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Old November 6th, 2003, 10:05 AM   #181
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Artifacting at the end of tape

Seems like the final minute of material on each tape has heavy artifacting. It is not 100% constant though (some much worst than others).
I dont remember ever reading of this being a problem.
Any insight??

Steven Galvano
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Old November 6th, 2003, 10:13 AM   #182
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I too have noticed this... at the beginning also.
I'm using jvc mini dv tapes and kinda figured that I needed to pack the tape first. I haven't tried it yet though. I didn't want to burn my cameras motors fast forwarding and rewinding each tape before i used it.
Next time I'm gonna try TDK or Sony dv tapes.

Erik Rangel
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Old November 6th, 2003, 10:48 AM   #183
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The first few minutes and last few minutes of tape are statistically more likely to have dropouts and other anomalies than the rest of the tape. I record bars for the first minute or so and try to never record anything important on the last minute or two. If I am shooting a critical scene and the tape comes to an end, I always reshoot the last minute or two to be safe.
Jeff Donald
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Old November 6th, 2003, 08:57 PM   #184
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Audio glitch at scene changes

I am noticing a short drop-out in the audio at each scene change when I play back recordings in HD mode taken with my GR-HD1U. I timed the silent period to be about .88 sec before the audio starts up at every new scene. The video plays back normally. I've read a lot of reviews and boards both before and after buying the camera and don't recall anyone reporting this phenomenon. Is anyone else experiencing these audio drop-outs, or do I have a defective unit? (If you are NOT experiencing the audio glitch, I'd like to hear feedback about that, too.)


Mike Pershing is offline  
Old November 6th, 2003, 11:05 PM   #185
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Re: Audio glitch at scene changes

<<<-- Originally posted by Mike Pershing : I am noticing a short drop-out in the audio at each scene change when I play back recordings in HD mode taken with my GR-HD1U. I timed the silent period to be about .88 sec before the audio starts up at every new scene. The video plays back normally. I've read a lot of reviews and boards both before and after buying the camera and don't recall anyone reporting this phenomenon. Is anyone else experiencing these audio drop-outs, or do I have a defective unit? (If you are NOT experiencing the audio glitch, I'd like to hear feedback about that, too.)


Mike -->>>

Call JVC on this one; I can't remember if my HD10 did it, because I did a lot of work in DV for my documentary about my movie. The rest of the doc was shot on an XL-1, hence the DV mode.

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Old November 7th, 2003, 02:39 PM   #186
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Audio glitch


This is a known idiosyncrasy with both the HD1 and HD10. I posted it some time ago on this forum. It doesn’t seem to get much negative critique since most people edit all scenes. Just have to account for it recording.
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Old November 7th, 2003, 05:30 PM   #187
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Thanks, Raymond. I had intended to also search DV Info Net on this, but then forgot after I signed up. Nobody ever confirmed this anomally on any of the other boards I posted to. I'm still researching the various potential Mac editing solutions before I can do any editing, though.

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Old November 9th, 2003, 03:35 PM   #188
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New HDV forum - check it out

One of our good buddies has created a great forum for HDV while we tried to figure out if we needed one here -

It's got sub-forums for lots of topics and I'm sure he'll create whatever we ask for without a problem.

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Old November 13th, 2003, 03:09 PM   #189
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Picture mode question/test?

I was looking at the Marine Pack and noted that it didn't mention control of digital stills from the housing so I referenced the HD10 manual. The manual stated that when you snap a pic during HD video mode, it saves it to the memory card as well as long as you've set that option up in the menu settings.

Can anyone verify if you can do this while in REC PAUSE?

That would make the marine pack a more viable option because you wouldn't have to worry about switching the selector to picture mode to snap an underwater pic.

If it can only record to memory while you are actually recording, no biggie...

Anyone taking digital stills with this unit?


Future HD10 owner in waiting! :)
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Old November 15th, 2003, 11:04 AM   #190
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JVC capture App

Will the JVC capture app work under win2000?
It says XP only, but may xp only apps work under 2k


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Old November 17th, 2003, 10:10 AM   #191
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Never mind. I found the answer....
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Old November 19th, 2003, 05:49 PM   #192
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Refresher: How to make links to web site addresses

Chris Hurd and the wranglers have showed the way. When putting down an, it doesn't automatically become "hyper linked." Here's what you do:

Make this--

[ url ] [ /url ]

But make sure there are NO spaces, like I put up there, between any of the letters. I had to do that because it automatically hyperlinks if I don't put spaces between [ and url, etc.

Please do this, so others can simply click on the link.


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Old November 22nd, 2003, 01:08 PM   #193
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Telephoto Lens suggestion for GR-HD1?

Preferably a greater than 1.6X magnification....

Minimal Vignetting, clean image, under $500?

Any suggestions?


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Old November 22nd, 2003, 07:35 PM   #194
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Century Optics are the cleanest lenses I've tried. They make a 2X (I've heard this is what ESPN uses) with a 58mm thread so you just use a 58 to 52mm converter. At the widest setting of the JVC there is some vignetting so ya just go in a bit. It lists for $495. They also make a great .65 (no vignetting even at the widest setting) for the same list price.

Geoff Pepos

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Old November 27th, 2003, 06:18 AM   #195
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Accessories for HD10U - Xmas list updates!

Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

I'd like to get an updated list of accessories that people here recommend. It's the Holiday season and I'm sure we're all asking the Mrs. (or Mr.?) to buy us some toys.

Please post your recommendations (copy the list before you hit "reply", so you can answer the questions easily) on equipment mainly related to the JVC HD camera only. Also, please try and keep it to what you actually use and not what you've heard sounds good. It should be first person useage!


Preferred Tape Stock?

Extra Batteries?

Lenses and Filters?

Shotgun Mic and boom poles?

Wireless Mics (lavs, handheld)?

Preferred Audio capturing equipement (like a DAT, ProTools etc.)?

Travel Cases?

Cleaning Materials for Lenses?

Matte Boxes?

Video Editing Software preferred (both PC and Mac solutions)?

Audio Editing Software preferred? (both PC and Mac)?

Lighting Kits (or specific lights used)?

Stedicam or similar products?

Extreme conditions products (like underwater gear)?

Video and Audio Cables preferred?

Memory sticks?

Misc and "must have" gear?


Christopher C. Murphy
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