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Old August 6th, 2008, 12:28 PM   #16
New Boot
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Location: Lansing, MI
Posts: 6
Thanks Shaun!

I saw the cc-197 on the Kata site, but the link to the page seems to be broken. However, if I'm not mistaken, it appears to be a slightly larger version of the cc-195.

Have you had any issues getting your case on board a plane? Some airlines can be quite strict about dimensions and I don't want to have to buy another seat for my gear (as much as I love it, the overhead compartment will do), or worse check it in.
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Old August 6th, 2008, 12:50 PM   #17
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I don't have the 200, but I've carried my 110 with the Anton/Bauer Tandem charger and Hytron 140 stuck on the back which is not such a short combination on four or five flights last June.

I have it in a Camrade case that I got from Scott at Tapeworks.

The case is at least 4 inches longer than the official carry on limit, but no problem getting it in the overhead on Southwest.

According to the TSA website, media cameras are exempt from carry on size restrictions as long as they can be safely stowed on the aircraft. And I don't think anyone at the security line will mistake a JVC with A/B battery on the back for a consumer handycam!

In fact, I've had the TSA security guys tell me to not bother taking it out of the case as soon as I showed them what it was.
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Old August 6th, 2008, 01:15 PM   #18
New Boot
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Location: Lansing, MI
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Thanks also to Eric and Jim!


From what I can find on the interwebs, your Camrade looks like a really nice case. I see you posted the dimensions of the TM-640 as 11" x 14" x 24" earlier in this thread. That makes me a little nervous because the airlines I usually fly with don't allow bags of that size (according to their websites). For example: Northwest & Delta - 9" x 14" x 22", BA - 9.85" x 17.5" x 22".
I suppose the thing to do is to call ahead and ask, just as you did yourself and hope they will bend the rules a little. In my case (no pun intended), I think I will call around before I make my purchase.


I wasn't aware of those TSA exemptions; that's very good news indeed.

Edit: As a side note - I was hoping for a little advice; I didn't expect 3 really helpful individuals to come through in such a short span of time. Thanks again everyone! This really is a wonderful community to be a part of.
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Old August 6th, 2008, 01:33 PM   #19
Inner Circle
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It's what we do here, Brendan. Glad to be of help.

The only thing to concern yourself with the TSA exemption is you are at the mercy of the security/check in people who may not be as willing as the TSA to actually MAKE that exemption for you... (or possibly have never heard of it and are unwilling to look into it for you). While MOST people at International airports are accommodating, when lines are long and tempers are short, routinely the EASIEST thing for the agent to do is "insist" that the "offending" article be checked.

My significant other until VERY recently worked at our airport here and some baggage handlers were recently "caught" deliberately throwing items marked fragile several feet into the air on purpose, allowing them to crash to the ground. My equipment ALWAYS travels carry on! Mind you, I until recently only has a Sony PD150 or Z1 to worry about. The semi-full-sized HD200 may prove to have it's own issues.

I may very well look into the Camrade as a carry-on solution as well.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster Blog:
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Old August 6th, 2008, 02:18 PM   #20
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I had the same decision to make a few months back. I've got Lightware cases for my lights and sound gear and love them. I've used Portabrace, Kata, etc over the years. I decided on the Portabrace CO-AB-MB:

It is a great bag and the black is much better than the standard portabrace blue in my opinion. :)
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Old August 13th, 2008, 10:53 AM   #21
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in the midwest (at least in des moines) a lot of the connecting flights are TINY planes, that have virtually NO overhead space. but there isnt a chance in heck that I am CHECKING my camera, as if it doesnt show up, I am out a camera for my shoot. so you end up having to take the camera out of the bag, and wrap it in a jacket half the time. never had a problem yet though.

I do want to check out that camrade case though. I still need a good car bag.
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