JVC's back pocket and tout the hd100 despite it's numerous defects?

Well I assume that I'm one of those couple of people that you're refering to. I don't think it's helpful to suggest people are in someone's "back pocket" becuase they've spoken well of JVC's responsiveness. That's been my experience and I mentioned it. I also created a thread on SSE at 0db to inform people that as much as I like the camera, I had that experience. So it's also not fair to characterize people as ignoring the realities of the camera and somehow being treated differently.

Through people on this list I was pointed toward the people I should contact at JVC. I did so and got an immediate response. I was polite, professional and forthright with them and the two mgrs that I dealt with responded in kind. That's what happened. I have no special relationship and there is no "A" list that I'm aware of...I'm certainly not on it if there is.

I will say this. It seems that most first generation technology takes a while to stabilize through first generation user's experience. I've always prefered to be on that well recognized "bleeding edge" in building my studios over the years.
From first generation NLEs and cameras to the same experience in our recording studios. We were first adopters of the Mini35 and later versions of that proved more trouble free than ours.

However we dealt with the reality of 1st generation technology and produced a lot of great work with the first model...no regrets...I understand the issues at hand by not waiting for a more evolved tool.

So I felt the same way with the HD100. we have Xl2s and worked with Canons all the way from the first XL, so I knew the H1 would be a fairly stable "new" system. However, after comparisons and tests it was clear to me that the HD100 was the right new HD film making tool at this time.

I followed the threads here and elsewhere and was well aware of the potential issues of this first generation but our immediate production needs demanded HD now, and this was the best camera IMO. So we went there knowing what everyone should know by now if they decide to become early adoppters of a technology - and that is that they will be the ones that find the bugs and have to deal with upgrades etc.

I'm not being an apologist by any means, but I've been in this game for a while and I get a lot more out of being an early adopter of these things than not. What's important is that JVC moves quickly as issues like battery incompatability, or hard drive incompatability become an issue. They seem to be doing that and it seems that we're going to hear more next week.

They also have moved to refine the SSE calibration abd realistically, there have been very few people on these boards complaining about blown projects because of it. The few people that have had a demonstrable problem with it have been immediately encouraged (as I was) to contact JVC and get the new implementation.

It seems like they're responding to all of these things. Sure I don't like taking the time that I've had to to deal with this, but JVC seems to be dealing with it. Let's see what next week brings.
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Old March 18th, 2006, 10:25 PM   #44
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Let me preface this by saying that I'm strongly leaning toward the JVC HD-100, even though I own a Panny DVX. That said, I've read the posts from early adopters expressing their unhappiness over the problems they've had with their first gen HD-100's and more unhappiness over the fact that JVC is coming out with an "A" model that will address those problems.

As small business owners, you all most probably are already represented by counsel. Speaking as a Tennessee attorney, there is a provision in Tennessee law that provides that all products sold in Tennessee are sold with an implied warranty of merchantability and implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. Essentially, these provisions provide that if a product in Tennessee cannot operate in the manner that it was intended to be used and sold for that express purpose, the purchaser may have a legal claim against the manufacturer. I cannot speak for the law in other states, but it would not surprise me if other states had similar provisions.

If you have drawn the very short straw as an early adopter and have a camera with a boatload of CA and other problems, can't carry on your business because of these problems. and can't get a satisfactory resolution of your problems by contacting JVC directly, you might want to spend a hundred bucks or so for an hour's worth of your attorney's time and find out what other options are available. It is true that legal action is a pain in the ass and can drag out for years, but that's the system, for better for worse. My impression, though, is that JVC seems to be doing its best to accomodate customers' concerns.

I'm a prosecutor in Tennesse, so I'm not trolling for business, couldn't represent anyone in civil court for any amount of money. But I find that many folks are unaware of these implied warranties (though businesses are acutely aware of them.) So if your situation is a nightmare, (as opposed to just annoying), it's a possible remedy.
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Old March 18th, 2006, 10:39 PM   #45
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Somehow I don't think a class-action lawsuit is the proper course to take, considering that this manufacturer is not only improving their product, but will also offer this upgrade to current owners of their existing product. I guess I fail to see why that deserves litigation.

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