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All about the original single-CCD HDV camcorders from JVC.

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Old March 13th, 2003, 11:19 PM   #1
HDV Cinema
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With more data from Japan, the site is updated!

Thanks to good info from Japan I have made major corrections to the CCD section -- added more JVC specs -- and included Blu-ray stuff.

So you if you looked at my update of a few days ago -- sorry but there are new corrections.
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Old March 15th, 2003, 07:11 AM   #2
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Steve, I see that your book (which I've ordered and am anxiously looking forward to) release date has been moved back a few months. I'm glad you're taking your time to get it right. A suggestion for another chapter-- the future of HD as best you can discern it. To this end, I hope you get a chance to go to NAB and put your ear to the ground. I'd like to know what the other manufacturer's roll-out plans are. Will they wait on the sideline to see how well the HD1 sells before commiting (even rushing into production) themselves? Do they plan a multi-tier system like JVC with "HD-lite" quality as well as mid and high-level quality? Do they plan to work with existing formats or will this be the time to unveil strange new acquisition mediums? What lies beyond HD in practical terms or is this truly the end of the road? If it is the end of the road, should the buyer take a "devil may care" attitude and throw his money at anything that comes along...figuring it won't get much better? Back to JVC, should we support the HD1(0) or should we wait for a lower-noise amplifier or a three-chip version or whatever?
I think we're at a crossroad here and I certainly want to play a part in making it happen NOW. But I don't want to be blind and throw my money around foolishly. I'm sure the manufacturers have a five-year plan. Maybe we consumers should have a purchasing strategy as well. Otherwise we end up looking like a bunch of starving dogs snatching up crumbs beneath the king's table!
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Old March 19th, 2003, 02:41 AM   #3
HDV Cinema
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<<< I'd like to know what the other manufacturer's roll-out plans are. Will they wait on the sideline to see how well the HD1 sells before commiting (even rushing into production) themselves? Do they plan a multi-tier system like JVC with "HD-lite" quality as well as mid and high-level quality? Do they plan to work with existing formats or will this be the time to unveil strange new acquisition mediums? What lies beyond HD in practical terms or is this truly the end of the road? If it is the end of the road, should the buyer take a "devil may care" attitude and throw his money at anything that comes along...figuring it won't get much better? >>>

Sony has publically hinted an optical consumer HD camcorder soon. But, they may have been fibbing a bit to throw cold water on JVC. It will be MPEG-2.

I think we will see exactly the same progress as with DV. First a VX1000 appears. Then the dam breaks and eventually you can buy one under $500 and over $30K.

During the process we'll get features like 5.1 audio.

And then something better, and incompatible, will be released.
Switcher's Quick Guide to the Avid Media Composer >>> http://home.mindspring.com/~d-v-c
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Old March 19th, 2003, 06:31 AM   #4
Major Player
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I hope you're right. After all, the VX1000 set the affordable standard for visual quality for years. Some still think it's the image to beat! We can only wish the best for the HD1(0).
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