And another HD101 clip now available for download - Page 2 at
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Old August 12th, 2005, 04:00 AM   #16
HDV Cinema
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Originally Posted by Stephen van Vuuren
You would think QuickTime would handle this. I've used plenty of Mac DV Quicktimes before - why not HDV?
Once I deleted the X it got a QT icon and plays fine in the QT player.

The first played automatically in VLC.

It's interesting to me that the clips show a lot of motion blur (which I assumed was the Motion Filter). Look at the super wide tree trunks.

But, they also have a small amount of the typical (HD10) 30fps strobing.

Which raises the question of what shutter-speed was used? (It should have been 1/60th or 1/50th.) Was the MF enabled?

And why is the rider not in sharp focus over the whole run. Was the focus not right? Too little DOF? Too much motion blur?
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Old August 12th, 2005, 04:23 AM   #17
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could you get me in to contact with the guys that did this clip? I mean I am having problems getting material on to my computer, quicktime 7 wont see it and FCP5 won't recognize it.

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Old August 12th, 2005, 07:57 AM   #18
Obstreperous Rex
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Hi David,

Are you re-naming the file? The file extension must be re-named in order to play properly... just remove the "x" from the file extension, as Steve notes above.

I pointed this out in the first post in this thread. I re-named the files to keep people from trying to play them directly from our server, which would bog things down for everybody else. Download the files to your local hard drive first, re-name the extension and it should work fine... if not, let me know!

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Old August 12th, 2005, 02:19 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Steve Mullen
Once I deleted the X it got a QT icon and plays fine in the QT player.

The first played automatically in VLC.

It's interesting to me that the clips show a lot of motion blur (which I assumed was the Motion Filter). Look at the super wide tree trunks.

But, they also have a small amount of the typical (HD10) 30fps strobing.

Which raises the question of what shutter-speed was used? (It should have been 1/60th or 1/50th.) Was the MF enabled?

And why is the rider not in sharp focus over the whole run. Was the focus not right? Too little DOF? Too much motion blur?
From memory the shutter speed was at 1/30th. Yes MF was enabled as this was the point of the shoot, to see the effect on fast moving objects with MF on.

Can't comment on focus, could of been me, I was on the shoulder at the time and I have struggled with the VF on the JVC. Iris was on auto for this clip.

The BMX footage is all observational, they weren't riding to direction!

If you are interested in more of the 'ms' function we do have some clips of a rugby league game. Believe me it all turns to custard when there are multiple fast moving objects in frame with ms on. So, yes finding the right shutter speed is going to be key in getting the best from the effect.

We are reluctant to post anymore clips due to the comments so far on the Quicktime, m2v and WMV transfers. These are not giving the camera a fair go. We can't pull m2t clips from FCP (unless someone can tell us how)

If you want a Rugby League clip let me know the best format to post in. it could be worthwhile as once you see it, you can pretty much forget about this camera for fast moving sports coverage.
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Old August 12th, 2005, 05:10 PM   #20
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I downloaded this, and then removed the 'x' on my non-editting machine with QT7 Public Preview 2 PC, and it refuses to play the video. Plays the audio just fine. When it tries to play the video, it wants to take me an Apple website with different codecs listed for download.

And I just tried VLC, and it refuses to play it at all....
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Old August 12th, 2005, 05:11 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Scott Webster
From memory the shutter speed was at 1/30th.
The shutter-speed must be chosen by the CAMERA frame not the RECORDED frame rate. You were shooting at 60p (YES, the camera is shooting 60p not 30p), but recording at 30p. (I have no idea how you came up with 1/30 even if you thought the camera was shooting at 30fps.)

What we know:

Shutter-speed (for a 180-degree shutter) is the reciprocal of the frame-rate (expressed as a decimal number) divided by 2. (Yes, the decimal value is the reciprocal of the frame rate.)

For film: 1 divided by 24 is 0.0417 divided by 2 is 0.0208 by which you divide 1 yielding 48 (th of a second) which is the correct shutter-speed.

So for 48p -- shutter-speed should be 96th of a second -- 1/100.

So for 60p -- shutter-speed should be 120th of a second -- 1/120.

HOWEVER: JVC likely exposes the CCD for the full time of each frame. Now the math changes slightly.

If you used film at 270 degrees, the shutter speed should be 1/32 second. So, if a film camera could have a 360 degree shutter-speed -- it would use a 1/24th second.

So our equation changes to:

Shutter-speed (for a 360-degree shutter) is the reciprocal of the frame-rate (expressed as a decimal number).

For film 1 divided by 24 is 0.0417 by which you divide 1 yielding 24 (th of a second) which is the shutter-speed.

So for 48p -- shutter-speed should 48th of a second -- 1/48.

So for 60p -- shutter-speed should 60th of a second -- 1/60.

Thus if you used 1/30 -- your clips have no value if the MF was also engaged. And, it certainly indicates why everything turns to fudge.

I don't mean to be too harsh, but if folks are going to publish "reviews" and/or clips they have some responsibility to understand the technology they are using. This looks to be a repeat of what happened with the first JVC.

There are dozens and dozens of published stories and posts that explain progressive and how the HD100 works. This information is available at this site (try SEARCH), try GOOGLE, several other sites (incuding, in Video Systems magazine (you can get for free), and the HDV@Work newsletter (from VS) which is also free.

In short, there is no cost to using the many resources available to everyone. I'd hate to think we'll go though the H1/HD10 experience again just because "newbies" simply won't take advantage of all the work done by HDV folks over the last 2-3 years. Most of it posted here!

TIP: when shooting for posting, speak into the camera at the head of the clip what your settings are so we can hear what we are watching.
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Old August 12th, 2005, 05:55 PM   #22
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how can we play this file?
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Old August 12th, 2005, 06:05 PM   #23
Obstreperous Rex
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What's your computer set-up, Jim?

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Old August 12th, 2005, 07:14 PM   #24
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Every time I try to d/l one of these clips linked in this thread all I get is a page of garbage. I'm using a Mac G5, dual 2.7 gig processors, QT7, and at home a Mac mini, 1.25 gig processor, QT7. Any suggestions?
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Old August 12th, 2005, 07:25 PM   #25
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You are "control-clicking" on the link, right Bill?

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Old August 13th, 2005, 12:19 AM   #26
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I've watched this on my Cinema display 23 inch, and while it is nice3 looking, I can't say it is any better or worse than the footage off my FX1/Z1U.

Am I missing something, should I see something more?

I'm not trying to start any sort of flame here, but it's looking alike a nice HDV image.


Darren Kelly
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Old August 13th, 2005, 12:37 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Bill Pryor
Every time I try to d/l one of these clips linked in this thread all I get is a page of garbage. I'm using a Mac G5, dual 2.7 gig processors, QT7, and at home a Mac mini, 1.25 gig processor, QT7. Any suggestions?

With Safari, right click (or command-click) and choose 'download linked file.' Note they have added the letter x to the file extension to prevent folks from streaming it as opposed to downloading it. When the download is complete, remove anything after the .mov extension and confirm your intentions in the pop up dialog box. The file will then play as a regular QT file. Why do folks do this? Because if you stream the file, it will re-stream it everytime you come back and click on the link. This eats up bandwidth and total transfer limits for the person hosting the file and they could quickly get nailed for some nasty over usage charges from their host provider.


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Old August 14th, 2005, 04:44 PM   #28
Obstreperous Rex
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This particular clip has now been withdrawn, but we'll have others available soon. Many thanks to Scott Webster and Matthew Redmond for sharing this video.

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