Can you play / capture tapes shot on a JVC100 with a JVC250? at
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Old March 9th, 2012, 03:10 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Portland, OR
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Can you play / capture tapes shot on a JVC100 with a JVC250?

I have some tapes shot on a JVC 100, I believe in 24f. Can they be played and captured on a JVC 250? I should also ask if tapes shot on Sony HDV cams will play on the JVC? In particular, FX1000 and Z1U. I assumed all HDV was fair game, but I've had no luck trying to play these on Canon HV-30s.

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Old March 9th, 2012, 11:48 PM   #2
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Re: Can you play / capture tapes shot on a JVC100 with a JVC250?

The JVC cameras use a proprietary format when they record on the 100 so other camera brands won't be able to play back any footage that was shot on the 100. I know that for sure.

I'm guessing that the 250 will play back the tape from the 100.

I'm trying to remember but I believe that the 100 will play back tapes from other cameras. It's been a while since I've used tape but I seem to recall using my 100 a couple times to capture tapes shot on other cameras as 1080i footage. Sorry my memory is so short but once I got the Firestore I never went back to tape and that was many years ago now.
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Old March 11th, 2012, 10:22 AM   #3
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Re: Can you play / capture tapes shot on a JVC100 with a JVC250?

Originally Posted by Sam Smith View Post
I have some tapes shot on a JVC 100, I believe in 24f. Can they be played and captured on a JVC 250? I should also ask if tapes shot on Sony HDV cams will play on the JVC? In particular, FX1000 and Z1U. I assumed all HDV was fair game, but I've had no luck trying to play these on Canon HV-30s.

Tapes recorded on GY-HD100 are 720P24 or 720P25 or 720P30(29,97). These tape formats can be played on a GY-HD200/201/250/251.

Tapes shot on a Sony HDV camcorder cannot be played on a JVC camcorder. They are recorded in a different format 1440x1080/25i(or24p, or 29.97i, or 29.97p, or 50i, or 59.94i). It is not just the picture format which differs, it is also the physical tape format which is diefferent. While the HDV 1080 format includes audio in the skew tracks (as video is), the HDV 720 format uses a seperate longitudinal audio track (compatible to standard definition DV signals).

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Old March 11th, 2012, 09:49 PM   #4
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Re: Can you play / capture tapes shot on a JVC100 with a JVC250?

Originally Posted by Sam Smith View Post
I have some tapes shot on a JVC 100, I believe in 24f. Can they be played and captured on a JVC 250? I should also ask if tapes shot on Sony HDV cams will play on the JVC? In particular, FX1000 and Z1U. I assumed all HDV was fair game, but I've had no luck trying to play these on Canon HV-30s.

As far as I know the tapes from the 100/110 series will play on the matching 200/250 series camera.

Sony tapes will NOT play on the JVC. The JVC implementation of HDV is quite different from the Sony's. However, the decks will probably take all kinds.

This question has been discussed before, so a search might throw up more answers.
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