New Fujinon Lens for JVC ProHD in Highdef mag at
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Old May 22nd, 2008, 12:43 PM   #1
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New Fujinon Lens for JVC ProHD in Highdef mag


I just got the new Highdef magazine,

download the magazine for free

and there is a quick blurb and pic of a new Fujinon lens. On the back page is a new addvertisment by JVC featuring a HD200 with a new Fujinon lens.

Just thought I would see let people know and find out if anyone knows anything else. Didn't see anything on FUjinon's website yet.. so it might be an early announcement. Hopefully NOT vaporware.
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Old May 22nd, 2008, 04:03 PM   #2
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hmmm, with some digging, it seems that they should be out in June and they are a 2/3 chip size.. so add $750 for an adapter.

I think they are these lenses here... no idea on price... So it might be great, it might be great if your are uber rich.

So this might have been a pointless post, but maybe not. Lots of the 2/3 lenses are less than the 1/3 lenses just due to that there are more made per year for a wider market. Well, sorry to get anyone excited if it pans out there is nothing to get excited over.

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Old May 22nd, 2008, 05:02 PM   #3
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wow thats awsome but I think its going to be way out of my range.
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 02:18 AM   #4
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I think its's the bottom one.
High Quality 1/3 inch HD ENG/EFP lens with 2X extender featuring Digi Power servo.
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 03:08 AM   #5
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Select Series 'Value Priced' Standard ENG Style HD lens.

hhmmm, I'm thinking thier idea of 'value priced' and mine are going to be somewhat different!

Still... looking forward to seeing a price on these!
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 03:09 PM   #6
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Well if im looking at the right one its about $9,000 thats twice what I paid for my camera.*&bhs=t
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 03:14 PM   #7
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oh I found them, there for 2/3 inch chips. I guess we'll wait and see if they make a 1/3 inch version.
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 03:32 PM   #8
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$9000 isn't too much to spend on good glass. Thankfully, Fuji has given us a goodly number of options to choose from (including the stock lens), depending on our needs. I've started socking away cash for the 18 x 4.2 myself.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster Blog:
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 03:37 PM   #9
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I think this might be what you are looking for:*&bhs=t

This is the last lens in this link:

It is a 1/3" chip, ProHD, meaning it is built for the JVC ProHD cameras. The B&H photo doesn't show the 2x extender like the ad does.

Since I'm not familiar with all the Fujinon lens for the ProHD cameras, I can't say if this is a new lens or one of the lenses introduced a short while back.
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 04:41 PM   #10
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$9,000 may not be too much for higer end pros but the fact that it cost as much as both of my GY-HD100s I can safely say its WAY out of my reach. The thing about lenses is there a bargin when you buy them with the camera, its when you have to buy them by themselves where the price goes crazy.
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 05:55 PM   #11
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Randy, please understand that this is not intended to offend you in ANY way.

As a "higher end pro" who needs a video zoom lens as opposed to using the COPLA with film Primes, I'm THRILLED that I have the option to move up in quality and wider in scope with a Fuji lens, as opposed to my friends that have bought competing technologies. And yes, I understand that said lens is more expensive than my camera but so was the wide angle lens I used to use at the CBC in front of a BetaSX camcorder.

It's an option, not a requirement thankfully and I'm happy to have the choice and relieved that one of the finest manufacturers of video lenses sees enough longevity in the camera that I wagered my business' foray into HD content on to give us REAL options. I mean, a 2x extender is available? For a camera that cost me under $6000? 11 years ago when I started Media College, I NEVER would have thought this would have been possible.

Again, the lens isn't for everybody, but neither is the COPLA and no one seems to be complaining about it costing $4500 or so without a lens to place in front of it.

Again folks, just my 2 cents but I'm THRILLED!
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster Blog:
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Old May 23rd, 2008, 06:30 PM   #12
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Oh im not offended, Except at the $9,000 price tag:) the lenses that comes with the GY-HD100 is poor I understand but it works for me I just wish it went wider. I have a wide angle adapter but its soft. I understand the higher end guys need OPTIONS I just wish there were some OPTIONS for use lower guys too. The list on the bundled lense that came with my camera is like $2,500 (more than its worth) I would pay $2,500 for a simular lense that was %20-30 wider. I know how glass prices work I am a engineer for a t.v. station I just think its funny how bundles work. My camera before this one was a AJ-D215 (DVC pro) it was a $5,000 camera that came with a charger 2 anton/bauer batterys and a really good Fuji 17X1 lense. I wanted to buy another lenses for one of my other 215s the lense by itself was $6,500 it made more sense for me to buy a whole other kit:)
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Old May 24th, 2008, 01:21 AM   #13
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This is the mother of all lenses for our cameras

if you don't mind the costs, its the 18x4.2 BERM which gives a focal length of 4.2 - 151mm.

its' about $14000 roughly at BHphoto, but this is the proper image of the lens, the one on b&H is the BRM version.

My thing would be I'd want to see if you can try before you buy, I mean that's a lot of $$ to fork out if it doesn' do what you expect, I used a 1/2 BERM Fujinon on HD101s using the adapter, it was ok in Standard Def 4:3, but when we used the 2x extender it went way soft, on the Panasonic DV2000 it came off it was sharp, so I guess the soft factor was the adapter and conversion from 1/2 to 1/3. I guess you just want to make sure this lens is just as sharp with the extender engaged as with it not. Otherwise the exercise is pointless. But considering the only other option in the 1/3 inch lenses is the Canon 20x, another lens I've never seen footage from, for a little more money your getting a whole lot more versatile lens.
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Old May 24th, 2008, 05:08 AM   #14
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Hi guys.

I think you may have this wrong...isn't the new range pre-fixed ZA ???

as in


I might be wrong but I don't think they are currently available and if so, hey you never know, we may still be able to dream of that bargain HD lens ;-)

Last edited by Mat Thompson; May 24th, 2008 at 08:03 AM.
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Old May 24th, 2008, 07:36 AM   #15
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Mat, do you have a link to the "ZA prefix" for 1/3" lenses you mention? The fujinon site should be authoritative, and it appears this line is only for 2/3" cams. I think the lens in the magazine picture is definitely the HTs18x4.2BERM - the "E" lens has that wart on the camera left side. ($14,000)

It's definitely great to have these lenses available. For those near larger cities, many of these will be available for rent.

Randy. The 17x lens is available in some packages from JVC. It's about $3000, and it really is a significant improvement. I valued the standard lens at well under $1000, given the price difference of the camera sans lens.
The 13x lens is about 40% of what it originally was, and this is a real beauty. I hope I can afford one while the 1/3" format is still viable!
Sean Adair - NYC -
JVC GY-HM-700 with 17x5 lens, MacPro 3.2ghz 8-core, 18gb. (JVC HD200 4 sale soon)
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