CU-VH1US capabilities officially accepted! at
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Old November 10th, 2005, 04:56 AM   #1
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CU-VH1US capabilities officially accepted!

JVC attests in their web page : "Signals in the 24p mode can be input and output through the IEEE-1394 connector making the CU-VH1US a versatile NLE spooler."

The only problem: they do not want to provide a firmware to allow the baby to show the footage in its LCD, hence obligating the owners to digitaze the entire tape, as opposed to allowing us to do a real batch capturing of the necessary footage in the tapes.

Now, how to make them (sounds to harsh, but doable) to write the firmware for the baby to allow us to fully utilize it with 24p material?

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Old November 10th, 2005, 01:08 PM   #2
Barry Wan Kenobi
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It's probably not going to happen. These lower-cost units don't have upgradeable firmware. They use PROMs, not EPROMS, so there's no way to have a firmware update. The chips are probably soldered straight to the board, so to update the firmware would mean having to install a whole new board, and I don't think you can expect that to happen. Certainly not for free, at least.
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Old November 13th, 2005, 05:48 PM   #3
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Thanks for the explanation. However, that exact kind of information was used by JVC to explain/justify why it will only work for 30P. They were wrong (I hope that was their motive), but in reality I am using it, as they admitted in their website, to do back and forth movement of .m2t 24P files. So, IMHO, firmware can take care of this. The main motive is to sale their big spooler...again, IMHO.

Mr. David Newman, from CineForm, explained to me that "The message "Preview in External Monitor" only applies while you are activately recording", not previewing. This means that it is a simple firmware issue, not hardware issue. It works for preview, but not for capturing! IMHO that is the real proof, and there is no speculation on this issue.




This is a small/portable baby, but at the time of sale, the price tag was not listed as a "lower-cost" unit... I am just asking for the same loyalty from them as we have exhibited with their company at times like this. Initially, they say "NO, IT IS NOT USABLE FOR 24P, ONLY FOR 30P". After we sent several e-mails and repetitive testings proving that it really will work with 24p, then they classify it as a "great NLE spooler"... See the contradiction?

Last edited by Luis Otero; November 13th, 2005 at 06:54 PM.
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Old November 13th, 2005, 06:52 PM   #4
HDV Cinema
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They did not "reclassify" it because of your email. JVC has always told me any of the first gen. HDV units could move 24p over 1394 but display it.

The little unit comes from the Consumer group so the Pro folks have nothing to with what happens with it. If the next Consumer camcorder offers 24p then maybe you'll see a B model. But, if they go to a hard drive unit, there won't need to be a tape player. :)

In any case, use Scene Dectet to capture a whole tape and simply preview and delete the shots you don't want. Much faster than marking In/Out. In fact, given the desire to NEVER shuttle tapes, I can't see why you would even consider doing anything else.
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Old November 13th, 2005, 07:04 PM   #5
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I will not venture to say that their inclusion of that comment was a direct reaction from my e-mail. I am not the only person with this issue... I am just a simple guy trying to get an honest explanation from the company I have been loyal during this HDV rollercoster.

They 100% assured me that under NO circumstance the spooler will undrstand the 24p (not even through firewire, hence they were saying one thing to you and other thing to the public. Than is not the kind of things I can appreciate!

On the other hand, Mr. David Newman just told me in one of his postings that the "Preview on External Monitor" mesage only applies to the capturing mode. So, technically (I will prove it tomorrow), I will be able to view the footage in Premiere Pro, create a batch capturing list, and expedite my editing process, if it works as he explained.

Hope this helps in getting the firmware we all need.


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