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Old September 16th, 2004, 08:33 AM   #346
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Use Optical Image stabilizer on crane shots?

I made a 13' pan and tilt crane last week (with footage)

and have been shooting a project the last 2 nights and forgot all about OIS on the HD10u which I had set to ON but the manual says to turn this OFF when using tripods, has anyone found the best results when using a crane with this camcorder or holding it out the window of a car or any other thing simulating the camera moving in a pan situation where the camera itself is panning and not the tripod?

My footage looks good but I want great if thats possible and using the CU VH1 as a monitor is not the best playback device because everything looks great on it because its so dinky. Any other advice with crane shots concerning the HD10 and its various "tendencies" would be appreciated.

If no one knows then I guess I will experiment tonight and report back, if anyone is interested
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Old September 16th, 2004, 09:26 AM   #347
MPS Digital Studios
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My first instinct would be to turn it off, because when the OIS is on while sitting on a tripod, the image is almost like moving water, if that makes sense. It's more apparent on a Canon XL-1 for me.

BUT, cranes can sometimes be a little shakey, esp. the cheap ones like my friend uses. Maybe do experiments with the OIS on and off, and tell us what your image looked like.

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Old September 30th, 2004, 05:10 AM   #348
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'Nothing Comes Close' movie shot with HD10U

Hey guys, check this out! Also, make sure you click on the images to the right of the article....they're huge, but worth the download. This film looks like it had LOTS of motion, so I'd really like to see it!

Interesting quote from the article:

".....the images recorded by the JY-HD10 camcorder were converted by Lumiere to MPEG2, and dropped into Final Cut Pro, which in turn scaled the images up to a full 1080p. This final output was compatible with the main timeline edit. The movie was edited on a Mac G5 dual 1.8GHz with two HUGE raid systems totaling 1.2 terabytes."

Christopher C. Murphy
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Old September 30th, 2004, 05:17 AM   #349
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New PDF file about the HD10U

I've never seen this PDF file before, so I'm posting it's about 5 megs, and contains a full article and information about editing in various OS's. Worth a look!

Christopher C. Murphy
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Old September 30th, 2004, 07:25 AM   #350
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This is Great.

Maybe Doug will put us a link fro download?

by the way, why its cropped to 2:35 ?

it was shoot with an adaptor?

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Old October 1st, 2004, 07:20 AM   #351
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This is very old: November 2003.

As you know, editing on the Mac has largely improved since then. ;)

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Old October 12th, 2004, 05:05 PM   #352
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JVC joins Blu-Ray

Victor Co. of Japan Ltd. (JVC) has joined the Blu-ray Disc Association, the company and association said in a statement issued on Monday.

Lots happening lately...

Christopher C. Murphy
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Old November 3rd, 2004, 09:55 PM   #353
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Who would be interested in this....DVD

Chris has approved this post on the FX1, so I thought I'd put it here too.

I'm thinking of building a DVD of sample footage that would contain:

HD1 vx FX1 in Side by Side tests
FX1 vs XL2 in side by side tests

FX1 in it's various frame rates shooting several subjects - skin tone, wide angle, detail, close up, poor light, outdoor, etc.

XL2 in it's various frame rates, shooting severl subjects, as above.
In short something that would be 10-12 minutes in length in SD on a DVD - BUT contain the original files for you to view in their native formats on the DVD.

We sell it for $14.95 plus $5.00 shipping for a total of $19.95. You would be welcome to a $10.00 rebate on the release of our future products on the XL2 and the FX1.

If you would be interested in this - or want to make a suggestion, please email me at

I just thought this might be a help, and if enough people are interested, we would produce it in the next 7 days and get it out fast. I don't see it as a huge money maker, but a service to our community of users and enthusists.

I await your input.


Darren Kelly
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Old November 4th, 2004, 04:20 AM   #354
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Rob Lohman,
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Old November 13th, 2004, 12:04 AM   #355
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Just watched a FTA digital documentary made with JVC PD1s

Well..... Imagine my surprise to turn on the HD 'giggle box' and find an Aussie nature documentary (Wild Adventures) very obviously made in large part with the PAL version of the JVC camcorder. The presenter was constantly shooting with one in hand and shots of the vehicle rig showed at least another set up for tripod shooting.

I was surprised to see that a 'local' had decided the negative hype (not true 'Broadcast Quality', HDV artifacting etc etc Blah, blah.... blah), was worth ignoring.

I'm sure the run of the mill punter in the viewing audience would have been impressed with the nature footage they saw in the documentary, because they'd be blissfully ignorant of the prejudice being shown by a few self-professed gurus of the video communication medium.

Also brave of the unknown channel 9 Sydney programmer for showing something shot with a cam that video gear rental houses here classify as 'an inconsequential and incapable camcorder'.
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Old November 17th, 2004, 08:18 AM   #356
MPS Digital Studios
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A news station in Tampa had a Creative Services producer putting an ad or two on the air shot on the HD10 last year and earlier this year.

I shot some stuff for a non-news local station from the HD10 and downconverted to DV.

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Old January 19th, 2005, 01:06 AM   #357
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HD waveform monitor for HD10U?

Anybody ever try to use an HD waveform monitor for their HD10U? Which one do you recommend? From what I understand, the component out on the camera is analog and shows the footage at 480/30p, so does this mean I can get away with using an SD waveform monitor with component input?
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Old January 19th, 2005, 11:50 PM   #358
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The component out is 480p60 uncompressed or 720p30 with compression.
Damnit Jim, I'm a film maker not a sysytems tech.
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Old January 23rd, 2005, 12:52 AM   #359
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HD10U Short Movie - triggerstreet

Hello there,

Everyone who wants to check out a short-movie i did with mine JVC-HD10U, go to WWW.TRIGGERSTREET.COM and look for ADULT CONTEMPORARY. the short was chosen for the site festival selection.

thanks a lot for everything, you people do help me a lot, this short was made with this site support.

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Old January 27th, 2005, 10:17 AM   #360
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JVC HD1 for shooting surfing?

Have any of you shot surfing with this camera? Im concern about the 30p and the wave's movement, along with the panning while zoomed. Please advice me. I can edit HD and also view HD. My vids, however, will most likely end up in DVD. Im an amateur in Hawaii. I've thought about the VX2100, specially after viewing "Cheap Thrills", whjch was shot with the VX. Looked incredible, although not HD. However, HD is very tempting. I've viewed some clips on a Japanese site from the JVC, looked amazing, film-like (30p?), but the shooter barely panned and there wasn't much action.
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