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Old January 11th, 2006, 06:55 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 4
24p HDV in FCP

So I've been reading for a while and thought it was time to post. I'm about to order the hd 100u and I currently edit with Final Cut Pro. I have read that there are a lot of issues with 24p HDV when it comes to editing. I found ths site and am wondering if anyone uses this to capture HDV 24p then bring into final cut. http://www.hdvxdv.com/. If so what settings in FCP do you use.
Thanks alot.
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Old January 11th, 2006, 08:33 PM   #2
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 5
Bragi Hinriksson, Iceland

I'm using this to capture and edit 24p. Also I found a great way to capture and edit 25p using this same software.

Here's what I do:

You capture using HDVXDV.

Then I found out that the fastest and BEST way is to batch convert these files to ....... are you ready? 720 30P HDV codec. The HDVXDV software automaticly removes the repeated flags out of the M2T and makes a 24p Movie for you to use in FCP5.

Now I've tried this many times and it seems that even FCP5 Doesn't allow you to capture 24p and 25p yet. It still supports it. If you make a custom setup using the HDV codec from FCP5 you can edit with realtime benefits in which ever frame rate you want. Don't get thrown off by the name of the codec 720 30P. The power is there. USE IT.

Also I'm using the new KONA LH and it's fully supporting it with realtime monitoring and down converting to my SONY monitor.

Now about 25p. Use the same way to capture. Then Export just like described here above making 24p Movies. What happens is that HDVXDV Converts and Conforms the 25P footage to 24P, also removing the repeaded flags off off the M2T. Then all you have to do is locate the folder with all the qt's and ask CINEMATOOLS to batchconform the clips to 25P and "OH MY GOD" you have 25P clips to edit in your custom setup 25p HDV Project.

Also, since this is NATIVE HDV. HDVXDV is much faster making the HDV clips than any other QT like DVCPROHD.

You're working native HDV. Full Quality. The same way you would if FCP allowed Native capturing. Spread the word. HDVXDV is the BEST sollution so far.

Have fun.
Bragi Hinriksson is offline   Reply

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