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Old February 27th, 2006, 02:55 PM   #16
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When playing the tape back in camera, on the problem spot, which is at around the 20-minute mark, the image just goes to black, while all display indicators stay and TC keeps running and the message “Mode changing...” flashes. In total, there is about 10 minutes of missing video and audio, afterwards, the images, sound and TC are fine to the end of the tape.

This happened to us as well this last weekend, and it is footage that we can't get back. Has anyone found out how to get the footageback or is it lost completely? And I can give you my numbers if someone can tell me how to get to the menu with the firmware numbers.
Peter Shindler is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 27th, 2006, 03:17 PM   #17
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Firmware check:

I wasn't given this by JVC, found it on the internet so I fee free to share. I believe it's becoming a public knowledge anyway.


To do this the camera has to be in 24p mode.
1) Hold down the ‘****’ button
2) While holding down ‘****’, press and hold down ‘****’
3) Hold for 5 Seconds
4) LCD should show the ‘Advanced Menu’
5) Select ‘Version Check’

***ADMINISTRATOR NOTE:I edited out the actual buttons. I know that the information might be found elsewhere, but I've been asked by a JVC Pro manager to not let the button configuration out so that it can be googled by just anyone, and I'm going to try to respect his wishes.
Apparently, JVC has had problems in the past with end-users modifying their cameras (other models) and then crashing the computer, requiring JVC technicians to spend time doing a full system reset. My understanding is that some JVC branch offices may not repair your camera under warranty if you screw it up by changing some settings in the ADVANCED MENU or filling the pixel mask memory by running the sequence too many times. This is probably the same reason why they frown upon the end-user installing firmware updates. Tim
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Old February 27th, 2006, 03:26 PM   #18
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SYS c1590 v0202
CAM c1591 v0202
VRT c1594 v0114
ENC L1187 v0105

PACKAGE c1615 v0201
FPGA2 c1595 v0201
FPGA3 c1956 v0101
FPGA4 C1597 v0104
S/N 15031689

My information.
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Old February 27th, 2006, 03:34 PM   #19
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My firmware is:
SYS CPU C1590 V0202
CAM CPU C1591 V0202
VRT CPU C1594 V0114
ENC CPU C1187 V0105
PACKAGE C1615 V0201
FPGA2 C1595 V0201
FPGA3 C1596 V0101
FPGA4 C1597 V0104

During the shooting no problems, camera seemed operating well.
I was shooting a theatre show. Normal temperature 20 degrees celsius and normal humidity.
During playback (of my first tape ever), in the middle of a shoot after 20 min.
Suddenly the image goes either in a freeze while TC continues, but most of the time it's a blue screen with Mode Changing...
I have not been in the menu or loading scenes during the shootout at all.
JVC adviced to use tape cleaner on my new camera.
I cleaned and it never did it again... until yesterday.
I was trying out some stored scene settings like Tim mentioned. But I never pressed REC while loading.
I retaped over the bad part, and it works fine again. This is needs to be addressed ASAP JVC.
I tried to trigger the Blue Mode changing with no luck by REC/Stop fast, or entering the menu while Recording, changing WB, etc...I hoped to find a reproducable bug :-(
Marc Colemont is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 27th, 2006, 03:35 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Peter Shindler
S/N 15031689
Interesting. Did you notice that your S/N is only 35 more than Jiri's ????

Marc, how far away is your serial number from Peter and Jiri's?

It looks like you all have the "latest" firmware. This is also very interesting.

If you guys are curious, here are my firmware numbers, but my SN starts with 13 and I have never had the MODE CHANGING issue. I picked up my cameras back in September.

SYS CPU C1590 V0114
CAM CPU C1591 V0106
VRT CPU C1594 V0109
ENC CPU C1187 V0105
PACKAGE C1615 V0106
FPGA2 C1595 V0106
FPGA3 C1596 V0100
FPGA4 C1597 V0103
Tim Dashwood
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Old February 27th, 2006, 03:53 PM   #21
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Model GY-HD100E
NO. 16031606

The last numbers are not that different. Maybe my Camera starts at 16xxxxxx because it was shipped for the European market?

The firmware numbers should be available in the normal menu by the way... instead of the secret advanced menu.

Tim, you say you don't see the 'Mode changing'. Not even when you rewind and play the tape? It sais 'mode changing' all the time shortly after I press play again for example.
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Old February 27th, 2006, 05:44 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Marc Colemont
Tim, you say you don't see the 'Mode changing'. Not even when you rewind and play the tape? It sais 'mode changing' all the time shortly after I press play again for example.
I've never seen it. Even when I actually do change modes!
Tim Dashwood
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Old February 27th, 2006, 05:55 PM   #23
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I get the Mode Changing thing on our camera when i first play a tape... or if the actual mode changes on the tape - only last about 2 seconds. Never had a problem with it though.

SN 140#####
SYS CPU C1590 V0202
CAM CPU C1591 V0202
VRT CPU C1594 V0114
ENC CPU C1187 V0105
PACKAGE C1615 V0201
FPGA2 C1595 V0201
FPGA3 C1596 V0101
FPGA4 C1597 V0104

We just ordered the camera from B&H on about 10 days ago.
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Old February 27th, 2006, 07:25 PM   #24
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Theres also a mode changing blue screen on my camera, it appears when I have different modes on the same tape but it only lasts for 2 seconds and no footage is missed. My HD101 PAL purchased on 20th October in UK has this firmware:

SYS CPU C1590 V0117
CAM CPU C1591 V0108
VTR CPU C1594 V0114
ENC CPU L1187 V0105

PACKAGE C1615 V0108
FPGA2 C1595 V0108
FPGA3 C1596 V0100
FPGA4 C1597 V0103

The VTR CPU is not the original version, I was sent an update later.
Diogo Athouguia is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 27th, 2006, 08:36 PM   #25
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Related issue

I've had a problem with my HD100 which seems related to this "mode changing" issue. I won't go into details, since I posted it on a thread here earlier (see "Major problem with my HD100", latest addition Feb 21), but basically I lost all audio and timecode, although the video picture continued normally and there was no indication at the time that anything was wrong. I sent my camera to the West Coast repair center, and just got it back today after what they said was a fimware update. The firmware currently (that is, after having it shipped back - I'd never checked before I sent it in):

SYS CPU C1590 V0116
CAM CPU C1591 V0107
VTR CPU C1594 V0114
ENC CPU L 1187 V0105
Package C1615 V0107
FPGA2 C1595 V0107
FPGA3 C1596 V0100
FPGA4 C1597 V0103

SN 13030091

I must say, I'm a bit apprehensive. I'm shooting again tomorrow, and I imagine I'll be hitting the RET button a lot for assurance that I'm actually getting all the signals recorded.
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Old February 27th, 2006, 09:09 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Tom Valens
I'm shooting again tomorrow, and I imagine I'll be hitting the RET button a lot for assurance that I'm actually getting all the signals recorded.
That's what I do after every take and it's a pain in the neck! $%^&$
Jiri Bakala is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 27th, 2006, 10:45 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Tom Valens
I've had a problem with my HD100 which seems related to this "mode changing" issue. I won't go into details, since I posted it on a thread here earlier (see "Major problem with my HD100", latest addition Feb 21), but basically I lost all audio and timecode, although the video picture continued normally and there was no indication at the time that anything was wrong. I sent my camera to the West Coast repair center, and just got it back today after what they said was a fimware update. The firmware currently (that is, after having it shipped back - I'd never checked before I sent it in):
The only possible update I can see on your firmware is the VTR, all other items seem to be older. That is the same update I made on my to fix a drop on audio and TC after REC-STANDBY-REC sequence.
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Old February 28th, 2006, 03:41 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Tim Dashwood
I've never seen it. Even when I actually do change modes!
There is definatly a big difference between the firmware versions then. I just reprogrammed my RET button to be the RET function instead of Focus assist. This weekend I'm shooting a Live event... and I can't say: can you play it again Sam?
Marc Colemont is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 28th, 2006, 12:17 PM   #29
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My two penneth

Hi Guys,

Well I reviewed my eleven hours of footage today and I've lost about an hour in total. Fortunately, there is not too much damage with regard to scenes i.e. I haven't to my knowledge lost any complete scenes only some takes. This will make editing a little difficult but atleast I won't have to try and work out how to reshoot which would have been almost impossible. As Tim said this is a definate problem, so many people have posted that it is obviously not an isolated incident. I'm going to ring JVC tomorrow see what they have to say, in the meantime I would say to everyone check and double check. Take it from me it's not a pleasant feeling knowing you have shot a weeks worth of footage that may be unusable.

Regards Greg

P.S. My firmware stats are on the firmware thread started some time ago now I'll happily post again but not sure if the info in this post will be reoganized to that thread or vice versa please let me know.
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Old February 28th, 2006, 12:21 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Diogo Athouguia
Theres also a mode changing blue screen on my camera, it appears when I have different modes on the same tape but it only lasts for 2 seconds and no footage is missed. My HD101 PAL purchased on 20th October in UK has this firmware:

Your lucky Diogo I have the exact same camera as you and mine won't tolerate different format recording to the same tape.

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