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All about the original single-CCD HDV camcorders from JVC.

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Old May 27th, 2007, 12:58 PM   #76
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sounds good , looking forward to seeing your clip.
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Old May 27th, 2007, 02:09 PM   #77
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I am trying to upload a clip. The problem is that the site that I am able to upload to only allows a 20MB max. At that size, I am loosing all of the resolution pretty much. I have kicked out avi's of the clip, but they are 576MB. This is an area I am green on, any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I am currently trying to send out a realmedia clip also, hoping it will look better than the windows media file. Keep your fingers crossed..

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Old May 27th, 2007, 02:37 PM   #78
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wish i could help but i do all my encoding on a mac with either quicktime pro or compressor.
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Old May 27th, 2007, 02:49 PM   #79
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Hmmnnn... I am trying to figure something out..
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Old May 28th, 2007, 01:29 AM   #80
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Yes JVC's do not work with or use Lanc devices. They use Jlip devices.
Damnit Jim, I'm a film maker not a sysytems tech.
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Old May 28th, 2007, 03:19 AM   #81
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Hi Ken! Jlip devices? I will have to Google that one. Is there an adapter for lanc to Jlip then? Maybe that is the key?
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Old May 28th, 2007, 07:42 AM   #82
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Originally Posted by Damon Gaskin View Post
Hi Ken! Jlip devices? I will have to Google that one. Is there an adapter for lanc to Jlip then? Maybe that is the key?
You can search this forum for info. The Jlip, Lanc and remote zoom/focus control for the HD1/HD10 topics have been gone over and I didn't see that a solution was found. Although, the threads were from 2004 and 2005, so maybe something else has come up since then?
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Old May 28th, 2007, 08:17 AM   #83
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Hi Dave! Nope, I dont believe after searching the net myself also that its going to work at all. But to be honest, the more I play with the cam, the more I realize that it doesnt even really matter. This one is working well for me, and the zoom toggle is pretty good, so its not a biggie at all. It would be a little icing on the cake, but definately not a requirement for my purposes and useage. At B&H they said they were going to remove this as an accessory, though after checking the site this morning, its still there. But it is a holiday weekend.

I have gone through almost an hour and a half of tape already just playing with it, and took a few stills to get used to that function also. Though I probably will not use the still function much at all. I also tried the webcam function just to see if it would work, and for me it did not with WLM or YIM. So that ends that, but I also did not purchase the camera for webcamming, so once again, for my purposes, this doesn't matter to me at all.

I am getting used to the rings a bit also, and their reversed(for my brain it seems reversed) turning and am getting pretty good with the focus in stationary. I am going to practice next trying to rack focus while panning and zooming. Once I get those down, I will be really doing something. But it seems pretty easy to focus with it. I still haven't gotten the hang of the zoom ring as it seems sort of jumpy. It definately isn't as smooth as the focus ring for me. But maybe it's like my mode switch and needs a bit of breaking in(the mode switch for me was very tight the first few times I turned it, and is just fine now) and practice time. Not sure, but the toogle is pretty good and easy at holding a nice slow zoom, so that works for me. Still a lot of practice on it though.

All in all, I really do like this camera. I need to figure out the flow to injest the video as quickly and easily as possible(device control with scene detect wld be nice), but I have discovered I can just as easily capture via component or svid and it looks great as well. So it will take a few more days and investigation(didn't realize I would have to do this with an older model camera) to get a solid flow and then I will be even more off and running...


Also, I did some low light tests and am very satisfied with the results. It easily from what I saw on the viewfinder of the FX7, matches that performance with the gain turned a bit up. I got a little noise from clips that are shot in very dark and I didn't manually white balance. But besides that, I love the look and the functions... I think its a great cam. Much better than the consumer tiny toy cameras for the same price range for a person looking at a second camera but not wanting to spend 2500 to 3 grand on a HD unit. I think its an excellent compromise of function, performance and cost...
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Old May 28th, 2007, 10:57 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by Damon Gaskin View Post
I have gone through almost an hour and a half of tape already just playing with it,
Me, too, except I keep going over and over the same 10-minute area of the test tape. Looks good on the computer but AWESOME on the TV. I've been running my tests and burning DVDs to view them on my TV (no HD-TV yet) and I'm real happy with the results. Did some un-steadycam (while attached to a Great Dane on a leash) tests in a park yesterday and the colors, sharpness, etc. were very very nice. I'd have applauded if it weren't for the need to take motion sickness pills from viewing all the dog induced movement (and my own unsteadiness). :-)

I also tried the webcam function just to see if it would work, and for me it did not with WLM or YIM.
I've used mine several times with Apple's iChat with a friend in Canada. Slow frame rate though, could be my computer as it's getting a bit old.

I need to figure out the flow to injest the video as quickly and easily as possible(device control with scene detect wld be nice), but I have discovered I can just as easily capture via component or svid and it looks great as well.
I've done the usual continuous and batch log/capture and all is working well.

I think its a great cam. Much better than the consumer tiny toy cameras for the same price range for a person looking at a second camera but not wanting to spend 2500 to 3 grand on a HD unit. I think its an excellent compromise of function, performance and cost...
I definitely like mine. Makes me question a lot of the reviews I'd read.
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Old May 28th, 2007, 11:51 AM   #85
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Hi Dave:

Do you have your OIS turned on? I realized when I shot my first footage handheld that I had turned it off. I turned it on, and it smoothed things out considerably! Like night and day.

And I burned one dvd so far and it looked great. I am trying the footage now to encode at a very high bitrate(35Mbs) and trying to burn to standard disc. I don't believe the dvd player will be able to read it at all, but I wanted to just see what it will do and how long it will take to encode.

And for Premiere I am getting ready to try to get in there for a bit. I really have a project that I need to work on, and I got sidetracked after getting this camera. But I am going to try different settings to see how they work out with capturing. The goal ultimately is the workflow your speaking of and what I am used to with my DV cam.

And you know what, to be honest on your assesment of questioning the reviews, it does the exact same thing to me. It seems quite plainly that they didn't know what they were talking about, or maybe they had pre-production units, as this is really, really IMHO a nice camera. It has the few shortcomings of not being able to adjust and hold multiple manual settings at once for some functions, but besides that, I think its great too. The low light is nothing like I was afraid of at all. I am with you though completely. I read a few of the reviews on B&H for the camera and here, and simply inq about why they were such a contrast with the reviews that I have read. To be honest, the only review I read that was good for the camera was posted on the videomaker site. Everything else I have read was pretty much that the camera can't do this and the camera sucks at that, only to find out that maybe, just maybe they didn't spend enough time with it also. I mean, this thing to me, puts out a very nice image. I can't comment on the auto function as I have only been using manual(which is to be honest probably the strength of the camera) mode, but it has been great! If this is poor performance, then I am afraid of what great is!

And from what I saw and I will say it again, I don't see anymore noise with this one chip three or four year old camera than I did with the FX7 when I played with it in the store. And I had the gain on +9 if I remember correctly. On this cam, I simply have the gain off, I just began manual white balancing, I play with the shutter speed for the effect of the picture I want, I may mess with the exposure, I focus and simply go with it. I find it a real joy to work with. I am not going to say that the reviews are based on monetary means, but it is very strange that all you see is bashing everywhere on this camera and if you get or play with one, the video is very good. Maybe I just haven't had mine long enough, or don't have the critical eye or something... But it is like unfair to me, because it really does seem from the experiences I have had, a very good and viable cam.

Question on your webcamming, did you install the drivers for the cam(from the cd) when prompted or did they pretty much update themselves when you plugged it in? I can get the pictures fine from the SD card, but when I try to plug it in, it doesn't recognize that the cam is on and connected for some reason...
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Old May 28th, 2007, 11:54 AM   #86
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I wish there was a way to post a picture as I would post one of the low light stills I took on 500th shutter speed..
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Old May 28th, 2007, 04:40 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by Damon Gaskin View Post
Do you have your OIS turned on? I realized when I shot my first footage handheld that I had turned it off. I turned it on, and it smoothed things out considerably! Like night and day.
They don't make OIS that strong. I had the camera in one hand and a 110-pound dog that wanted to run and play in the other. That's not easy to steady...without a steak. :-)

I mean, this thing to me, puts out a very nice image. I can't comment on the auto function as I have only been using manual(which is to be honest probably the strength of the camera) mode, but it has been great!
My guess is that people were basing things on unfair comparisons and unreasonable expectations for the money. It was the first HD camera under $4,000. People seemed to be looking for features, etc. that would have kicked the camera right out of the price range. My friend's attitude when he saw it for $1,500 was that if it even worked it was a smokin' deal. He figured it was a "one job camera" and worth it for the price if that's all they got from it. Well, now they have several and are recommending them to friends.

His thoughts are that JVC put out a darn nice prosumer camera with prosumer features and excellent image quality that was for Joe/Jane hobby shooter to play HD with shooting the kids and vacations. However, pros took notice and started buying them instead of some of the real "pro" cameras which probably was not the design. The HD10 seems like kind of an afterthought with just the minor tweaks and the added unbalanced XLR setup. They were decent originally but at $1200-1500 they are seriously nice deals and an awful a lot of bang for the buck.

Question on your webcamming, did you install the drivers for the cam(from the cd) when prompted or did they pretty much update themselves when you plugged it in? I can get the pictures fine from the SD card, but when I try to plug it in, it doesn't recognize that the cam is on and connected for some reason...
Well...I haven't even touched the CD. On the Mac all I did was wrap the Firewire cable around the core filter, connect to the Mac and play with Final Cut Pro and iMovie in HD and DV modes. I clicked on Start a Video Chat in iChat and was good to go.

I then connected it to my Winbox in DV mode and ran Microsoft Movie Maker -- which I didn't even know I had until a friend told me to try it to see if it worked, just to check to see if the camera showed up. It did and I was able to capture and play in Movie Maker. That's all I've done on Windows so far.
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Old May 28th, 2007, 05:06 PM   #88
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LOL, steak! But I do understand that.

And hmnnn, your friends acessment sounds pretty good to be honest. I agree completely with the lot of bang for the buck. It is a really nice camera and as you and both have found out and agree with your friend, its fabulous for the price. I mean, for gods sake, I am comparing it to a 2700 dollar camera that is a couple generations later for HDV. And its still kicking well. I am glad that they didn't delete this thread! It has been instrumental in the purchase and playing with this camera.

And you know, Windows sucks for things of this nature. Apple/mac is far ahead. The strange thing that I cannot figure out is that premiere from Adobe's site says the camera is fully compatable. Maybe I have something set wrong in the output of the firewire or something. I have mine set to SW and have also toggled between the DV and Mpeg2 setting for playback, both with no joy with firewire. The component and Svid as I stated are working fine and I can pretty much capture in any setting that I choose. But the firewire is a completely different animal and I haven't been sucessful yet. But its brand new, and probably something I am doing, so I am just taking it as such and attempting to ask questions on it.

I will try to download windows movie maker to see if it will work with it just for kicks. But it would be really retarded if movie maker will accept it via firewire and premiere will not...

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Old May 28th, 2007, 07:57 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by Damon Gaskin View Post
its fabulous for the price. I mean, for gods sake, I am comparing it to a 2700 dollar camera that is a couple generations later for HDV. And its still kicking well.
I was actually looking for a better DV than I have when my friend suggested that I look at the HD1 instead. Seemed silly to buy DV for the same or more when I can have HDV, too.

And you know, Windows sucks for things of this nature. Apple/mac is far ahead.
I can't agree with you there. While I like my Macs (I have six...aging though), they're just tools and there's a lot of stuff out there for Windows only -- notice there wasn't a Mac CD with the JVC?

I've pretty much decided that I'll be building/buying a nicer Winbox for video work fairly soon. I know how to use FCP but will be learning Sony Vegas in the not too distant future and possibly Premiere. I'm going to borrow a notebook with DV Rack and Vegas on it and I'm looking forward to that for the added control and dog and pony appeal of it.

The strange thing that I cannot figure out is that premiere from Adobe's site says the camera is fully compatable. Maybe I have something set wrong in the output of the firewire or something.
I haven't looked but I'd have thought all of that has been figured out and messages on how to do it posted here and elsewhere. You check the Adobe forums? Here?

I will try to download windows movie maker to see if it will work with it just for kicks. But it would be really retarded if movie maker will accept it via firewire and premiere will not...
I don't think Movie Maker will handle HDV, DV for sure. I'm kind of lost here as I thought you already had pulled in video and that's what you were trying to downsize, right? iMovie on the Mac was HD ready before FCP was, that was weird.

Do you have the correct settings in Premiere for the HDV file? Here's a shot in the dark, just found this link and maybe something you need is in it?

Should be some help in this forum, too. Maybe start a new thread -- after searching for the answer first. Good luck!
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Old May 28th, 2007, 08:15 PM   #90
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i sure do enjoy reading all these posts and verifying that my purchase of the HD1 seems to be a good one. It seems my camera has finally started its journey up to Canada and is supposed to be here either wednesday or thursday. Until then ill have to live vicariously through you guys.

I cant wait to see how my Macbook handles the HDV footage.
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